• 开玩笑地对大家:“如果我们一周不用笔记本电脑智能手机,你们会怎么想?”

    Jokingly, I said to the group, "What do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or smartphones?"


  • 在网上发条消息我现在在城里你们什么建议跟我杯咖啡去?

    Post a message saying that you are coming to town, does anyone have advice or want to have coffee?


  • 得就出去,告诉了(作将要娶)女儿女婿你们起来离开地方因为耶和华毁灭

    And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city.


  • 能对他们你们没有权利享受电视里看到上海人伦敦人的生活

    Who are we to tell them that they have no right to the kind of life in Shanghai or London they see on TV?


  • 有没有过那种感觉,你做的的某个事破坏谈话(甚至使你们关系恶化! ?)

    Do you ever get the feeling that maybe something you did or said sabotaged your conversation or worse, your relationship!


  • ,“知道你们真的生气,”“我知道不是你们的,”,“我知道这不是你们期望的”可以帮助父母更为体谅

    Saying things like, "I know you're really mad," "I know this isn't what you wanted for me," or, "I know this isn't what you expected" can help your parents be more understanding.


  • ,“医院回到如何其他孩子呢?我,‘对不起,孩子们,我你们的弟弟(妹妹)忘了回家’吗?”

    "What would I say to my other children, after coming home from the hospital: 'I'm sorry, I forgot to bring your family member home'?" she said.


  • 波斯特如果你们办公室客户供应商礼物,你没有必要再额外送了。

    If your office sends out gifts to clients and vendors, there's 'no need to do something on top of that,' says Ms. Post.


  • 譬如你们若是团体前往,最好一个个人前去

    For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks.


  • 你们谈起来时招聘人员可能是否知道符合招聘岗位条件,直接问你是否有兴趣,怀特豪斯

    When you do talk, the recruiter will likely ask you if you know of anyone who fits the profile of the position to be filled, or may ask you directly if you are interested, Whitehouse says.


  • 韦德,“可能感觉对方交融在一起,以致失去自我的界限,你无法分清彼此你们做着什么。”

    ‘It might be a feeling of being so merged with your partner you lose your ego boundaries, so you can’t determine who is doing what to whom,’ says Wade.


  • 你们美国好消息法国欧洲国家别的国家大约有百分之六十、七十的丈夫都这么

    So it's good news for you, the American people. And other countries, France, or European country, or maybe other countries, about sixty percent, seventy percent husbands said the same thing.


  • 他一家,既领了便我们你们以为的,(你们若以为我是忠心事奉主的)请家里

    15when she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. "If you consider me a believer in the Lord," she said, "come and stay at my house."


  • 你们不能好心告诉我们,”Violet,“你们为什么瓶子里? 还有,既然在瓶子里,为什么不能住在绿色紫色干脆是黄色的瓶子里?”

    'Why,' said Violet, 'would you kindly inform us, do you reside in hottles? and if in bottles at all, why not rather in green or purple, or indeed in yellow bottles?'


  • 要避免类似这样用语,“你们没有自由什么你们都不满意”。

    Avoidyoustatements like, “You don’t give me enough freedomor “You’re never happy with anything I do.”


  • 那时有人你们看哪基督在这里,基督那里。

    And then if any man shall say to you, lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not.


  • 保罗开口迦流就犹太人你们这些犹太人,如果冤枉奸恶理当耐性听你们

    And when Paul was now about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews, If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, o ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you.


  • 你们重看穿华美衣服的人,,请坐在位上穷人在那里坐在脚凳下边

    And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool


  • 你们交出时,你们不要思虑怎么什么因为时刻,自会赐给你们什么。

    But when they shall deliver you up, take no thought how or what to speak: for it shall be given you in that hour what to speak.


  • 你们孩子选中并不是因为他们演奏这种那种乐器而是因为他们长着长胳膊合适嘴唇身高,适合吹小号打鼓,”

    "Your kids were chosen not because they want to play this or that instrument, but because they have long arms, or the right lips, or are the right height, say for the trumpet, or the drums," he said.


  • 关于RM-Manage,你们:“Rails没有HooksAPI可以作为收集器查看性能”。

    "There are no hooks or APIs in Rails which can be used as a collection in order to view its performance".


  • 有多经常你们物理身体你们感到疲惫遭受疼痛功能障碍那么我们你们提升的时候,所有一切都你们之身后。

    How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up.


  • 也就是无论电脑是Mac也好,PC也好其他什么的,你会有厚厚一块RAM存储器,我们可以它画成长方形你们可能看不到

    So that means if you-- whether you own a Mac, PC or whatever, you have a whole chunk of RAM memory which you can draw for instance as a rectangle, if you can't quite see.


  • 明确地这些,你们不要错以为这个计划比赛那些熟悉你们领域存有来执行。

    I categorically say that you must not mistake this act as a ruse or a game being played by those who are unfamiliar with your territory.


  • 沃尔葛斯特你们婚姻关系不可避免地伴侣某个时刻其他人产生一种轻微的、单纯好感

    It's almost inevitable that you or your partner will develop a small, innocent crush on someone at some point during your marriage.


  • 荣幸大师荣誉,只是紫罗兰火焰而是我之所通过深度冥想仪式祈祷,你们有过这样的经历么?

    When I say that I have the honor to claim that I am master, not only of the Violet Flame, but of the I am Presence, do you get there by deep meditation, by ritual, by prayer?


  • 那时有人你们,默西亚在这里在那里你们不要相信

    Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him.


  • 那时有人你们,默西亚在这里在那里你们不要相信

    Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him.


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