• []一种架构风格,它所推崇理念是将业务契合企业服务作为设计构建组装企业级业务解决方案基本单元

    [is] an architectural style promoting the concept of business-aligned enterprise service as the fundamental unit of designing, building and composing enterprise business solutions.


  • 这次转变作为设计赫利更多时间完成另一个商业理念- - -男人服装系列Hlaska。

    The transition will give Hurley, a designer, more time to devote to another of his business ideas, the men's clothing line Hlaska.


  • 目标作为创建21世纪新型英国小型汽车计划——何况他宝马臃肿继任者这些宝马最早设计理念遗产更加忠诚

    He saw the project as creating a "new British Mini for the 21st century" - much more faithful to the original's legacy than BMW's bloated successor.


  • 所有工作阶段一个密集参与过程并将服务于影响中心使用者作为我们设计理念基础

    An intensive participation processes, at all work stages, with the users of the Impact Hub served as the basis for our design concept.


  • 目前其中最为成熟Gazpacho请参阅参考资料),该程序作为Glade3设计理念Python实现编写的。

    Of those, the most mature today is Gazpacho (see Resources), written as a Python implementation of Glade3 design ideas.


  • 作为试验飞机协会会员可以观看第一手飞机制造技艺来自协会会员的最新设计理念

    As an EAA member, you can inspect firsthand the craftsmanship and design advancements that come from the hands and minds of EAA members.


  • 陶瓷产品作为现代工业生产一部分理应设计中贯穿现代设计理念

    We have known that ceramic product as a part of modern manufacture should be endowed with modern design viewpoint.


  • 温泉度假酒店作为度假酒店一种特殊产品类型必须反映温泉度假客人需求设计理念符合温泉度假酒店特点经营方式

    As a special type of resort hotel, hot-spring resort hotel must have the designing ideas reflecting the guest's need and the managing ways conforming to the hotel's characteristics.


  • 作为一种新的桩基设计理念基础由于具有良好经济效益广阔应用前景近年来得到了广泛的重视

    Since provided with better economic benefit and wider applied perspective as a new conception of pile design, the thinned pile foundation gained extensive utilization recently.


  • 该文通过一个图形着色问题作为教学主题提出比较容易实现高职数学建模的教学设计理念

    Taking an issue in graph coloring as a teaching subject, the paper puts forward a feasible concept in the design of HVE mathematical modeling teaching.


  • 作为一种新的桩基设计理念因为具有良好经济效益广阔应用前景,从而近年来得到了广泛的重视

    Since provided with better economic benefits and wider applied perspective as a new conception of pile design, the sparse pile foundation gained extensive utilization recently.


  • 建筑物作为一个完整系统应建立宏观合理性理念合理确定建筑设计标准总结合理性措施

    The building as a complete system, we should establish the macro and reasonable concept, reasonably set the standards for building design, and sum up the reasonable measures.


  • 前后台分离作为一种传统服务系统设计理念近年来引起新一轮的广泛重视得到新的应用取得了巨大的成功,而且为越来越多行业所接受和推崇。

    As a traditional design concept for service system the front-back stage decoupling method has been re-recognized and applied into wide range of industries and achieved great successes.


  • 机工实习作为制造专业重要教学内容应当新的理念全面进行教学设计

    Because machine practice is an important teaching content in manufacturing majors, we should make a comprehensive teaching design with new concepts.


  • 设计理念绿洲作为隐藏花园”,游客进入其中,将会看见场地周边环绕着一圈产于此的暗色火山石——代表环境的粗犷与贫瘠

    The project conceives the Oasis as a Hidden Garden. The visitor approaching the Oasis, will see remnants of massive dark rugged volcanic stones that are left from the original site.


  • 成功源于合作盛德作为一家世界领先系统到芯片集成电路设计公司的一贯理念

    Success through Partnership is the philosophy of Sondrel, one of the world's leading system-to-silicon IC consultancies.


  • 作为世博园区园林绿地设计导读总体定位、系统规划、先进理念特色等方面做一些简要的总结分析。

    This article serves as a guide on landscape planning and design of 2010 Shanghai EXPO and offers readers some ideas on the orientation, planning and new theories and approaches of open green space.


  • 作为建筑师如何自己的视角关注理解大学校园规划设计,如何把自己的创作理念与校园精神结合起来,成为一个有意思并且意义的课题。

    For architects, it is interesting and meaningful to discuss how to read and understand campus planning and design and how to combine design ideas and spirit of campus.


  • 宇航服作为服装成员中新贵是近几十出现的,它设计元素设计法则设计理念鲜为人知的。

    Noble clothing, a new expensive clothing, appears about several decade, the design chemical element, design rule, design concept are fresh, few knows the characters.


  • 旅游通票的设计理念作为旅游短期雅典旅行停留的游客服务。

    The new "tourist ticket" has been designed to act as a travel card for those visiting Athens for short stays.


  • 作为一个天才设计应该怎样理念上去协调这些分歧呢?

    How does a talented designer reconcile this divide in perception?


  • 设计作为核心策略作为动力运用高度品牌策略、视觉营销手段品牌理念平面视觉卖场空间网络世界四者有机整合。

    We take design as the core and strategy as motivation, use high and strategy and visual marketing means to organically integrate and scope, graphic vision, store space and network.


  • 本文探讨地球资源遭受极度破坏的严峻形势下作为有社会责任感设计应该如何运用设计理念技能进行改善的问题。

    This paper discusses the content in the Earth's resources is extremely suffered a serious situation, As a socially responsible designer how to use design concepts and skills improvement.


  • Camarim Arquitectos一对英国夫妻设计CasanaGateira住宅作为他们第二个,其设计遵循一个理念空间清新的空气安静,与他们伦敦生活截然相反。”

    Camarim Arquitectos designed Casa na Gateira as a second home for a British couple, following a brief for "space, open air and silence, in contrast to their life in London."


  • 家具主流》:作为国外的优秀设计代表怎样海外设计理念中国传统文化家具的理解揉合一起?

    As an excellent oversea designer representative, how do you combine oversea design concept and understanding of furniture in Chinese traditional culture?


  • 作为国家社会保障和社会安全方面承担主要责任制度设计,各国的福利制度既有其共性一面,又存在着基本价值理念的差异。

    As a system that bears the responsibility for social security, the welfare systems of many countries have much in common, at the same time, demonstrate some differences in terms of basic values.


  • 因此作为高校标志性建筑设计传承合理传统设计理念融入新的设计元素,要注重图书馆的适用性、人文性、智能性绿色生态性。

    Therefore, as a symbolic building in the university, the library design should hold the traditional design ideas, which is reasonable, and mix the new des…


  • 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯旗舰车型LS让人无法抵挡它澎湃的动力高贵的气质,无一不体现作为现代轿车所具有的超凡设计理念

    As the flagship of the LEXUS auto type, LS owns an inresistably powerful engine and nobleness, which illustrates its excellent designing conception as morden sedan.


  • 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯旗舰车型LS让人无法抵挡它澎湃的动力高贵的气质,无一不体现作为现代轿车所具有的超凡设计理念

    As the flagship of the LEXUS auto type, LS owns an inresistably powerful engine and nobleness, which illustrates its excellent designing conception as morden sedan.


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