• 这个病症神经弄死了甚至最后会将关键器官神经比如说大脑心脏

    It kills the nerves of her body, and will eventually kill a critical nerve like to the brain, heart or lungs.


  • 结论注射法脊髓内注射法均是OPV体神经毒力试验敏感方法病理结果准确可靠

    Conclusion Both intracerebral and intraspinal injections were sensitive methods for neurovirulence test of OPV. The results of pathological examinations were accurate and reliable.


  • 这种用前肢踩踏训练一个小时内就可以两侧运动皮层神经形成突触后“树枝状小棘”的结构。

    Training in a forelimb reaching task leads to rapid (within an hour) formation of postsynaptic dendritic spines on the output pyramidal neurons in the contralateral motor cortex.


  • 老鼠个别海马神经的多次研究显示出其一特性他们拥有能够找到某些地方的惊人能力--释放位置细胞脉冲

    A much-studied property of individual hippocampal neurons in rats is their striking ability to hone activity to certain places – known as place-cell firing.


  • 半部分2到3亿神经组成主干连接,即胼胝

    The two halves are linked by a trunkline of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the corpus callosum.


  • 利用这些信息扁桃情景进行了评估,认为只狗要冲过来,所以通过全身发出神经信号触发反应

    Using this information, the amygdala appraised a situationI think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.


  • 某些单极神经中,电脉冲沿外周传递

    In certain pseudounipolar neurons, the electrical impulse travels along an axon from the periphery to the cell body.


  • 例如大脑就是依赖电脉冲释放出依附神经传输离子,然后依次神经系统其余部分发出信号。

    Human brains, for example, rely on electrical impulses to release calcium ions that bind to neurotransmitters that, in turn, communicate with the rest of the nervous system.


  • 这些细胞特点它们令人瞩目的神经纤维(即轴),这些结构大多上生出,但是从浓密的原生质衍生物(即树突)上生出的情况常见

    The special character of these cells is the striking arrangement of their nerve filament [axon], which arises from the cell body but also very often from any thick, protoplasmic expansion [dendrite].


  • 然而储存段记忆还是需要依靠脑长出新神经能力

    Yet storing a memory does require the ability to sprout new neurons.


  • 哈尔在用胚胎观察神经组织时,发现树突是从上生出

    Cajal examined nervous tissue from embryos, and noticed that the axon and dendrites grow out of the cell body of the neuron.


  • 如果把电话中心想象一个有机生命PBX就是神经系统即时各个部分通报机运转情况。

    If you think of a call center as a living being, the PBX would be its nervous system, informing every other part of the organization with instant knowledge on how the business is doing.


  • 这种神经(neuralprosthesis)或许一天能够用于促进记忆形成过程帮助患者记忆

    Such a “neural prosthesiscould someday be used to facilitate the memory-forming process and help patients remember.


  • sgACC用来控制抑制恐惧反应神经投射传输杏仁将其关闭。

    It ACTS to control and suppress bodily fear responses, and sends nerve projections into the amygdala that shut it down.


  • 神经细胞包括一个细胞一个传递神经信号被称为神经的突出部分。

    A nerve cell consists of a cell body and a projection called an axon that carries the nerve signal.


  • 神经发生可以同时扮演两个角色除去记忆获得记忆。

    Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories.


  • 15周到18之间两个极好的检查可以选择甄别染色异常神经缺损症状,比如:唐氏综合症脊柱裂。

    There are two test options available between the 15th and 18th weeks to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects such as Down's syndrome and spina bifida.


  • 所以这次陈教授带领小组白鼠脊髓内注射一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR归类停靠点。

    So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site.


  • 根据发表细胞杂志上的一项研究报告,大脑海新生神经元会清除旧有记忆以接纳新的记忆

    Because according to a study published in the journal Cell, newborn neurons in the brain's memory center make room for new memories by moving out the old ones.


  • 这项新的研究提出一个相反的观点:新生神经削弱扰乱记忆编码连结

    The new study suggests the opposite: Newborn neurons weaken or disrupt connections that encode old memories in the hippocampus.


  • 轮上面跑可以促进神经发生,同样会加快记忆清除速度

    Running on an exercise wheel, which boosts neurogenesis, also sped the rate at which old memories were cleared from the hippocampus.


  • 一个新的啮齿动物研究表明新生神经使海脑细胞已有连结变得不稳定,而海马大脑中关于学习记忆部分

    A new rodent study shows that newborn neurons destabilize established connections among existing brain cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in learning and memory.


  • 灰质神经细胞构成。

    Grey matter consists of nerve cell bodies.


  • 老鼠不同部分都被选择性神经毒素进行损坏

    Different parts of the rat's hippocampus were selectively 'lesioned,' or disabled, using a neurotoxin.


  • 本来新的神经就可能是通过填补海马中的记忆形成记忆

    Essentially, the new neurons may aid formation of new memories by keeping the hippocampus from filling up with old ones.


  • 海马前部齿动物研究中,齿状回神经生成的部位,我们这一部位组织学检查以及染色等等

    We know that an area of the anterior hippocampus is the dentate gyrus, and that's where the new neurons are born in the animal studies. We can do the histology and the stains and so forth.


  • 海马前部齿动物研究,齿状回是神经生成的部位,我们部位组织学检查以及染色等等

    We know that an area of the anterior hippocampus is the dentate gyrus, and that's where the new neurons are born in the animal studies.We can do the histology and the stains and so forth.


  • 科比通过手术破坏大鼠杏仁核的基底外侧区域后发现海马新生神经产生数量随之减少

    Using rats, Kirby surgically destroyed the basolateral amygdala and discovered that the production of new nerve cells in the hippocampus decreased.


  • 科比通过手术破坏大鼠杏仁核的基底外侧区域后发现海马新生神经产生数量随之减少

    Using rats, Kirby surgically destroyed the basolateral amygdala and discovered that the production of new nerve cells in the hippocampus decreased.


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