• 研究兴趣着眼于人们体验景观、与景观交互作用理解表现景观不同途径尤其是野生自然植被条件下。

    Anna's research interests focus around the ways in which different people experience, interact with, understand and represent landscape, and especially wild or natural-looking vegetation;


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究为数不多能够体现世俗作品,这世俗大多时候都能够反应我们自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the mundanity that characterises most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究布满残垣断壁废墟,那是为数不多能够体现世俗作品,这一世俗能够反映我们大多数时候面对大多数自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the commonplaceness that characterizes most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 工人体育馆门外或是后海南面靠近莲花那家星巴克周边地带,都是亲身体验一独特文化景观绝佳选择。

    The best places are the North Gate of the Workers' Stadium on Gongti Bei Lu or at the south end of Houhai, next to the Starbucks on Lotus Lane, just off Pingan Dajie.


  • 花园渗透容量大量木材玻璃窗户景观体验连接一起。

    Gardens permeate the volumetry and generous Windows of wood and glass connect the experience to the landscape.


  • 别墅路线生活体验基于室内外连接,还在于不断变化滨水景观这些都成为日常生活不可或缺组成部分

    The routing and living experience in the villa is based on connecting inside and outside and making the constantly changing waterside landscape an integral part of everyday life.


  • 由于出生一个禅僧世家,所以作品可以充分体验日本传统文化景观设计中的表现

    He was born of a bonze family, so we can have rich experience from his productions that the traditional cultures of Japan are expressed in his landscape architecture designs.


  • 大型项目必不可少大体量结构设在坡地景观中,产生了不同的层次多个露台降低了建筑存在感增加湖畔生活的体验

    The requisite bulk of a large program is set into the sloping landscape, providing a play of levels and terraces that diminish the built presence and enhance the experience of the lakeside site.


  • 设计主要目标之一体验河流景观将河流动力学融合到设计中。

    Experiencing the river landscape and incorporating the river dynamics was one of the main objectives in our design.


  • 不可思议细节融入几乎每方面所以没有人会体验迪士尼景观声音时感到无聊

    Incredible detail has been put into every aspect of the park, so no one is bored while experiencing the sights and sounds of Disney.


  • 布线决定球场走向节奏最终引领球手体验整个场地景观

    The routing defines the flow and rhythm for the course and ultimately takes the players on their journey throughout the landscape of the site.


  • 房屋入口通道找到体验缩影这里所有倒影都结合水面使景观成为真正移动景观

    The epitome of their experience is to be found at the entrance passage of the house, where all of these reflections find the surface of water to make the landscape a truly moving one.


  • 公路沿线景观建构”作为目前一项正日益受到普遍关注的课题,拥有着快速车行体验为媒介的大地尺度动态特征

    The construction of roadside landscape, a well-concerned topic, is of large-scale land and dynamic features based on fast driving experience.


  • 地区开设了望远镜农场游客提供360体验

    The area already features a number of telescope farms, which offer 360-degree panoramas.


  • 希望营造具有参与性新鲜体验景观空间,深入人心的给人一个关于爱情记忆

    Hope to create a participatory, fresh experience a sense of landscape space, gives a deep impression on the memory of love.


  • 希望能有机会尽可能体验中国北京奥运文化内涵景观

    He hoped to experience as much culture and the landscapes of both China and the Olympic communities as he could.


  • 萨拉瑟几乎乌托邦式雕塑装置挑战我们环境和社会景观体验

    Saraceno's almost Utopian sculptures and installations challenge our experience of the environment and the social landscape.


  • 海内外旅游者注视上海都市文化氛围、文化景观文化活动中,可以感受到这种跨文化体验

    We can feel this cross-cultural experience of both Chinese and overseas tourists from their focus on the cultural surroundings, cultural scenery and cultural activities in Shanghai.


  • 远处体验曼哈顿旧金山金门景观还有这更好方法吗?

    What better way to experience Manhattan or San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge from a distance?


  • 中心建筑景观其他诸多诠释元素谨慎精心地整合游客提供丰富体验

    The architecture, landscape and interpretive elements of the new visitor center are carefully and sensitively integrated to provide a rich experience for the visitor.


  • 那时,世界各地聚集神圣的土地上是为了观看绘制山水景观一瞬间亲身体验

    People from all around the world gathered in these very sacred grounds to map the sensation of ink-painting landscape.


  • 景观体育作为体育旅游重要范畴属于新兴体验经济项目具有十分巨大市场发展潜力

    As an important category of athletic travel, the landscape athletics belong to a newly arisen experiential economics item and have great market developing potential.


  • 室内景观作为生活最为密切相关景观构成越来越受到重视使人足不出户就能体验“天人合一”的自然意境。

    As a part of landscape design, interior landscape is closest to inhabitants. It provides an experience of the unity between man and nature.


  • 最新一期即将举办的,有趣苔藓微景观手作体验课,无论已经芳草地会员或是尚未加入,都欢迎你来参加。

    The upcoming workshop is a fun moss terrarium workshop. Whether you are already a member or aren't a member yet, we would like to invite you over.


  • 这个空间一个不规则四边形庭院连接建筑4个开口,重新定义景观体验视角,并以此唤醒游客风景感知

    This space has a central courtyard connecting four openings, re-defining the perspectives to experience the views, while stimulating the tourists' awareness of the landscape.


  • 现代豪华客房拥有独一无二的景观,奥运观景客房内饱览立方瑰丽景象将宾客带来前所未有的特色体验

    The contemporary yet luxurious rooms are setting the perfect backdrop for a rich and authentic experience with spectacular views of the blue Water Cube.


  • 所以小区环境设计中,创造丰富景观体验

    So in the area of the environment in the design, I aim to create wealth of experience.


  • 每一景观以后的市民游客提供了独特和特别的体验,将游客自然时间空间连接

    Every landscape provides special experience for citizens and tourists connect tourists with nature and time with space.


  • 每一景观以后的市民游客提供了独特和特别的体验,将游客自然时间空间连接

    Every landscape provides special experience for citizens and tourists connect tourists with nature and time with space.


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