• 如果可以维持一种健康生活方式怎么样

    Would it be OK if... you could maintain a healthy lifestyle?


  • 通过2 -3个小时一次零食,可以维持一整天新陈代谢

    By eating every 2-3 hours you keep your metabolism running throughout the day.


  • 也许喜欢时而短浅的冲刺-让2人同时获得高强度刺激,时而进行深长的冲刺,同时自己平静下来于是可以维持更长久

    You may also want to try to alternate between short, shallow thrustshighly stimulating for you both — and long deep thrusts, which fill her up while calming you down, so you can last longer.


  • 可以年龄增长的过程中采取一些措施减少腹部脂肪保持精瘦肌肉含量从而维持的身心健康

    There are steps you can take to help reduce abdominal fat and maintain lean muscle mass as you age in order to protect both your physical and mental wellbeing.


  • 这些网站甚至可以提供一个标准的预算记住:记录花费目的为了减少开支不是维持现状

    The sites can even create a sample budget for you, but remember: The goal is to tighten your belt, not maintain the status quo.


  • 可以通过维持一个庞大熟人朋友圈来增加走运的机率。

    You can increase your opportunities for good luck by maintaining a large network of friends and acquaintances.


  • 维持财务健康需要花费太多时间可以拯救生活

    Looking after your financial health doesn't take a lot of time; but it could save your life.


  • 按照这种方案,可以以尽可能的速度跑一个2000(2000米的出力维持时间610分钟之间)。

    To do this, you can do a 2000m as quickly as possible (exertion time for 2000m between 6 and 10 minutes).


  • 此外不象个人退休帐户可变年金账户并不需要固定收入维持所以甚至可以婴儿开设这样的账户。

    Moreover, unlike with an individual retirement account, you don't need earned income to fund a variable annuity, so you can open an account for a toddler.


  • 如果公寓或者高层建筑,可与大厦经理交谈,找到大楼最为安全的地方进行躲避并且要求给大楼内的居住者提供可以维持可以安全出去时的生活所需。

    If you live in an apartment building or high-rise, talk to the manager about the safest place in the building for sheltering and about providing for building occupants until it is safe to go out.


  • 这样非常不错,因为不管白天黑夜时间相同的,每天安排都十分一致可以维持一个有规律的时间表,虽然看起来与众不同

    This is nice because the times are the same whether AM or PM, and they’re consistent from day to day as well, so you can still maintain a regular daily schedule, albeit a very different one.


  • 如果超重肥胖可以通过成功减肥维持这种状态降低心血管疾病风险

    If you're overweight or obese, you can reduce your risk for heart disease by successfully losing weight and keeping it off.


  • 一个重要数据因为如果正在赚钱可以扩张企业而不需要来自其他人帮助的企业是能够维持的。

    This is a critical number because if you are making money, you can grow your business without needing help from anyone else. Your business is sustainable.


  • 即使一种紧急情况太可能切断食物那么时间,应该考虑维持补给可以达到那么长的时间。

    Even though it is unlikely that an emergency would cut off your food supply for two weeks, consider maintaining a supply that will last that long.


  • 通过大量咖啡可以维持体力,同时它们利尿作用所以应该点水补偿

    If you drink a lot of tea and Coffee to keep you going then these have a diuretic effect so you should be drinking water to compensate.


  • 幸运的是方法使即使透露自己开支也可以维持婚姻

    Fortunately there are ways to keep your marriage whole without revealing every dime you spend.


  • 好的训练可以树立信心,而艰难跑步则强健精神所有这些加起来可以动力维持下去。

    The great workouts will build confidence, the challenging "When-can-I-stop" runs will develop mental strength, and all of them combined will keep your momentum flowing.


  • 希望追求的方向应该是热爱的、能够藉以维持生计的职业,并且能够运用一些可以轻松转换其他领域技能

    You'll want to find something you feel passionate about, can make a living doing and that involves using skills you can easily apply to other fields.


  • 通过保持亲密友谊可以建立能够维持情侣关系长久健康情感技巧

    By maintaining all your close friendships, you will keep building the emotional skills that make a long term romantic relationship healthier.


  • 从中可以看到看板含义“在维持连续流通同时限制在制品数量”,一种是“改善”。

    As you'll see here, there are roughly two different meanings of Kanban, one is "Limits WIP while sustaining Continuous Flow", and the other is "Kaizen".


  • 男人维持关系另一性质也许可以挽救婚姻

    As a relationship with an older lover is of different nature, it can complement your marital relationship and can even save it.


  • 可以不工作的部件重新启动,先生解释道至少即将损坏的电子元件维持恢复出的重要数据

    That may help free up binding parts, Mr. Langa explains, or at least let a failing electrical component remain within specs long enough for you to recover your essential data.


  • 可能已经自己健康状况有所了解但是如果能深入了解细节不仅可以设定真实有效的健身目标,还可以监测的健身进程维持健身的积极性

    You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But knowing the specifics can help you set realistic fitness goals, monitor your progress and maintain your motivation.


  • 没有任何办法可以提高生活水平甚至维持不能。

    There is no means by which to improve one's state of being, or even to maintain it.


  • 虽然其中有些网站(主要是ScriptLance提供报酬的撰稿工作,但应该还是可以找到一些不错的活儿来维持生计的。

    While some of them (mainly ScriptLance) don't often offer high paying article writing jobs, you should still be able to find some good starting deals to get you going.


  • 希望追求的方向应该是热爱的、能够借以维持生计的职业,并且能够运用一些可以轻松转换其它领域技能

    You'll want to find something you feel passionate about, can make a living doing and that involves using skills you can easily apply to other fields.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯介绍的,设备电池可维持10小时机器正常工作,所以可以使用所有第三应用程序,比如游戏视频或读在线报纸

    As Steve Jobs says in the presentation above, the device has a 10-hour battery life, so you'll be able to use all the 3rd-party apps, games, video and online newspapers you want.


  • 不过遵循简单法则,动力或许能轻松维持——遵循s.m.a.r.t.设定目标就是一个简单的可以的健身计划提供帮助的技巧。

    However, sometimes motivation can be found by following a very simple formula. Goal setting based upon the S.M.A.R.T..


  • 因此可以通过剧烈运动大力用脑来帮助这些区域维持厚度

    You can therefore help keep these regions thick and healthy through vigorous exercise and bouts of strenuous mental effort.


  • 因此可以通过剧烈运动大力用脑来帮助这些区域维持厚度

    You can therefore help keep these regions thick and healthy through vigorous exercise and bouts of strenuous mental effort.


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