• 公司作出巨大的贡献

    He has made a great contribution to the company.


  • 我们作出巨大贡献

    We made a major contribution.


  • 宗廷虎中国修辞学研究作出巨大的贡献

    Zong Tingfu has made a great contribution to China rhetoric history research.


  • 最近这几年里中国促进全球经济繁荣作出巨大的贡献

    In recent years, China has made an enormous contribution to the cause of global prosperity.


  • 位科学家授予诺贝尔因为他们物理学作出了巨大的贡献

    Three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize as they made great contributions to physics.


  • 左传我国一部完整历史著作,对历史作出巨大贡献

    The Zuo Commentary is the first -complete historical work, which is a great contribution to the development of historical works.


  • 他们两我们国家的建立作出了巨大的贡献而且他们也都他们功夫而文明世界呢。

    Both of them had made great contribution to our country. Also they are very well-known for their Kong Fu.


  • 有效优质烃源岩厚度不大分布特殊,但是,它们油气藏形成作出巨大的贡献

    Effective and high? Quality source rocks make a tremendous contribution to hydrocarbon reservoir forming in spite of a few thickness and special distribution.


  • 作为中国古代第一知识分子阶层中国第一个思想繁荣时代到来作出巨大贡献

    As the first group of intellectual in ancient China , the scholar social stratum has made the tremendous contribution for the Chinese first thought prosperity time arrival.


  • 电流可以精确地控制技术避免了扩伸造成干扰欧洲电网稳定性作出巨大贡献

    Power flow can be exactly controlled and the technology also prevents disturbances from spreading, making a significant contribution to the stability of the European grid.


  • 先前土著村庄居住期间,常常这种感觉旅客之所以受到热情的款待,主要是因为他们村庄收入作出了巨大贡献

    In previous stays at indigenous villages, I had often gotten the sense that tourists were well received primarily because they contribute sidnificantly to the village's income.


  • 20世纪70年代80年代西方世界涌现思潮建设性后现代哲学现代性批判超越方面作出了巨大贡献

    The late 20th century, 70 the early 80s, the Western world thought that emerged in an constructive post-modern philosophy, its critique and exceed of modernity has made tremendous contributions.


  • 喜欢大型制药公司生物技术公司天花乱坠广告以及其它五花八门的推销术,但是制药产业已经提高世界健康水平作出了巨大的贡献

    I do not like the hype and some other salesmanship of big pharma and bio-tech companies, but this industry has made enormous contributions to raising world health.


  • 除此之外我们说明组件最终结果整体功能作出了巨大贡献

    Additionally, we show that components can also play a key part of contributing to the overall functionality of the end result.


  • 美国繁荣作出巨大贡献整个国家都感谢

    You have made a great contribution to the prosperity of the U.S. and the nation is in your debt.


  • 他们作为作出巨大贡献社会偶像想法

    They think of idols as people who have made a great contribution to society.


  • 并不是所有人都可以长期如此有耐心地从事这项工作那些做到的人,就会为自己这一特殊能力骄傲——这种能力为整个机构运作作出了巨大贡献

    Not everyone can interact with such persistence and over long hours, but those who do, pride themselves in a distinctive ability that contributes mightily to the running of the organization.


  • 近代湖南人才辈出并且形成前后相承一个个人才群体,中国近代化进程作出了巨大贡献

    There were people of talent emerged in succession and a talent group had formed in Hunan Province who made great contribution to the modernization of China for nearly one hundred years.


  • 现代科学技术成果医学领域广泛应用,为人类生存条件改善生活质量的提高作出了巨大贡献,但同时也导致医疗费用的高速上涨。

    Widely use of modern technology in medical field not only make contribution to improve human life condition and quality of life by also sharply increase the medical care expenditure.


  • 激光表面处理由于其工业生产作出巨大贡献,已成为飞速成长重要加工技术领域

    Laser surface treatment has made a great contribute to industry and production, and become an important field of rapid-growing process technology.


  • 到1990年底中国运载火箭已经32各类人造地球卫星成功地送入各自的运行轨道,空间开发和空间探索方面人类作出巨大贡献

    By the end of 1990, 32 satellites of various kinds had been sent to their orbits with Long March launch vehicles and China has made a great contribution to mankind in the space exploration.


  • 汉语(连同汉字)日本语言文化产生了巨大的影响,同时也中日相互了解文化沟通与交流作出了突出的贡献

    Chinese language, together with Kanji, has great influence on Japanese language and culture and contributes a lot to the mutual understanding and cultural communication between the two countries.


  • 如果你们留心观察各种关于讨论最前沿话题会议时就会发现,这个研究所研究人员这些问题的解决上作出了巨大贡献

    And if you look at various conferences getting together to discuss the state-of-the-art issues, the researchers from this lab are making huge contributions.


  • 也许是因为高级别领导能力作出了巨大贡献工作报酬

    Perhaps it is because of the high-level leadership ability, and made great contributions to the work is a kind of reward it.


  • 几个世纪以来历史表明工程师物质财富创造者,为人类社会物质文明的进步作出巨大贡献

    The history throughout the past centuries has shown that engineers as creators of material riches have made great contributions to the advancement of the material culture of the human society.


  • 几个世纪以来历史表明工程师物质财富创造者,为人类社会物质文明的进步作出巨大贡献

    The history throughout the past centuries has shown that engineers as creators of material riches have made great contributions to the advancement of the material culture of the human society.


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