• 积分网络:用于消除等离子体环境中的噪音干扰;

    Integrate-and-dump techniques: using integrate-and-dump network, which can suppress fluctuant noise effectively;


  • 太空中,只有一种环境就是引力场场体环境

    In Space, there is one environment only, and that is only magnetic plasmatic gravitational magnetic field.


  • 目的研究体环境颞下颌关节抗力表现

    Objective: To study the appearance of the cadaver temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discs under confining indentation.


  • 基于马尔科夫过程强化学习作为在线学习方式,能够好地应用智能环境

    Reinforcement learning based on Markov decision process is a way of on-line learning, which can be applied to single agent environment.


  • 结论在离体环境初步实验结果显示,材料釉质树脂渗透良好,但渗透深度不规则

    Conclusion the adhesive resin tags of interface were well -infiltrated into the enamel with irregular infiltration depth.


  • 他们通过心肌细胞置于周期性扭转的机械装置中,模拟环境成功地再造了心肌组织

    They successfully regenerated myocardial tissue in vitro, through placing myocardial cells in a periodically-twisting mechanical device, an in vivo simulating environment.


  • 介绍了四氢呋喃聚醚(PTMG)聚氨酯弹性性能讨论了化学结构PU弹性体环境性能影响

    The properties of PTMG-PU were introduced in this paper, and the effects of the chemical structure on the PU elastomer properties were also discussed.


  • 发现号较老板片的条纹是其返回途中地球大气层等离子环境造成的,在照片它们更扎眼的原因新的板片保持原来的黑色

    Older tiles on Discovery look streaked from the plasma environment of re-entry. They stand out in photos because new tiles still appear a pristine dark black.


  • 面向服务架构经济环境度量soaROIIBM业务价值学院发布可供下载PD F文件其中包含了SOA ROI的计算方法

    Service-oriented architecture: Measuring SOA's ROI in the new economic environment provides a download of a PDF from IBM's Institute of Business Value (IBV) which provides SOA ROI calculations.


  • 这些建筑物设计巧妙,周围环境浑然一

    The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.


  • 由于低技能劳动力市场被分割数千微观经济固定型工人就不可能要求更高薪水、更好的工作环境或者学到有价值的技术

    With the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.


  • 居住同一地区人们应该视为,这一群义务整个社区创造一个舒适生活环境

    People living in the same area should be considered a group under an obligation to create a comfortable living environment for the whole community.


  • 这些动物能与周围环境融为一

    These animals blend into their surroundings.


  • 但是这些猛虎经济恐怕不会出现前几年猛烈增长模式,也正好不会通胀环境带来压力了。

    But the tigers are unlikely to return to their heady growth rates of recent years-nor would that be desirable given the impact on inflation and the environment.


  • 卡尔·桑迪研究小组进一步发现吸收过程创造出了酸性环境从而将骨蛋白转变为一种“积极这种“积极”能够脱离骨骼进入血液循环

    Karsenty's team further found that the bone resorption process creates an acidic environment that converts osteocalcin into an "active" form, which can escape bone and enter circulation.


  • 这些工具使Eclipse 成为一LotusSametime插件开发环境

    These tools together make Eclipse an all in one development environment for Lotus Sametime plug-ins.


  • 随着当前服务器硬件性能提升许多客户正在寻找环境我们需要实现这种环境做好准备。

    With the current increases in server hardware performance, many customers are looking to consolidate environments, and we need to be ready to help make this possible.


  • 当然一种推测支持生命不是出现海洋里,而是为陆地所包围的池塘里,尤其大概是在火山的环境里。

    This is speculation, of course, but it favours the idea that living things were created in land-locked ponds, rather than at sea, and probably in a volcanic environment.


  • 根据设计师理念,这种绿色系统使用,把用户健康,屋内的小气候以及整个地球生态环境改善融合

    According with the authors the usage of such "green" systems allow to improve the health of their users, the microclimate inside the house and the ecological environment on the planet as a whole.


  • 就是说,这些崭新形式生命没有适应残酷环境或是进化成其他门类的物种。

    In other words, entirely new forms of life that did not survive or lead to other groups or species.


  • 早前一些研究甚至也观察了一些生物(混合营养)在光照低营养环境下生长的情况。

    Some previous studies even looked at how some organisms such as mixotrophs can survive low light and low food conditions.


  • 自己重塑市场预见社会环境问题保守党自己定位于一个破坏的经济清醒管理者

    After rebranding themselves as a party that could see beyond the market to social and environmental concerns, the Tories have had to re-rebrand themselves as sober stewards of a ruined economy.


  • 游戏舞台一个旋转类似魔方的四面每个场景都有对应各自玩法美梦噩梦两种环境主角需要不同梦境探索搜集散落的碎片

    The game platform is a rotatable square and every scenario has its own dream and nightmare scene.The player needs to explore different dream scenes and collect the fragments of a dream.


  • 新兴全球市场环境这种简化验证需求应该自成一

    In the emerging global marketplace, the need for such streamlined validation should be self-explanatory.


  • 这种模式起效,但是全球一逼迫适应新的全球环境

    The Mittelstand model works well, but globalisation is forcing it to adapt.


  • 但是我们预期许多经济如果专注增长战略,改善营商环境提高支出效率,就保持良好表现

    But we expect many economies to continue to do well if they focus on growth strategies, make it easier to do business, or make spending more efficient.


  • 许多建筑物长出斑驳苔藓,雨水磨平了它们的棱角。这些建筑物大都就地取材本地岩石建造而成,周围环境浑然一仿佛是从土壤中自然出的。

    Many of these structures, lichen-patched and rain-smoothed and built from local rock, match their surroundings so well they seem to have grown up organically from the soil.


  • 冷战时期侵入侦测系统旨在周围环境融为一,它能够探测300之外的任何活动

    This Cold War-Era intrusion-detection system was designed to blend in with the terrain and could detect movement of people, animals or objects up to 300 meters away.


  • 冷战时期侵入侦测系统旨在周围环境融为一,它能够探测300之外的任何活动

    This Cold War-Era intrusion-detection system was designed to blend in with the terrain and could detect movement of people, animals or objects up to 300 meters away.


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