• 碎屑清除余下的工作就是清理缝合

    The spiny fragments have been removed, and all that is left is the clean up and close.


  • RDA会替完成余下工作,所以只需鼠标单击,就能直接生成模型

    RDA does the rest for you and allows you to start working with the model directly with a few mouse clicks.


  • 建议我们余下工作留到日后做,因为当时一心只想着吃喝玩乐

    Hesuggested we leave the rest of this work for another day, for he was in the mood to eat, drink, and be merry.


  • 与此同时有一个多个背景GC线程使用闲置周期完成余下的工作

    Meanwhile, one or more background GC threads will use idle cycles to get additional work done.


  • 目前余下的工作就是客户端供应者处理程序部署合适的处理程序中。

    All that remains now is to deploy the client and provider handlers to the appropriate handler chains.


  • 余下的工作添加代码检查用户指定的然后使用这些值执行所需操作

    All that remains to do is add code to check the user-specified values, and then use these values to perform the desired action.


  • 处理机用作数据处理假若其中一部失灵余下工作自动分派其他处理机。

    All the processors are used to process data, but if one fails, the workload will be distributed automatically to the remaining processors.


  • 而且如果未来希望修改拼图方式,你只需修改绑定Ninject为你完成余下工作

    Then, if you want to change the way the puzzle looks in the future, you can just change your bindings, and Ninject will do the rest of the work.


  • 这个示例中创建file对象然后Python余下的工作允许文件中的全部进行迭代

    In this case, you create an implicit file object, and Python does the rest, allowing you to iterate over all the lines in the file.


  • 把菠菜以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙酱油组成简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入面条蔬菜余下的工作就完成了。

    Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, lime and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left.


  • 如果转换dita文件所需的输出格式告诉DITAOTdost . jar文件,它就完成余下的工作

    If you tell the dost.jar file of DITA OT which source DITA file to transform and the output format you want, it can do the rest.


  • 史密斯铁片活动装置做好,余下工作简单了,只要一个圆盘上写明字母铁片上安上指针电站之间就可以联系

    This movement of the plate thus obtained, Harding could easily fasten to it a needle arranged on a dial, bearing the letters of the alphabet, and in this way communicate from one station to the other.


  • 然而如果工作人生余下时间去真正愿意事,将会世界产生影响。你怎么做?

    However if you could change your work and spend the rest of your life doing work you truly enjoy and which will make a difference to the world, what would you do?


  • 为了演示JSTL标记我们使用来自一个工作应用程序示例系列余下文章都将使用此应用程序。

    To demonstrate the JSTL tags, we'll use examples from a working application for the remaining articles in this series.


  • 如果选择留下来,那么你应迅速完成工作然后余下时间培养自己阅读写作兴趣,从而不断提升自己的水平。

    If you choose to stay, you can still work fast and use the remaining time to develop your interest in reading or writing to keep improving yourself.


  • 余下很多工人同意回去工作,他们认为在本周末获得大幅加薪

    Many of the remaining workers agreed to return to work with the understanding that offers of a substantial wage increase would be forthcoming by the end of the week.


  • 参考Linux发行商提供安装指南完成余下安装工作

    Please refer to the installation guides provided by Linux distribution vendors to complete the remaining installation work.


  • 我们能够通过余下迭代数量平均缺陷分辨工作增加每个迭代预期缺陷

    We can also multiply out the expected defects per iteration by the number of remaining iterations and then by the average defect resolution effort.


  • 锻炼间隙使他们重振精神并且使他们余下时间里继续工作

    The exercise session will perk them up and keep them going for the rest of the day.


  • 瑞典汽车制造商沃尔沃加紧完成导航气候控制系统在日本余下最后10天工作

    And Volvo, the Swedish carmaker, was working with a 10-day supply left of Japanese-built navigation and climate control systems.


  • 本文余下内容将描述这些基本概念中的第一个,项目如何工作提供基于角色上下文环境

    This rest of this article describes the first of these fundamental concepts, how Projects provide a role-based context for work.


  • 现在需要完成余下工作编码输出文档生成适当注释,为了便于阅读,注释两端可以空格

    Now you need to fill in those remaining gaps with code to generate the appropriate comments into the output document, plus some whitespace wrapped around the comments for the sake of readability.


  • 就像他们的专栏评论一样,糟糕处理裁员方式会使余下的雇员失去士气,导致糟糕工作状况

    As I commented on their column, poorly handled layoffs lead to the poor morale of and performance by retained employees.


  • 周一周三隔一周的周五工作爱人余下的时间工作

    He works Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday, his wife the remaining days.


  • 因而余下团队可以用作日常开发工作一部分

    As such, you and the rest of your team can use it as part of your day-to-day development efforts.


  • 一个关键步骤因为设定了迁移工作余下部分阶段

    This is a vital step as it sets the stage for the rest of the effort. During this time, you must work to.


  • 工作仍然没有完成因为还有一个任务余下的

    My job was still not finished, for I still had one task remaining.


  • 本文余下大多数内容中,我们讨论实现应用ServletJSP代码考察JSPServlet一起工作方式

    For most of the remainder of this article, we will discuss the servlet and JSP code that drives this application. We'll examine the ways in which JSPs and servlets work together.


  • 发表演讲时,施奈德先生27岁,已经工作余下38年话题而探索:人类正对气候造成了什么影响?

    The lecture was on the topic that Mr Schneider, then 27, had been working on for two years and would work on for another 38: what were humans doing to the climate?


  • 发表演讲时,施奈德先生27岁,已经工作余下38年话题而探索:人类正对气候造成了什么影响?

    The lecture was on the topic that Mr Schneider, then 27, had been working on for two years and would work on for another 38: what were humans doing to the climate?


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