• 我们生活非常功利时代,在这个时代,英语作为一种实用工具认为比对文学文化历史的审美更加有价值

    We live in a very utilitarian age, where English as a practical tool is considered of more worth than an aesthetic appreciation of literature, culture or history.


  • 南方历史现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学代表

    Based on the Southern history and social reality, his works have been regarded as the representative of the American Southern literature.


  • 文学作为人类文化心理产物历史语境下显得复杂多变

    As the result of humanity culture and mentality, Literature is complicated in its history language circumstances.


  • 洹河流域历史遗存非常丰富,碑刻作为种特殊的文化遗存,集雕刻书法文学历史一体研究古代历史文化的重要载体

    As an integration of engraving, calligraphy, literature and history, tablet inscription is very important carrier in researching history and culture.


  • 文学历史作为两种叙事形式联系区别一直引起人争议

    Scholars of the humanities regard the relations and differences between literature and history as a controversial issue for years.


  • 文学事实不是某种单纯中性知识概念相反作为一种不能再现的既往之事,“事实”永远是以一定措辞建构起来历史产物

    The facts of literary history are not a purely neutral concept, on the contrary, the facts, as an unrepeatable past, are forever a historical product made up of some words and phrases.


  • 作为历史文学一种作家进行创作主观意识存在特定的历史文学观念

    In literary creation, there must be a specific literary conception of history in writers' mind when they were writing it.


  • 作为一份完整珍贵的历史文物国立西南联合大学纪念碑具有很高历史文学语言思想艺术社会价值

    As an integrated and precious historical relic, the cenotaph of National Southwest Associated University has an outstanding historical, literary, linguistic, ideological, artistic and social value.


  • 文学作为人类心灵之学,所指的对象什么人类历史的长河中,走过怎样曲折的道路,如今它又面临什么样困境

    Humanities is a subject concerning of human soul. But what is its object, how does it go across in history, what are its difficulties currently encountered?


  • 历史学科作为科,更是拥有丰富多样课程资源

    History as an academic. humanities, but also has a rich variety of curriculum resources.


  • 神话具有历史文学价值作为文献材料能否作为艺术起源研究实证材料值得质疑

    Mythos, though characterized by its worthy literature and history, is still skeptical to its substantial evidence as documental materials as well as its artistic original studies.


  • 历史上每一个时期文运昌盛,多帝王作为文学欣赏者或创作实践者的亲自参与倡导有关

    A period of flourishing literature in Chinese history was usually associated with emperors who appreciated literary works and who were literary men themselves.


  • 作为一种独特的文学样式,它在北宋时期接受传播,离不开当时历史文化环境

    As a unique literature style, ci was spreading under history and culture circumstances of Beisong Dynasty.


  • 作为其中之一文学历史感,伴随我国文学现代性的进程,不同历史阶段积累了色彩斑斓的历史印痕。

    As one of them, the concept of historical sense of literature was put to use with different historic stage.


  • 文学作为文化现象必然一系列重大事件书写中展现出自己历史品格

    As one kind of culture phenomena, literature must demonstrate its historical characters by those literary works which write about a series of significant incidents.


  • 重要聚焦于英雄身上的英雄主义情结作为人类历史长河中的支流作为文学创作中的一条线索从未中断过。

    And it is more important that heroism complex, as a tributary in the human historical river and a line in the literature creation, is not cut.


  • 作为中国历史上一部先进精确历法,《授时历》世界文学占有突出位置

    As an advanced and accurate calendar in the history of China, the Shoushi calendar also occupies a distinct position in the history of world astronomy.


  • 诗经作为我国最早的诗歌总集价值不仅仅在于文学历史,我们应该能够从中窥见当时社会的一斑

    The Book of Songs, as the earliest phonetic drama syllogism in China, its value lies in history and literature, w


  • 然而作为一个文化转型时期文学艺术家李渔历史命运注定悲剧

    However, as a literary artist in the cultural transition, the fate of li Yu destined to be a tragedy.


  • 漫长历史为我们积淀了深厚的文化内涵作为文化的载体,语文承载着延续民族文化精髓使命。

    The long history of philological discipline has accumulated profound cultural intension. As a cultural carrier, the philology bears the mission to continue national cultural quintessence.


  • 骆驼祥子作为一部伟大的现实主义文学作品,历史背景思想内涵故事情节方面渗透美学文艺思想

    "Camel Xiangzi" as a great literary realism, in terms of its historical background, ideological content and story plot, are permeated with the aesthetic thought of literature and art.


  • 历史主义打破界限提出作为文学虚构历史本文观点

    The new historicism broke this boundary, and raised the concept of "Historical Text as Literary Artifact".


  • 谚语作为民众智慧经验结晶民间创作口头广为流传一种短小精炼文学样式,在我国有着悠久历史

    Proverb as people wisdom and experience, is the crystallization of folk and in the oral widely circulated a short refined literature style, in our country has a long history.


  • 西方文学中的女性形象归纳起来大致有三种不同类型,即作为历史符号海伦

    The female images in the western literature can be categorized into the following three different types: the historical symbol, Helen;


  • 胡风抗战期间文学编辑活动不但顺应历史潮流具有重要文学意义。胡风通过细致、艰苦的编辑工作,为抗战文学锻炼和培养了一批很前途和作为的作家。

    Hu Feng's literary editing activities during the anti-Japanese war not only accord with the historical trend, but also have important significance in the literary history.


  • 胡风抗战期间文学编辑活动不但顺应历史潮流具有重要文学意义。胡风通过细致、艰苦的编辑工作,为抗战文学锻炼和培养了一批很前途和作为的作家。

    Hu Feng's literary editing activities during the anti-Japanese war not only accord with the historical trend, but also have important significance in the literary history.


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