• 委员赋予地区发展体育运动职责。

    The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region.


  • 南非体育委员两个组织合并形成的。

    Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organizations.


  • 大四时担任体育委员带领同学锻炼身体。

    In the senior year, I was the commissary in charge of sports and led my classmates to do exercises.


  • FIFA现在并不急于弄清事情的真相,但FIFA体育道德委员早晚会调查传闻的,这点毫无疑问。

    But FIFA is in no hurry to draw a line under the affair. Its ethics committee will investigate the allegation, no doubt at length.


  • 封信连同其他一系列涉及这一丑闻文件文化传媒体育委员一起对外发表的。

    The letter was among a string of documents released by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee relating to the scandal.


  • 国家体育执行委员首席行政负责人经常交换体育方面意见

    The chief executive of the National sports executive Committee often exchanged opinions on sports with her.


  • 多年来只要候选人其它一些学术领域卓越表现,评选委员不会太注重其体育成绩

    Over the years, selection committees had come to discount a lack of athletic prowess if a candidate had excelled in some other nonacademic field.


  • 文化媒体体育特别委员(The Culture, Media andSportselect committee)也已重新开始调查这个问题

    The Culture, Media and Sport select committee has re-opened its inquiry into the subject.


  • 这个爆炸性声明传出以后,文化体育媒体委员立即声明他们要请Murdoch解释其中矛盾之处。

    The statement came as something of a bombshell to the culture, sport and media select committee, which immediately announced it would be asking Murdoch to explain the contradiction.


  • 世界杯组织委员发言人里查·mkhondo运输专家正在调查南非1 - 1打平墨西哥的比赛,门票售完的足球城体育没有满座观看

    World Cup organizing committee spokesman Rich Mkhondo said that transport experts were studying why the sold-out Soccer City stadium was not full to see South Africa draw 1-1 with Mexico.


  • 奥林匹克运动会国际奥林匹克委员主办包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,举行一次。

    The olympic games is an international gymkhana including many kinds of sports which is hold by the olympic games committee every four year.


  • 默多克父子英国议会文化媒体体育调查委员会回答问题。

    The Murdochs were questioned by a House of Commons committee on Culture, Media, and Sport.


  • 正如国际奥委会评估委员所说,2008年北京奥运会中国世界体育运动留下独一无二的遗产

    As the International Olympic Committee Evaluation Commission said, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China and the world of sports will leave a unique legacy.


  • 国际奥委会执行委员国际单项体育运动联合会国家奥委会协商决定奥林匹克大会日程

    The IOC Executive Board determines the agenda of the Olympic Congress after consultation with the IFs and the NOCs.


  • 国家体育体育教育委员的成员。

    She is with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.


  • 每个地区执行委员负责地区体育事务

    Each regional committee has its own executive committee in charge of the regional sports affairs.


  • 应当充分发挥业主委员社区居委会监督职能作用,强化社区体育组织管理完善社区体育组织网络

    The owners committee and local residents committee shall be employed to enhance community sports management and perfect the network of community sports organizations.


  • 公众愤怒促使国际奥委会建立一个专门委员——奥林匹克医务委员会,研究体育运动兴奋剂的使用问题,第一次列出被禁药物的名单。

    The public outrage led the Olympic Committee to establish a special commission called the IOC Medical Commission, to study doping in sports and set up its first list of prohibited substances.


  • 分管自治区体育质量技术监督局、编译局、语文工作委员办公室文物局

    In charge of Sports Bureau, Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, Compiler Bureau, Tibetan Language and Chinese Working Committee Office, Bureau of Cultural Relics.


  • 国际奥林匹克委员承认其他一些体育项目将来有可能纳入奥运会

    The International Olympic Committee(IOC) recognizes other sports that may one day be added to the Olympic Games.


  • 慷慨精神冠以崇高市民品质。获得体育来自国际奥林匹克委员赞助她2000年奥运会的全额奖金。

    Her generosity of spirit was honored with the Citizenship Through Sports Award and with an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2000 Olympic Games from the International Olympic Committee.


  • 国际奥委会奥运会申办城市评估委员中有国际单项体育联合会国家奥委会代表

    If the IOC Evaluation Commission cities bidding for the Olympic Games in the International Federations and the national Olympic Committee representatives.


  • 另一家机构——澳大利亚体育运动委员(asc),则为总计96项体育运动中项目数千名表现突出的男女运动员提供资助

    Another body, the Australian sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women.


  • 印第安纳体育场馆公众建筑指导委员会的执行董事john Klipsch当地媒体新闻6说,专家找不出发生的原因。

    Indiana Stadium and Convention Building Authority executive director John Klipsch told local news station 6 news that experts are unsure what caused the corrosion.


  • 公司总经理周廷国先生中国体育科学学会体育仪器器材分会常务委员

    Zhou Tingguo, the General Manager and Owner of the company, is the member of the Standing Committee of the Sports Equipment Charter of the China Sports Science Institute.


  • 奥林匹克运动会国际奥林匹克委员主办包含多种体育运动项目国际性运动会,举行次。

    The international sports games of the containment various athletics running item that the Olympic sports games is an international Olympic committee to sponsor holds every four years.


  • 奥林匹克运动会国际奥林匹克委员主办包含多种体育运动项目国际性运动会,举行次。

    The international sports games of the containment various athletics running item that the Olympic sports games is an international Olympic committee to sponsor holds every four years.


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