• 光纤二次套塑生产过程对光纤余长直径控制尤为重要

    It is important to control optical fiber's surplus length and diameter in the course of optical fiber secondary coating.


  • 罩棚幔子,这边那边一肘,要垂在帐幕两旁遮盖帐幕。

    The tent curtains will be a cubit longer on both sides; what is left will hang over the sides of the tabernacle so as to cover it.


  • 介绍一种采用激光检测技术实现对次套塑工艺余长和直径控制方法

    The paper introduces a method for controlling the surplus length and diameter adopting the laser measure technique in the secondary coating technology.


  • 文章介绍了光纤复合架空地线余长通过余长来考察企业技术水平方法

    This article introduces excess lengths of optical fiber composite ground wire(OPGW) and the ways of determine a company's level of technology through the excess lengths.


  • 合理设计精确控制套管光纤,使光缆具有优良的抗拉性能温度性能

    Reasonable design and precise control over the loose-tube fiber in the remainder of a long, fiber optic cable with excellent performance and temperature tensile properties.


  • 本文光纤概念作完整阐述,给出了光纤余长的明确定义,阐明了光纤余长物理意义

    The physical significance of fiber excess length was illuminated and a case study based on the typical construction of loose tube layer strnded cables was made.


  • 本文通过对光缆拉伸试验温度循环试验论证,揭示出光缆生产过程选择合适重要性;

    Tensile and temperature tests of the optical fiber cable were carried out. Results of these tests showed proper cxcess fiber length selected during the cable production.


  • 推导出了成叠带状光纤套管计算公式,此两公式带状光纤结构设计需要用到基本公式。

    We have derived two formulas calculating excess lengths for folded ribbon fiber in loose tube. These formulas are useful for structural design of ribbon fiber cable.


  • 试图明示,美国人民任何文明之民族,盖甚为年轻,不够渊

    The American people, I have tried to show, are still a nation without any civilization and that is because they are still a young nation.


  • 二十里,面积三百处处时间钟乳石卓越杰作

    Cave length of twenty years, an area of three hundred acres, everywhere is time and stalactites outstanding masterpiece.


  • 沿海岸线呈西南东北走向30公里10公里。

    It was along the coastline to the northeast toward the southwest, 30 km, maximum width 10 km.


  • 红山宝塔夕阳中,呈现迷人的风姿,故“塔映夕阳”。

    Hongshan pagoda in the setting sun over the halo, the tower shadow oblique length, showing a charming grace, it is called "Tower Ying sunset."


  • 一尺大街不过几十北京最短胡同虽然很短,但人们称之为“北京胡同缩影”。

    Being the shortest hutong in Beijing, Yichi Dajie is only dozens of meters long. In spite of its shortness, the alleyway is said to be "an epitome of the hutongs in Beijing".


  • 男生楼下一段2004米的过道以及草坪得水泄不通

    More than a thousand boys will be downstairs section of approximately 200 meters and a width of 4 meters of the aisle, as well as lawn surrounded packed.


  • 刘思诚表示永丰,电子技术有力支持者公司前任董事何寿川(Ho Show-chung)。 何寿川目前担任台湾领先金融集团永丰银行(SinoPac)董事

    Mr Liu says the biggest supporter of e-paper technology at YFY was Ho Show-Chung, the company's former chairman and now chairman of SinoPac, a leading Taiwanese financial group.


  • 出席整个庆典宴会嘉宾有百位,其中包括公司董事总经理赣州酒类行业领导、赣州房地产领导及红酒爱好者等

    More than 100 guests attended the celebration party, including company President and general manager, Ganzhou wine industry leaders, Ganzhou leadership and red wine lovers.


  • 出席整个庆典宴会嘉宾有百位,其中包括公司董事总经理赣州酒类行业领导、赣州房地产领导及红酒爱好者等

    More than 100 guests attended the celebration party, including company President and general manager, Ganzhou wine industry leaders, Ganzhou leadership and red wine lovers.


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