• 熔体体积流动速率MVR表征聚合物流动特性重要参数之一

    Melt volume flow rate (MVR) is one of the important parameters for characterization of flow property of polymers.


  • 根据轴体积流动规律导出了法兰轧制尺寸变化规律各种轧制用毛坯体积分配规律。

    The volume flow amount is also calculated. The dimension variation law for rolling flange ring and the volume distribution law for its rolling blank are derived from the axial volume flow.


  • 基于阶梯孔环件轧制体积流动规律,提出了阶梯孔环件轧制用毛坯设计原理方法,并进行轧制实验验证

    The blank design principle and method for rolling ring with stepped hole is developed based on the volume flow law and the comparison to the ring rolling experiment is done.


  • 基于阶梯孔环件轧制体积流动规律,提出了阶梯孔环轧制毛坯设计原理方法进行轧制实验验证。

    The blank design principle and method for rolling ring with stepped hole is developed based on the volume flow law and the comparison to the rin


  • 基于阶梯孔环件轧制体积流动规律,提出了阶梯孔环件轧制用毛坯设计原理方法,并进行轧制实验验证。

    The blank design principle and method for rolling ring with stepped hole is developed based on the volume flow law and the comparison to the ring rolling experiment is …


  • 知道通常规则需要10个体积流动相来重新平衡柱子但是必须要验证给别人看这些重新平衡条件充分的。

    I know the general rule that approximately 10 column volumes of mobile phase is necessary for reequilibration, but I must demonstrate and validate that the reequilibration conditions are sufficient.


  • 这种营养物质的流动不断增加肌肉细胞体积提高蛋白质合成加速恢复加速增长

    This steady nutrient flow increases muscle cell volume, enhancing protein synthesis, speeding recovery and accelerating growth.


  • 建筑材料选用延续纪念性/反体积思路采用浅色表皮+透的玻璃幕墙体系,建筑室内外实现流动空间

    On the selection of materials, we continue the thought of "against memorial and volume", Using light color skin and clear glass curtain wall system to achieve flow space between indoor and outdoor.


  • 流动然后停止而且如果地层足够渗透率,地层将会流动平衡测试地层体积

    Flow is then stopped, and if the formation has sufficient permeability, the formation will flow to equilibrate the tester with the bulk of the formation.


  • 蒸汽压力降落确定蒸汽波及体积了解波及流动情况一种经济有效方法

    Pressure transient test in steam injection well is an inexpensive and effective means to determine swept volume and flowing condition of the steam zone.


  • 记录流量计测得的流动速度体积所用的记录纸。

    A chart used to record flow velocity or volume measured by a flowmeter.


  • 结果表明体积流动种类、配比因素有关

    Experimental results further showed that dead volumes were also related to factors, such as the characteristics of the mobile phase, its composition and the column temperature.


  • 提出规则网格有限体积计算不规则边界区域传热流体流动问题。

    The irregular grid finite-volume method is proposed for computation of heat transfer and fluid flows in complex region.


  • 这里采用有限体积真空高压气体流动过程进行了数值模拟计算。

    This paper simulated gas flow in vacuum high- pressure gas quenching furnace with finite volume method (FVM).


  • 考虑体积分率粒径分布流动影响

    Considering the influences of the particle volume fraction and the distribution of particle size on the flow.


  • 应用湍流数学模型流体体积模拟孤立翻越防波堤流动自由表面变化

    The free surface flow of a solitary wave overtopping an erect breakwater was simulated using turbulent model and the VOF method.


  • 液体流动过程中,周围压力增加时,空泡体积将急剧缩小溃灭

    When bubbles flow within fluid, once the pressure arroud a bubble decreases, the volume of bubbles become smaller or collapses.


  • 给出了描述活塞风流动湍流流动不可压n - S方程,采用有限体积控制方程进行离散

    A three dimensional turbulent flow is studied by the computation of the incompressible N-S governing equations. The finite-volume method was used to discrete the equations.


  • 基于一思想,给出管道泄露检测数学模型体积流量平衡模型、热力平衡模型、流动模型及其求解方法

    Based on that, the numerical of product leakage and its method of solving are proposed, which include volume balance calculations, heat transfer models and transients fluid flow models.


  • 针对固态成形,特别是触变锻造成形中浆料流动前沿开裂等质量问题,首次提出流动前沿等体积流量概念,并将其运用到半固态成形模具优化设计

    With an aim to solve the long-term existing problem of the cracks in flow-front during thixo-forging, a new theory of constant volume flux of slurry was put forward in optimizing die design.


  • LA系列采用高效H类电路电源采用同步整流开关电源,重量体积小,特别适合流动演出声应用

    La Circuit Design class-H, power supply with synchronous rectification switching power supply, light weight, small size, especially suitable for mobile performance of anti-sound applications.


  • 提出一种新的适于不可压缩流动有限体积差分计算多重网格

    Proposed is a new multi grid scheme suitable for calculating incompressible flows in turbomachinery.


  • 介绍排气系统非定常FVM-TVD(总残差减少有限体积法)。

    In this paper, a FVM-TVD method for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in inlet and exhaust manifold of ICE has been constructed.


  • 采用体积成形模拟软件分析了安全气囊壳体挤压成形材料流动规律。

    Material flowing behavior of shell for air bag in extrusion are also analyzed by means of 2-d simulation software of volume deformation.


  • 提出一种新的显式时间推进有限体积差分格式、粘性体积法有效地配合使用多重网格法来求解叶轮机械可压流动

    This paper puts forward a new multiple gird scheme, which is used with the combination of explicit time marching method, finite volume difference code and distributed body force.


  • 其次扩充流动中,图像检测流动参数内容,实现体积空隙率检测

    Secondly, we expand the scope of detectable flow parameters by using image method in dilute phase flow regime, and achieve measurement of volume voidage.


  • 循环系统产出流体系统内部体积流体,其密度通常高于主体流体,其作用影响流动特性生产特性

    A small volume of fluid, often of a higher density than the main body of fluid, within the circulating or production-fluid system that influences the flow or production characteristics of the well.


  • 产品具有相率活性、用水量流动性好、体积密度高、热态强度优良等特点

    It has good properties such as, high inversion rate, good activity, small water demand, good fluidness, high bulk density, excellent thermal strength etc.


  • 假设孔隙多孔介质,模拟蒸汽发生器内的流动引入体积孔隙率,渗透率分布阻力模拟管束支撑板对流动的扰动。

    The model simulates sodium flow in the steam generator as quasi-continuum. The model USES volume porosity, area permeability and distributed resistance to model the tubes and support plates.


  • 一个水分子流动周期速度并非随机而是由水库不同体积来衡量

    The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs.


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