• 今年夏天倘若去95州际公路,那么你就会看见一个可怜家伙理智留在了那里告诉我那是谁的吗?

    If any of you are planning to be on Interstate 95 this summer, and you see a poor guy's sanity lying there, could you please let me know?


  • 看见一个列车计划时刻表实际抵达时刻表。

    It will show you a table of scheduled times and actual times at each station.


  • 走过就会看见图书馆右边

    Well, go past it and you will see the library on the right.


  • 随着个人意识成长逐渐意识周围灵性导师会看见他们他们交谈也很自然

    As your consciousness grows so you will become aware of the Spirit Helpers around you, you will see them and converse with them quite naturally.


  • 那样时候,看见内在拥有真正力量因为保持欢乐调动宇宙所有能量生活世界就会改变

    It is then that you will see the true power that you have within you, because as you hold to Joy, you will shift all the energies of the Universe, and your life and your world will change.


  • 假如顺着大街走,就会看见那家商店是在右边的。

    If you go along this main street, you will find the store on the right hand side.


  • 就会看见右边有一个邮局

    Cross the bridge, and you will see a post office on your right.


  • 当人世间阴雨灰色罩拉开,是一片银白透明,会看见

    The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it.


  • 马上看见真真切切证据,它们将证明所说的话。

    In just a second you'll see evidence of exactly what I'm talking about.


  • 音乐一种可以看见事物双眼就会看到

    Music is a visible thing, close your eyes, you will see.


  • 它们可以使用较小那个然后你就会看见一个动态等离子

    We can use the small one. And now you see a dynamic plasma.


  • 打开的心房,就会看见面前

    Open your heart and you will see it right in front of you.


  • 例如的眼睛睁开就会看见通过物理视觉注意到记录印象影像

    For example, once your eyes are open you will see, observe and record impressions and images through your physical sight.


  • 现在凝视镜子眼睛就会看见图象改变许多-一些不是人类-所有的灵魂其它网格经验的形象。

    Now stare at the eyes in the mirror and you shall see your image change into many people - some may not be human - all of whom are aspects of your soul experiencing in other grids.


  • 靠得越近长得越快最后一阵光芒的迸发中,你就会看见自己天使真正样子,也自己真正的样子。

    The closer you come, the more it will grow, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself.


  • 向前到底转,看见的办公室。

    You just keep walking to the end, then turn right, you will see it.


  • 内心渴望什么就会看见什么。才是世上真正运作因果

    What you desire you will see. such is the real law of cause and effect as it operates in the world.


  • 只要这么做,只要保持乐观看见乌云背后的线光明。

    You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.


  • 需要最大限度地去努力只要这么,只要能保持乐观你就看见乌云背后的线光明。

    You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.


  • 茂盛设计师名片“按着说明操作,一周之内看见茂盛的植物。”(设计者杰米·维克)。

    Bloomin 'Designer's Business Card "By following the instructions correctly a decent bloom would have been seen within a week." (Designer: Jamie Wieck).


  • 偶尔这时很随意的一抬头看见正在看我们就会对上眼,立刻装做什么事都没有,很自然的把头地下,若无其事的移自己的视线

    Everytime you raise up your head unmindfully, you see me watching you. As soon as our sights join, I bury my head and look away as if nothing had happened.


  • 要是距离观察一下,就会看见这里一些小刀裂缝,压力最大反弹脚那些部位

    Were you to observe closely, you would see that there are slits, cut by a knife, in those parts of the shoe where the pressure of the shoe is greatest against the foot.


  • 真正福气往往痛苦损失失望形态出现忍耐一点,很快看见的真相。

    Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.


  • 真正福气往往痛苦损失失望形态出现忍耐一点,很快看见的真相。

    Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.


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