• 作为纳税人他们科学研究开发埋单。

    As taxpayers, they will pay for scientific research and exploration.


  • 作为一个公民纳税人选民需要理解这些争论背后真正原因。

    You need to understand as a citizen and as a taxpayer and as a voter what's really behind the arguments.


  • 我们可以纳税人承担学生学费作为交换条件,纳税人换取对这些学生学习内容的支配权

    We can have taxpayers pick up students' tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study.


  • 作为名给美国研究工作健康政策买单纳税人有权知道许多你们告知有关食品、健康和疾病常识都是错误的。

    As a taxpayer who foots the bill for research and health policy in America, you deserve to know that many of the common notions you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong.


  • 对于其他瑞士银行来说美国纳税人作为具备资质中介人可能的合法的,但是相关规定十分繁琐。

    For other Swiss Banks it is possible and legal to deal with American taxpayers as a "qualified intermediary", but the rules are complex.


  • 作为回报,赢得了一个承诺就是银行其他债权人——而不仅仅纳税人——必须承担部分责任

    In return, she won a commitment that Banks and other creditors-and not just taxpayers-would have to bear some of the burden.


  • 去年大卫∙劳斯作为首席财政部秘书,在上任17天后辞职了,声称虚报纳税人资助的国会开支

    Last year David Laws quit as chief secretary to the Treasury just 17 days into the job, over claims that he had fiddled his taxpayer-funded parliamentary expenses.


  • 国家承担了救援风险作为交换也就必须保护纳税人,更严格监管各种金融机构,使它们不致于因为业务过于错综复杂而不能破产。

    In exchange for its new risks, the state must protect taxpayers by tighter regulation of any institution too entangled to fail.


  • 作为纳税人认为一个可怕资金浪费没有任何一个私人开发者接手,”Mr .Vaughan

    "As a taxpayer, I think it's a horrible waste of money that no private developer would undertake," Mr. Vaughan said.


  • 作为回报,赢得了一个承诺就是银行其他债权人——不仅仅纳税人——必须承担部分责任

    In return, she won a commitment that Banks and other creditors? And not just taxpayers? Would have to bear some of the burden.


  • 中央银行家们可以作为顾问是否使用纳税人资金决定应该留给选举出的政客来作出。

    The central bankers would be consulted, of course, but the decision on whether to use taxpayers' money has to rest with elected politicians.


  • 作为征税对象增值额,纳税人转让房地产收入减去税法规定准予扣除项目金额后的余额。

    That is, the appreciation value equals the proceeds obtained by the taxpayer from transfer of real estate less the permissible items in computing the appreciation value?


  • 税收关系中,国家作为权利主体依法征税的权利,纳税人作为义务主体依法纳税义务。

    In the taxation relationship, the State has the rights to levy taxes, and taxpayers has the duty to pay taxes according to laws.


  • 税法作为国家提供公共物品”,质量如何不仅直接影响到纳税人切身利益而且关系到社会的安宁乃至国家的兴衰。

    Tax law is regarded as the "public goods" provided by the nation, its quality not only affects taxpayer's benefit directly, but also relates prosperity of the country.


  • 借鉴税收价格应当个人为基点利益交换关系角度赋予纳税人作为交换一方应有权利

    Using tax price theory for reference, we should endow the taxpayers with the essential right based on the individual and from the angle of benefit exchange relationship.


  • 我国传统税收征纳关系纳税人作为义务主体。

    Tax obligation is considered fulfilled by taxpayers in the traditional taxation legal relationship in China.


  • 可见税收一个国家重要性纳税人作为缴纳者,在履行了纳税义务的同时理应拥有相对应的权利

    Tax is very important for a country, and to the taxpayers as tax payers, fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes should enjoy the corresponding rights.


  • 作为一名纳税人认为华尔街国会其他任何人都要胜任。

    S. financial system-and as a taxpayer, I will take him over anybody else on Wall Street or Congress to do just that.


  • 税收服务行为作为税务机关一项法定职责税务机关不能履行或者不能恰当地履行服务义务时,纳税人有权寻求法律救济。

    The service behavior of tax revenue is a legal duty of tax authority, in tax authority can not perform or can not perform the duty of service appropriately, taxpayer has right to see...


  • 提出增值税税负分割观点论述了毛利率作为增值税纳税人认定标准科学依据。

    This paper puts forward the idea about the dividing point of tariff rate, and discusses the scientific for the identified standard of a tax payer based on gross profit rate.


  • 税收作为调节国家纳税人之间利益分配关系手段不断影响企业、单位和个人经济利益。

    The tax revenue is a kind of means with relation of the benefits allotment, influencing a business enterprise, personal economic benefits continuously.


  • 税收作为调节国家纳税人之间利益分配关系手段不断影响企业、单位和个人经济利益。

    The tax revenue is a kind of means with relation of the benefits allotment, influencing a business enterprise, personal economic benefits continuously.


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