• 就像的,佳构剧作为剧本创作形式成为现实主义戏剧基础,也成为了许多非常受欢迎19世纪戏剧的基础。

    As I said, the well-made play, this form of playwriting, became the basis for realism in drama, and for a lot of very popular 19th-century plays.


  • 电影播放技术最初西洋镜”的形式演变而来直到发展个时期;这个时期中,影像投影到幽暗的影院屏幕之上,电影才作为一种大众消费形式出现

    The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.


  • 比喻方式,并列术语隐含着它们所指称存在具体本质的特征引入了一种诗歌模式作为习惯性的表达形式

    Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.


  • 因为他们滚动作为一种移动方式,以这形式宽松使用来说,他们也只是组织”。

    And even they are "wheeled organisms" in the loosest use of the term, since they use rolling as a form of locomotion.


  • 光束无法固定点上被捕捉,这样只可以被作为存储形式,而也是很大障碍

    That beams of light cannot be held stationary, and thus used as a form of memory store, is a big obstacle to doing this.


  • 作为单独组件存在不同,内联人工任务一种形式参与人工任务,业务流程定义的。

    Rather than existing as an individual component, an inline human task, which is another form of a participating human task, is defined inside a business process.


  • 本刊长期以来始终赞成全球范围内作为一种合理的标准,从而污染形式进行征税

    This newspaper has long argued for a global carbon tax as a reasonable way to tax all forms of pollution.


  • 1960年代学术界批评界关注使电影作为一种真正艺术形式荣登大雅之堂。

    In the 1960s academic and critical attention to cinema as a legitimate art form emerged.


  • 面向服务架构具有业务技术两面技术作为业务实现形式出现

    This service-oriented architecture has business and technical aspects but technology appears as one of the forms of the business implementation.


  • S公司美国税法独创非公司制有限责任组织形式,S公司利润在分配作为股东收入税。

    An Scorporation's profits are taxed just once, as the income of its shareholders.


  • 我们他们分享所有东西,我们把自己工作作为国家服务一种形式

    We Shared everything with them and we saw our work as just another form of serving the interests of the state.


  • 一种情况下可以php对象形式返回结果其中数据库表的列名作为对象的属性

    In another case, it can return the results as a PHP class object, where the database column names are the object properties.


  • 作为个“戴着面具哲人”,尼采维护着若想保持沉默,就必须学会说话”的宣言,此亦即一种隐藏形式

    As a 'philosopher of masks', Nietzsche maintained that "one must learn to speak in order to remain silent" and that saying was a form of concealment.


  • 作为卖空交易替代选择,还可以购买信贷违约掉期债务保险一种形式担保的未必是自己的债务。

    As an alternative to short selling, you can buy a credit default swap, which is a form of insurance on debt-not necessarily your own debt.


  • 证券优先债务形式一种发行者需要用自己现金来偿还,并且要有定隔离的资产作为保障,比如说抵押贷款,以免发生不能履行责任的情况。

    The instrument is a form of senior debt that is paid back from the issuer's cash flows but is also secured against a ring-fenced pool of assets, such as mortgage loans, in the event of default.


  • 比如,阿曼•阿尔钦哈罗德登姆塞茨1972年的论文描述了企业如何作为防止团队生产中的偷懒现象组织形式演化的。

    A 1972 paper by Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz, for example, describes how the firm evolved as an organisational form to prevent shirking in team production.


  • 正是著名苏老论点核心所有美德一种知识形式,所有美德需要,知识反思作为基础

    And that is of course at the core of the famous Socratic thesis, that all virtue is a form of knowledge, all the virtues require knowledge and reflection at their basis.


  • 编程作为一种文化活动一种可以创造交互式作品的艺术形式

    Programmingas an intellectual activity is the only art form that allows you to createinteractive art.


  • 一种局限在于大多数组织中,作为奖励对效率的评估——其形式就是工资——可能年就那么

    Another limitation to money as a reward is that, in most organizations, performance reviews-and corresponding salary increases-occur only once a year.


  • 海曼帐户进行渗透作为侵犯个人隐私令人震惊形式成为数字时代紧迫的问题

    The infiltration of Heyman's account is the most egregious form of an invasion of personal privacy that is becoming one of the most pressing issues of the Digital Age.


  • 全部作品清楚地表明,幻视艺术中,艺术幻觉之间联系在自身范围之内和作为其自身时,都一种极具美感艺术形式

    But all of them make it obvious that in op art, the link between art and illusory perception is an artistic style in and of itself.


  • 经常被比喻蜘蛛网结构作为一种可以缓和传统买卖双方对立关系形式1990年代广受欢迎。

    The structure, frequently likened to a spider's web, was much admired in the 1990s as a way to defuse the traditionally adversarial relationship between buyer and supplier.


  • 但是精神分析法——作为谈话治疗法广为人所知形式代价高昂的过程

    But psychoanalysis, as this version of talk therapy became known, is an expensive procedure.


  • 本文MIDI命令作为不同应用程序分发数据包实例,并不是标准化一种形式的MIDI。

    In this article, I'll use MIDI commands only as an example of data packets that can be distributed between applications; it's not intended to be a proposal to standardize another form of MIDI.


  • 这个阶段有时作为随需应变特性实现被嵌入收集器结构(例如半空间收集器)中,一种增量形式来实现。

    This phase is sometimes implemented as an on-demand feature, embedded into collector's fabric (semispace collectors being an example), or in an incremental fashion.


  • 方法可以作为SPEPPE一种形式而不管ppe代码32位还是64执行进行编译的。

    This way they can be treated in a unified fashion on the SPE and on the PPE, whether the PPE code is compiled for 32-bit or 64-bit execution.


  • 我们不能领巾当作一种形式而是作为自觉行为

    We can not wear the scarf as a form, but as - the act of consciously.


  • 分布式开发大量增加包括形式外包作为一种减少成本压缩市场投放时间的方法。

    A vast increase in distributed development, including various forms of outsourcing, as a means to both reduce costs and compress time-to-market.


  • 分布式开发大量增加包括形式外包作为一种减少成本压缩市场投放时间的方法。

    A vast increase in distributed development, including various forms of outsourcing, as a means to both reduce costs and compress time-to-market.


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