• 吗?

    Did you come, too?


  • 如果来了西班牙斗牛场找到

    If you come, you will be in Spain, bullfighting field find me.


  • 觉得最美好的事情,我午后咖啡馆留言写下自己愿望有朝一日来了这件咖啡馆看到愿望

    I think the most beautiful thing is that I am in the afternoon of the coffee shop's message to write down their wishes, one day you have come to this cafe, to see my desire to have you.


  • 走出来了,朝我走,我朝她走去,我的感情、眼泪和大脑里的化学物质,知道的:就像发生了一场核聚变。

    She came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion.


  • 没有人找可以按一下进行语音呼叫。 我们为手机来了新的视野,重新定义了对手机的期望!

    The same way you would when using any other headset (dial the number on the phone or use voice command).


  • 无论则了谁,不仅是为山谷和平同样为了

    Whoever I choose would not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you.


  • 走过的一步觉悟之路都人类来了伟大光波通过这样同时疗愈世界使得每个人都升。

    Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone.


  • 就是那种东西最不需要时候,需要的时候就怎么

    You are one of those things that are ever found when least wanted, and when you are wanted, never!


  • 先生——句话为了告诉,我的女儿现在已经不在这儿了,我知道什么时候只要她回来了,我写信告诉

    SIR I write these few lines to say that my Daughter is away from me at present, and I am not sure when she will return, but I will let you know as Soon as she do.


  • 就是那个持续哔声,如果开始快了突然停下来了哪怕是一秒钟容易觉察到

    Just a steady beep - you can quite easily detect if it starts going quicker or if it stops even for a second.


  • 一人在家时候洗澡最好不过了,但是如果没法做到要让这个房子里的每个人都知道,即使是房子要燃起来了不要打扰

    Bathing is also best done if you are alone in the house, but if not, everyone else in the house must know that you CANNOT be disturbed, even if the house is burning down.


  • 不断地跟不会来了,说我一个女人

    He kept on saying you would never come any more, and that I was a foolish woman.


  • 不久哈里劳埃德医生来了还有彼得斯先生,所以这就是我所知道所有知道的事情。

    Soon Harry got back , and then Dr. Lloyd came , and you , Mr. Peters , and so I guess that's all I know that you don't .


  • 如果打算花钱一个软件工具花钱人们这个工具的假设条件下是否真的可能互动

    If you're spending money to build a software tool, you should be spending money to understand how people really will likely interact with your assumptions about that tool as well.


  • 但是不能否认武装冲突我们来了一些美好事物譬如火箭微波炉等发明。

    But you can't deny that armed conflicts gave us some pretty good things, such as major advances in everything from rockets to microwave ovens.


  • 既然已经把重要标记来了重要的标记出生活里并非真正必要重要有哪些

    Now that you’ve identified the essential, you can identify what’s not essential. What things in your life are not truly necessary or important to you?


  • 上校如果一次说:生命来了新的意义,就是忘恩负义坏蛋了。

    C: Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.


  • 拜访朋友提早打电话他们知道被认为一种美国习俗

    B it is also American custom when visiting friends to telephone ahead of time to let them know you are coming.


  • 这份请单位“成就数据库”,它是简历工作面试的有效帮手,同时提醒自己工作来了哪些不同

    "She calls this a" success database ", a valuable tool for writing a new resume, preparing for job interviews, and "reminding yourself that your career is making a difference.


  • 失业时间这个珍贵礼物如果安排得当的话,还可以妥善利用丰富的时间学习新的技能,拓展交际网络甚至能够工作

    Unemployment also brings the gift of time, and if you play your cardsright, you can use the abundance of time in your day to learn newskills, network, or even change careers.


  • 举个例子一直更懒惰在一起发现自己变得懒惰起来了

    If you spend your days with, for example, lazy people, you may notice that you are becoming lazy.


  • 如果别人生活产生积极影响自己的生活带来了积极的影响。

    When you make a positive impact in someone else's life you also make a positive impact in your own life.


  • 根本上赋予了审视过去生活能力,同样额外挑战

    In a fundamental way it makes your past engagements auditable. That brings lots of extra challenges.


  • 这从根本上赋予了审视过去生活的能力,同样来了额外挑战

    In a fundamental way it makes your past engagements auditable.That brings lots of extra challenges.


  • 告诉朋友家人或者同事的学习计划这样就为自己的学习施加了一定的压力富有成效的动力。

    Bring some productive social pressure to bear on your learning by telling friends, family members, or colleagues what you plan to do.


  • 亲爱的海丽明天一大早发现了踪,一定大为惊奇;等明白了我上什么地方去,一定又会发笑。我想到这里,自己禁不住笑出来了

    My DEAR HARRIET, — you will laugh when you know where I am gone, and I cannot help laughing myself at your surprise tomorrow morning, as soon as I am missed.


  • 意味着即便对方回复推,现在可以通过这个RSS订阅来了喜欢文。

    That means you can now subscribe to an RSS feed showing you who likes your Tweets, even if they didn't reply, retweet or respond otherwise.


  • 可是我这里抱怨膝盖背痛的要死,酸痛半截楼梯就喘不上气来了

    Then you come in here complaining about your knees hurting, your back is killing you, your feet ache, and you can't breathe when you walk up half a flight of stairs.


  • 如果正在脱发斗争,那么或许听过“机会来了-或者尝试了-但是总是不管用。

    If you're fighting hair loss, chances are you've heard - and possibly tried - every gimmick out there.


  • 如果正在脱发斗争,那么或许听过“机会来了-或者尝试了-但是总是不管用。

    If you're fighting hair loss, chances are you've heard - and possibly tried - every gimmick out there.


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