• 作者声称如果我们不再阅读书籍长的文章一个巨大的损失

    The author claims that it will be a great loss if we no longer read books and longer articles.


  • 作者声称这种叙述绝对落伍的。

    This narrative, they claim, is precisely backward.


  • 大约过去几十年中一些作者声称掌握江恩理论。

    For the past decade or so there have been a number of books claiming to make understanding Gann easy.


  • 随着类似协定越来越多,产生协定作者声称财富可能性也越来越小。

    As such agreements multiply, there is less chance that they create the wealth that their authors claim.


  • 首先信函作者声称预购音乐会门票人数下跌表明社区支持力度不够

    In the first place, the writer of the letter states that the decrease in the number of people who purchase advance tickets for the event indicates a lack of community support.


  • 研究作者声称研究第一说明绿茶动脉健康可提供短期的保护作用。

    The study authors say their results are the first to show that green tea offers a short-term improvement in the health of arteries.


  • 今年早些时候新的论文发表,其中作者声称遮光板观察距的红色明亮星系时发现了一个问题

    Well, a new paper came out earlier this year, in which the authors claim to have found a problem with the mask used by looking at distant, luminous red galaxies.


  • 本文认为“踞平板式”目前最快出发技术作者声称上述结论唯一通过实验研究证实的。

    The "track start-flat enter" is considered to be the quickest start technique at present and the author claims that the mentioned conclusion is the only one to be proven by the experimental study.


  • 作者声称温暖安全感之间联系天生目前很多人还没有意识这种联系至少在洗热水澡也没意识到。

    The authors claim this association between warmth and security is innate, yet many are not aware of the link, certainly at least when it comes to warm baths.


  • 作者声称温暖安全感之间联系天生的,也许很多没有意识到之间的联系至少洗热水澡方面是这样的。

    The authors claim this association between warmth and security is innate, yet many are not aware of the link, at least when it comes to warm baths.


  • 研究报告作者声称糖尿病可能是全球健康缺乏的本质特征之一除非公共卫生活动成功预防

    The study's authors say diabetes is likely to be one of the defining features of global health needs unless public health campaigns to prevent it are successful.


  • 应对道是以Chartres为首的声称水资源充分的利用,或是标语作者声称的“用一滴水灌溉更多庄稼”。

    The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it, “more crop per drop”.


  • 虽然受试者内部的差异试验开始时预计大,但作者声称,如果治疗作用果真存在足够统计学上的意义发现这些重要治疗的影响。

    Although there was greater between-subject variability than initially anticipated, the authors claim there was adequate statistical power to detect important treatment effects had they been present.


  • 杜鲁门.凯波特(Truman Capote):这位《第 凡内早餐冷血作者声称自己一个完全横向作者”,必须着才能写作床上或者沙发上,叼烟拿着咖啡才行

    The author ofBreakfast at Tiffany’s” and “In Cold Bloodclaimed to be acompletely horizontal author.” He said he had to write lying down, in bed or on a couch, with a cigarette and coffee.


  • 作者英国医学博士安德鲁·韦克菲尔德声称发现麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹 (MMR)疫苗自闭症之间联系

    The author and British medical doctor Andrew Wakefield claimed to have found a link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and an autismlike disorder.


  • 为了评估作者是否声称任何因果关系研究人员每篇论文标题摘要寻找能说明问题的动词,比如“增强”、“促进”、“便利”和“加强”。

    To assess whether the authors claimed any causation, researchers then looked for telltale verbs in each paper's title and abstract, verbs like "enhance", "promote", "facilitate", and "strengthen".


  • 根据英格兰历史学会说法,写了首诗一部分声称自己作者

    According to New England Historical Society, Hale wrote only one part of the poem, but claimed authorship.


  • 根据英格兰历史学会说法,了这首诗一部分声称自己作者

    According to the New England Historical Society, Hale wrote only part of the poem, but claimed authorship.


  • 两者声称保罗作者

    They both claim Paul as their author.


  • 其后不久,写了一首诗赞美他在作者遇到名梳着暗金色发辫女孩——反正他是这样声称的。

    A little later, he wrote a poem praising-he claimed-a girl with a dark-blond plait whom he had met at the House of Writers.


  • 有人声称,到目前为止,邮件没有表示作者相信人类活动引起全球暖和捏造所有事件的内容。

    There is nothing in the e-mails so far to suggest that the authors do not believe in man-made global warming and are making the whole thing up, as some have been claiming.


  • 2007年一个年轻作者Tristane Banon播放声称自己2002年写作采访卡恩而遭到性侵害的记录。

    In 2007 Tristane Banon, a young writer, gave a televised account of what she claimed was an attack on her by Mr Strauss-Kahn when she interviewed him for a book in 2002.


  • 不过报告主要作者,位于奥内亚堪萨斯大学Robyn A.声称科学家们已经越来越接近脑部扫描而进行(老年性痴呆病的)风险定量

    Still, the lead author, Robyn A. Honea of the University of Kansas, said scientists were getting closer to quantifying risk with brain scans.


  • 然而,由于声称文章作者那些是“的个人观点”,人们上述指控的份量感到困惑。

    However, there was confusion about the status of the allegations when the man purporting to be their author said they were "only his opinions".


  • 这个时代,几乎所有人都可以声称自己符合作为记者保护条件,那么博客作者权利都有哪些呢?

    What are the rights of bloggers in an era when almost anyone may claim to qualify for a journalist's protection?


  • 作者声称如果银行弱点能够本月进行压力测试中(测试结果6月公布)解决的话,这种风险是可以控制的。

    But that risk could be contained, the authors argued, if Banks' weaknesses were addressed following new stress tests, which get under way this month and whose results will be published in June.


  • 作者声称如果银行弱点能够本月进行压力测试中(测试结果6月公布)解决的话,这种风险是可以控制的。

    But that risk could be contained, the authors argued, if Banks' weaknesses were addressed following new stress tests, which get under way this month and whose results will be published in June.


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