• 一旦救援创建完成,可以轻松的使用卡巴斯基工具来扫描硬盘清理系统了。

    Once you’ve created the rescue disc, it’s relatively easy to have Kaspersky’s app scan the hard drives and clean the system.


  • 家里学习指南这样家人就可以看到通过电子邮件发一份朋友,这样他们知道什么时候空闲时间

    Put up a copy of your study guide at home so you and your family can see it, and email a copy to your friends so they know when you have spare time.


  • 想让现在知道,这样我们就可以珍惜我们接下来在一起的每一刻。

    I want you to know now, then we can value each other every moment we have left together.


  • 这样他们就可以知道开始知道期盼

    They should all know what your expectations are from the beginning.


  • 什么事也不去做几年光景,可以自称为经验的冥想者、哲学家政客

    Sit around doing nothing for a couple years, and you can call yourself an experienced meditator, philosopher, or politician.


  • 如果一开始,大脑结构具有更高的密度,那么可以帮助善于交际

    If these brain structures happen to be more dense from the start, that may help you to be more sociable.


  • 所以如果没有激活经济学家在线账户或许可以现在激活确保周五这个应用上线可以立即使用

    So if you have not already activated your Economist online account you may wish to activate it now to ensure that you will have immediate access via the apps when they launch on Friday.


  • 这里只需要一小段简单脚本可以使电脑输入密码的时候开始加载桌面

    With a simple script, you can set your PC up to start loading your desktop before you even type in your password.


  • 测试越多相应测试进行改进,你就可以更加确信网站没有偏轨,确信符合目标用户需要的。

    The more you test and change based on what you learn, the more confident you can be that the site will meet your objectives and your users' needs when it is launched.


  • 这些重复的工作检查很令人沮丧的,还浪费精力,因为本来可以第一遍的时候轻松工作踏踏实实的做好

    Re-doing or re-checking your work when you could just take it easy and do it right the first time is frustrating and a waste of energy.


  • 如果打听他们很好的合作对象,只要一些人去参加议价谈判了,甚至只要带一个代表去可以了。

    If the word is they're sweethearts to work with, you should be okay with a minimal team, maybe a single representative is enough.


  • 因为90%企业主没有营销计划,如果创建了一份属于自己的切实可行的营销计划的话,可以保证商业竞争中更胜一筹,这样更能达到自己的目标

    Since 90% of small business owners do not have a plan, you'll have a leg up on your competition by crafting your personal, workable marketing plan to ensure that you reach your business goals.


  • 但是不再需要别人需要,当真正停止想要时,寂寞变成孤单可以看到了。

    But when you no longer need to be needed, when you truly stop wanting to be wanted, that's when your loneliness changes into aloneness. And you begin to see Love.


  • 读者文摘解答:如果20分钟之内就可以,只关掉显示器好,如果超过2个小时不会再用它的话关掉它吧。

    Reader's Digest Version: If you won't be using it for 20 minutes, turn off the monitor. If it won't be needed for more than two hours, turn off the computer.


  • 表示如果风险开方,检查次数很多所以只要让甲乘客乘客检查10就可以了。

    He says if you take the square root of their risk it Narrows the gap between them - so you check Mr X only 10 times more often than Mr Y.


  • 不要以为做完完事了,也意味可以全美体育网,冰箱里拿一桶啤酒开始面前放屁打嗝

    Just because the deed is done and you got your rocks off, doesn't mean you should flip on ESPN, tell her to grab you a can of beer from the fridge and commence farting and belching in front of her.


  • 设计Fours quare更加商业化——对顾客更加友好,因为只要赚取了足够的点数满足商家所定挑战任务要求,你就可以点数兑换真实奖励

    It's designed to be more business - and consumer-friendly than Foursquare specials, as rewards can be redeemed by anyone who earns enough points to satisfy the business-concocted challenges.


  • 一旦段时间养成了一个习惯,”还说,“表明可以简单的事情,你就可以那里起步走向成功。”

    "Once you've established a habit," she continued, "and that you've gotten up at a certain time, you've shown that you can execute something simple and you can build from there."


  • 如果可以上传有趣高品质照片你就可以istockphotos这样的摄影网站图片有人下载照片时,你就开始收

    If you can click interesting, high-quality photographs, you can sell your images on stock photo websites such as iStockPhotos and get paid when someone downloads your photos.


  • 记住某件事作为目的。一条可以马上忘记刚刚一个人名字

    Make it your intention to remember just this alone has helped me to not forget immediately the name of someone I just met.


  • 只需倾斜度色调、圆角阴影属性编写行代码可以改变组件样式而无需开发复杂ComponentUI

    You will be able to change a component style just by coding a few lines on gradient, hue, round corner or shadow properties without the need to develop the complex ComponentUI classes.


  • 那么拥有一个通过打电话完成任务清单只要那么分钟电话空闲的,你就可以看看的“@phone”清单,检查一下是不是可以个电话。

    So you have a list of tasks you do on the phone; whenever you have a few minutes and your phone is handy, you can take a look at your “@phone” list and see if there’s a call you could make.


  • 购买了Prasar瑜珈入门同时获得论坛权限,在那里可以其他成员一起交流和分享进步的快乐。

    When you buy Prasara Yoga primer you also get access to the forum where you can ask questions about the practice or share your progress with other members.


  • 只要学习几分钟你就可以享受使用模拟器的乐趣了,但是想要真正驾驭它可是需要日复一日年复年的练习的,其他大多数驾驶游戏不一样。 那些游戏通常没过多久熟了然后一边。

    The simulator takes minutes to learn and enjoy but a lifetime to master, unlike most driving games which are conquered and then discarded before too long.


  • 有了这个就可以纠正错误,如果着不免真相永远不能改正

    With that you can correct it. If you hide in front of the truth you can never correct it.


  • 逃避这些伤害抵制根源。而一旦愿意体会这种痛楚,抵制消失了。可以放宽心怀了

    The avoidance of this hurt is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go.


  • 逃避这些伤害抵制根源。而一旦愿意体会这种痛楚,抵制消失了。可以放宽心怀了

    The avoidance of this hurt is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go.


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