• 第2中,作者一半篇幅阐释如何使用WCF的详细细节。

    About halfway through chapter 2 is the introductory paragraph for the chapter explaining how it will detail how to use WCF.


  • 不仅解析理论上吸引力,也融合了作者个性蕴含着阅读经历。两者之间相互检验,相互阐释

    It is both an analytical, theoretical fascination and a personal one, her reading and her experience locked together, each testing and illuminating the other.


  • 主张女性主义角度重新阐释忠实”,认为译者应该忠实“写作方案作者读者

    It reinterprets "fidelity" from a feminist perspective and argues that "fidelity" should be directed towards the "writing project" instead of the author or the reader.


  • 作为读者译者应该理解阐释原文;作为再作者,译者应该读者相应的解读和阐释空间

    As the reader, the translator should understand and interpret the original text; as the re-writer, the translator should give the reader corresponding interpretive space.


  • 本文认为修辞批评是当代文化批评取向,当代文化批评的修辞策略正在于促成文本作者阐释多元对话。

    The author believes that the rhetoric strategy of cultural criticism helps the formation of multidialogues between the text, the author and the interpretator.


  • 没有作者理论阐释我们就可能忽略许多现代武侠文本潜藏丰富文化意义它们历史价值估计不足。

    Without the author's theoretical explanations, we may neglect many rich cultural meanings hidden in modern knight errant texts and underestimate their historic values at the same time.


  • 作者文明交往的内容形式因素属性链条目标五个方面,全面系统地阐释了文明交往理论基本内涵。

    Firstly, the author explains the theory completely and systematically through its basic contents, forms, factors, characteristics, chains and targets.


  • 第二章主要介绍翻译界人士对于这个三字原则不同阐释继而本文作者提出了自己的见解。

    Chapter two first introduces different interpretations towards the three-character principle, and then the writer of the thesis propounds her understandings.


  • 本文中的阐释模式语文意义转换之前获得真值解码原语文本作者意图行为

    It is an act to elicit the truth and decode intentions of the writer of the source language text before the appropriate transfer of meanings.


  • 作为文学阐释活动对话主要有读者作者之间对话,读者与文本之间对话读者与读者之间的对话形式。

    As the activity of literary interpretation, the intercourse includes three different kinds. Those are between the author and reader, reader and text and among readers.


  • 此外作者还对论文涉及文学术语加以阐释包括文化研究白人文化华裔文化成长小说理论。

    Then follows the interpretation of four literary terms employed in this paper, including cultural studies, Caucasian culture, Chinese American culture and Bildungsroman.


  • 接着作者根据司法自由裁量存在不同领域阐释其在事实认定法律选择程序适用三种存在形态。

    And I also explain the fact finding, the choice of law and procedures applicability according to the different areas that Judicial Discretion exists.


  • 修改带来异文使我们可以进行重新阐释也由此可以窥见作者思想蜕变轨迹

    The new compositions come from the corrections made it possible for us to re-interpret them and find the transformation trace of authors thought.


  • 在此基础上本文作者提出自己司法自由裁量权概念主体范围、依据、目的等几个方面进行了阐释

    Next, I put forward my own concept of Judicial Discretion, and explain it from the principle part, scope, foundation, purpose, etc.


  • 基于以前的研究对美国电视剧《越狱》翻译技巧研究,作者列举了四大常用翻译技巧,这些技巧使用情况做出阐释

    Based on the previous research and the analysis of the translation techniques of Prison Break, the author lists four usual translation techniques and clarifies the situations where they are applied.


  • 本书一旦写成价值应当由读者决定而不是作者阐释

    Once the book is written, its value is for the reader to decide, not for the author to explain.


  • 张隆溪《道逻各斯——东西方文学阐释学》中,存在哲人矛盾诗人矛盾、作者自身的矛盾。

    In ZHANG Longxi's Doctrines and Logos-An Interpretation of Eastern and Western Literature, there exist the contradictions of the philosopher, the poet and the author himself.


  • 修改带来异文使我们可以进行重新阐释也由此可以窥见作者思想蜕变轨迹

    The new compositions come from the corrections made it possible for us to re-interpret them and find the transformation trace of author's thought.


  • 作者学界儒、释、阐释苏轼先进思想做法,提出了异议。

    The author takes exception to the way that academic circles explain Sushis advanced thought by the theory of Ru. Xi and Dao.


  • 本文作者创建了一个跨文化用关联-顺应模式进行用学理论的分析阐释

    The author has proposed a cross-cultural pragmatic model of relevance-adaptation, and given an analytical investigation and explanation to this model from the perspective of pragmatics.


  • 历代论者大都文学作者时代等角度来阐释元代杂剧繁荣原因而较为忽略杂剧戏剧“本位”特征。

    Scholars have been exploring the causes for the prosperity of miscellaneous drama of Yuan Dynasty from the perspectives of literature, writer, and the times, ignoring the essence of drama.


  • 作者认为区分是否一致式目的在于阐释语篇语义内涵

    The purpose of differentiating two forms is to interpret meaning of discourse.


  • 读出于读者故意误读由于读者所依据社会文化阐释体系作者创作时所处的阐释体系不同而发生的。

    Misinterpretation is readers deliberate conduct while misunderstanding derives from the difference between the readers culture interpretation system and the authors.


  • 就南宋施德操所撰《北窗炙?录》(书素少传本乾隆时刊刻)作者情况、版本源流友史料价值进行梳理、考证与阐释

    Beichuangzhiguolu, printed in the Emperor Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty and seldom transmitted, is analyzed in terms of the author, the source of edition and the historical material value.


  • 同时作者文本读者相互关系角度阐释了这首诗开放性主题

    From the standpoint of the relationship between the author, the text and the reader, it also analyzes the open themes of the poem.


  • 阐释作者首次提出市场配置概念及其我国公共财政职能决定性影响

    The author sets forth for the first time the concept that the power of market allocation has a decisive influence over the functions of the nations public finance.


  • 通过贯穿于弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫主要作品中的意识流写作手法——“内心独白分析,重新阐释伍尔夫的女性主义创作思想,认为“双性同体只是作者的最高理想并非已经看到或能预见的境界。

    Wolf's feminism by analyzing her use of "interior monologue" in her main works and points out that Wolf's androgyny is her ideal pursuit rather than the foreseen case as stated by some researchers.


  • 翻译阐释过程中译者作者之间产生一个动态适应的寻求关联的明示-推理过程。

    In this Model, translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential and a dynamically-adjusting process.


  • 翻译阐释过程中译者作者之间产生一个动态适应的寻求关联的明示-推理过程。

    In this Model, translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential and a dynamically-adjusting process.


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