• 今天青年体育环境年轻运动员可能担心而不是自己开心享受这项运动

    In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport.


  • 学校体育环境完成学校体育各项工作条件保证

    School physical cultural environment offers the condition and guarantee for the accomplishment of school physical educational work in every aspect.


  • 更高一个层面来看甚至影响和谐体育环境构建

    From a higher level, it even affects the construction of the harmonious sports.


  • 体育环境体育文化可以激发培养大学生竞争意识竞争态度

    The sports environment and sports culture can inspire or cultivate the competitive consciousness and attitude of college students.


  • 随着我们前进的脚步,我们以往成功的基础上更进一步构建更干净的体育环境

    As we move forward, let us build on our past success to promote cleaner sports.


  • 装饰美中通过探讨体育服装体育装备美、体育建筑体育环境美,论证了体育美的条件

    As to the form of decoration, the beauty of dress and equipment, the beauty of building and environment were discussed as the condition of sport aesthetics.


  • 为了2008年北京举办奥运会创造良好社会体育环境必要深入理解现代奥林匹克的精髓之所在

    It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the modern Olympic spirit so as to create a good social and physical environment for Olympic Games which is to be held in Beijing in 2008.


  • 如何培养大学生身体锻炼能力运动能力、开拓创新能力、组织管理能力、保健能力、利用体育环境条件能力等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper expatriates how to cultivate the students' abilities of physical training and sports training, creativity, management, health keeping and utilization of sports conditions and environments.


  • 其次,是对构建体育环境学科理论思考,主要是揭示体育环境学新学科形成的动因体育环境学新学科的应用前景进行了展望。

    Second, through the theory thinking of structure the new subject of sports environment, discover the motive of the form of its and look ahead the application prospect of its.


  • 乡下孩子新鲜空气可以呼吸生活环境不那么拥挤有更多机会参加体育锻炼,所以他们通常城市中的孩子健康

    With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city.


  • 环境食品农村事务部(DEFRA) 研究指出十分之一农场已经开展了体育娱乐活动

    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) reckons that a tenth of farms have diversified into sports and recreation activities.


  • 其中包括医疗教育环境体育国家遗产保护等项目

    These include projects in health, education, the environment, the arts, sport and national heritage.


  • 一项研究发现第一次非洲举办世界杯足球赛产生275万排放,将是有史以来体育赛事环境造成最大影响之一

    Africa's first football World Cup will generate 2.75m tonnes of carbon emissions, one of the biggest environmental impacts of any sporting event in history, a study has found.


  • 进行体育锻炼-选择体育运动,活动起来,提供挑战性的环境

    Play Sports -find a physical activity that will get you to move and provides a challenging environment.


  • 二极管提倡者表示这种技术功能多样化足以任何环境使用,大到可以用于大型体育照明到用于移动电话的微型照明显示新的短信

    Advocates of LEDs note that the technology is versatile enough to work in almost any situation, from stadium lighting right down to the tiny light on your phone that flashes to indicate a new message.


  • 体育人们用来提高他们自然环境驾驭一个有用的方法

    Sport has been a useful way for people to increase their mastery of nature and the environment.


  • 2004年,171个9岁大儿童父母回答了一份关于他们对于体育活动周围社会环境评价的调查问卷。

    In 2004, the parents of 171 nine-year-old children answered survey questions regarding their perceptions of the physical and social neighborhood environment.


  • 影响研究生体育行为主要因素健身知识时间组织管理缺乏以及研究生特定环境不良生活习惯等

    The main factors influencing their sports behavior is the lack of physical exercise knowledge, time and management as well as the bad living habit and particular environment.


  • 涉及我们生活许多方面不论是体育环境商业文化英联邦国家之间的联系紧密丰富

    In many aspects of our lives, whether in sport, the environment, business or culture, the Commonwealth connection remains vivid and enriching.


  • 事实上运动员常常对于自身体育参与环境失去有效控制

    In fact, the players often lose effective control over the conditions of their own participation in the sport.


  • 休闲体育相对自由社会生活环境条件下人们自愿选择并从事各种形式的体育活动统称

    Leisure sports refer to a general designation of all kinds of physical exercises that people engage freely under comparatively freely social living environment and condition.


  • 本着一精神教科文组织荣幸地国际大学生体育联合会携手并肩,致力于打造公正与和平体育社会环境

    In this spirit, UNESCO is proud to support the International University Sports Federation and work together towards upholding a more peaceful and fair sporting and social environment.


  • 可能现代体育令人震惊时刻,考虑到这是当时的时代环境发生的。

    This might have been the most devastating moment in modern sports history given the time and climate in which it occurred.


  • 使体育内部伴随景观建设概述环境建筑体量创建访客行人进入建筑内部路径之间的关系。

    These build the interiors of the stadium accompanied by a landscape architecture that Outlines the environment between volumes, creating access and pedestrian paths that lead into the building.


  • 影响运动员学习主要因素运动员主观认识体育环境影响

    Factors that affect the studies for athletes are athlete's subjective understanding and influence of the sports big environment and so on.


  • 研究分析上海市体育场馆经营宏观环境,场馆管理营销策略等方面。

    This research analyzes the macroscopic environment of the running of the sports facilities in Shanghai, including management and running tactics.


  • 奥林匹克公园成为2008年奥运会世人瞩目焦点。它体现奥林匹克运动三大方面体育文化环境

    The Olympic Green will serve as the vibrant center point of the 2008 Games, encompassing the three dimensions of Olympism: sport, culture and environment.


  • 奥林匹克公园成为2008年奥运会世人瞩目焦点。它体现奥林匹克运动三大方面体育文化环境

    The Olympic Green will serve as the vibrant center point of the 2008 Games, encompassing the three dimensions of Olympism: sport, culture and environment.


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