• 必须及时记录作为一种习惯

    And you have to make it a habit to log it right away.


  • 道德优秀作为一种习惯结果

    Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit.


  • 第9步骤把经常狙击位置作为一种习惯

    The 9th step is a habit that you should have while changing your sniping location.


  • 至少月内集中精力完成目标把完成作为一种习惯

    Focus on one goal for at least a month... and turn it into a habit.


  • 显然学生们为例他们已经学习了如何迭代工作但是他们并没有作为一种习惯

    Clearly, in the case of my students, they had learned how to work iteratively but they had not made it a habit.


  • 由于他们没有迭代开发作为习惯,所以他们面临解决特别抽象困难问题的时候,他们就会选择自己的舒适地带

    Since they had not made iterative development a habit, when they were stressed by trying to tackle a particularly abstract and difficult problem, they chose to work from their comfort zone.


  • 如果能够测试周期中将方法的使用作为一种习惯,那么您将可以看到,在没有进行测试的时间段内,代码更改是否引入泄漏

    If you make this a habit during your testing cycle, you can see if code changes introduce leaks over time that you may not be testing for.


  • 比喻方式,并列术语隐含着它们所指称存在具体本质的特征引入了一种诗歌模式作为习惯的表达形式

    Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.


  • 尽管个人习惯经验可以时间管理方面获得成效,但请不要忽视技术因素,在日常工作中,你可以技术作为一种武器,充分利用它能让你获得最高的效率

    Although personal habits and practices can do wonders for time management, don't overlook technology as yet another weapon to make the most effective use of your workday.


  • “与其说生物学问题,不如说这是行为学上的问题,”Popkin博士:“有些‘非营养性甜味剂作为拐杖”(译者注:‘拐杖’引申为一种假性帮助,而且让人产生依赖,例如巴达维主张马来人应该要丢下‘拐杖’,继续前进),而其他人利用它们帮助建立个健康的饮食习惯。”

    It’s more a behavioral issue than a biological one, ” Dr. Popkin said. “Some people use non-nutritive sweeteners as a crutch; other use them to help create a healthy diet.”


  • 不过利用科技也许我们能够有趣的行为习惯作为一种信息传递装置而回到合适位置

    Yet with technology, perhaps we can return this funny quirk-of-behavior to it’s rightful place as a communicator.


  • 作为角色来说,反派人物会表现出那通常会认为英勇的,但是他们不同的方式行为习惯计划来达到效果。

    The definition of an anti-hero as a character who performs acts that are generally deemed or thought to be heroic, but he/she will do so with methods, actions, manners, and intentions that are not so.


  • 我们习惯头发仅仅当作个人风格反映但是作为我们身体不断生长部分,头发与我们的生理系统息息相关

    We tend to regard hair only as a reflection of our personal style, but as a living, growing part of our body, it's also tied in to our physiology.


  • 约瑟夫指出:“如果重视心脏大脑健康,你就要作为一种生活习惯。”

    If you're serious about heart and brain health, "you want to make this a lifestyle," Joseph says.


  • 比如,“最大失败者亲爱的我们正在谋杀我们孩子”等电视节目时时刻刻的提醒人们错误的饮食和作息习惯会严重危害自身身体健康。可是过渡肥胖作为一种疾病,如今仍然美国肆意横行

    The "Biggest Loser" and "Honey We're Killing the Kids" show us how dangerous it is to live sedentary lives, but obesity is a disease that runs rampant in the United States.


  • 如今随着人们生活水平提高形成习惯饲养些小动物家畜作为自己宠物

    Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.


  • 使用用你们这些人”作为替换第二人称复数的形式绝对习惯,它因暗示听众的熟悉程度,从而降低你的信息传递的有效性。

    Using "you guys" as an all-purpose substitute for the second-person plural is a bad habit that can undermine your message by making assumptions about how familiar your audience really wants to be.


  • 我们习惯头发仅仅当作个人风格反映但是作为我们身体不断生长部分,头发与我们的生理系统息息相关

    We make it a rule to a hair to only regard as personal a kind of reflection of style, but as a part that continuously grows of our body, the hair is as vitally related as our physiology systems.


  • 作为作者可能习惯使用文字处理软件格式回车(输入字符,选择格式回车,再次输入字符,选择另外一种格式,按回车,此类推)。

    As an author, you might be used to working with your word processor's formatting plus the Enter key. (you type, choose a format, press Enter, type more, choose another format, press Enter, and so on.)


  • 道德作为调整人们之间关系行为规范人们习惯信念舆论传统的力量起作用制度

    The morality as a behavior norm of regulating people relation is a soft institution that takes effect through the habit, idea and public opinion of definite times.


  • 作为一种便捷支付工具信用卡改变着人们消费习惯

    As a convenient tool of payment, credit CARDS have been changing our habits of consumption.


  • 双手交互作为一种自然人机交互形式,不但符合认知习惯行为特征而且能提高计算机输入带宽

    As a natural measure of HCI, two-handed interaction not only matches the habit of human cognition and behavior, but also improves the bandwidth of computer input.


  • 寻找理想工作习惯能够尽可能始终如地坚持写作作为作家始终不断探索的领域。

    Finding the ideal working habits that will allow me to write as consistently as possible is always something I'm exploring as a writer.


  • 分析了“国际商事习惯作为一种习惯”的特殊性。

    It also analyses the characteristic of the international commercial custom.


  • 维尔塔宁可能恶化随着时间工作时间长人们生活方式作为一种不良饮食习惯增加饮酒导致例子

    But Virtanen said it was possible the lifestyle of people working long hours deteriorated over time, for example as a result of poor diet or increased alcohol consumption.


  • 作为一种喜好习惯女孩通常那些很激烈的体育活动

    What I'm saying is, as a preference and a norm, girls typically didn't play the rougher sports.


  • 因此作为老师我们需要教给孩子不仅仅一种语言更是一种能力习惯以及品格

    Therefore, as a teacher, we need to teach children not just a language, but also a capacity, habits, and character.


  • 家庭接受下来仅仅作为家族习惯些认真严肃的作为一种精神生命深度理解寻求它的。

    I think some family members may just receive it as a kind of family tradition, but serious people do go for it to obtain a deeper understanding of spiritual life.


  • 家庭接受下来仅仅作为家族习惯些认真严肃的作为一种精神生命深度理解寻求它的。

    I think some family members may just receive it as a kind of family tradition, but serious people do go for it to obtain a deeper understanding of spiritual life.


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