• 住房作为一项重要社会实现与国家义务之间存在密切关联

    The right to adequate housing is an important part of the social rights, which is closely related to the state obligation.


  • 住房人类生存必需品之一国际上将住房视为基本

    Housing is one of the living essentials for the existence of human being, and thereby in the international community the housing right is also regarded as one of basic human rights.


  • 银行取消先前住房抵押赎回

    The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home.


  • 伦敦赢得了2012年奥运会申办因此许多伦敦希望一地区许多人的住房教育就业状况都能得到改善

    London won the bid to hold the Olympics in 2012, so many Londoners hope that housing, education and employment for many people in this area will improve.


  • 住房市场潜在力量市场中抵押品赎回的丧失数量掩盖了。

    He says underlying strength in the housing market is being hidden by the number of foreclosures on the market.


  • 直接解决住房问题这包括限制丧失抵押品赎回降低强行拍卖的价格。

    Directly addressing housing problems, including moving to limit foreclosures and reduce the forced sales that follow foreclosures.


  • 如果丧失抵押品赎回买卖数据移除的话,正常住房价格实际上去年保持平稳

    He says if you remove foreclosure sales from the data, housing prices for non-distressed homes have actually been flat for the past year.


  • 全身心投入重新修订投票法案修订1968年公平住房工作中。

    He was deeply involved in renewals of the Voting Rights Act and the Fair Housing law of 1968.


  • 控诽谤违反联邦公平住房法》的网站根据不同联邦法律基本能享受同样豁免

    Websites sued for defamation, or for violating federal fair housing laws, have largely enjoyed the same immunity under different federal laws.


  • 住房招募了数以百计安保人员根据一个保安这些人为保护定居者,有逮捕射杀

    The housing ministry has recruited hundreds of security people who, says a guard, are empowered to arrest and shoot on sight to protect the settlers.


  • 目前美国房地产市场滑坡,由于房贷违约率急剧上升丧失住房赎回的人数大增,全国各地的房地产价值大幅缩水,房贷巨头损失惨重。

    The two mortgage giants have been severely weakened by the current turmoil in the U.S. housing market, which has seen a dramatic rise in foreclosures, and falling home values across the country.


  • 即使是短期拘留也导致失去工作住房或者特别是对于妇女而言,会失去对子女的监护

    Even these short periods of detention can result in losing jobs, housing or, particularly for women, custody of their children.


  • 美国抵押贷款银行家协会报告说,去年年底超过10%的美国按揭户已经交按揭费丧失住房赎回

    The mortgage Bankers Association reports that more than 10 percent of American mortgage holders were either late in payments or in foreclosure at the end of last year.


  • 现阶段救市行为美国纳税人住房抵押人来说可能结果,因为他们已经付给这些海外投资者风险补贴了。

    A bailout at this stage would be theworst possible outcome for American taxpayers and mortgage holders, who havebeen paying a risk premium to these foreign investors.


  • 丧失住房赎回一般降低整个地区的房屋价值房屋评估价值降低就意味着房产减少。

    Foreclosures tend to depress housing values for entire neighborhoods, and lower assessed values mean lower tax receipts.


  • 绝大多数分析人士都把美国目前经济困难归咎于房贷违约丧失抵押住房赎回案子激增所导致的信贷条件紧缩

    Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults.


  • 佛罗里达的一些正在采取措施,努力阻止事态的恶化。他们组织调停,安排银行房屋拥有人会谈,希望找到办法解决有问题的房贷避免房主丧失住房赎回

    Several Florida counties are trying to fight back against the problem by bringing Banks and homeowners together to find a way to save troubled mortgages from foreclosure.


  • 由于伦敦成功申请到了2012年奥运会举办很多伦敦希望这个区的住房教育工作机会能够得到改善

    Since London won the bid to hold the Olympics in 2012, many Londoners hope that housing, education and employment for many people in this area will improve.


  • 由于住房议案最近拖延,85000或更多美国收到了丧失住房赎回通知——是每天8500人,”Reid

    "Since the last stall on the housing bill, 85, 000 more Americans have received foreclosure notices - 8, 500 a day," Mr. Reid said.


  • 赛门铁克公司最新垃圾邮件趋势主要集中为眼前财务状况的担忧住房抵押贷款抵押品的丧失赎取税收等

    Symantec says that the latest spamming trends largely focus on immediate financial worries: mortgages, foreclosures, and taxes.


  • 伯明翰黑人住房情况那里黑人工作机会之又少。只有25%的黑人有选举

    The housing condition for blacks in Birmingham was bad and there were few jobs for blacks. Only 25% of them could vote.


  • 因为此笔贷款住房享有留置

    For the loan, he could have a lien placed on your home.


  • 个人住房抵押实现住房抵押制度核心问题。

    Implementing the hypothecating right of personal housing is the core of the system of hypothecating rights.


  • 取消抵押品赎回受害者不得不直接联系联邦住房管理局支付时间里,备份抵押贷款

    The foreclosure victims would have to contact the FHA directly for this one time payout to get caught back up on the mortgage.


  • 分析住房抵押贷款债务关系变动引起抵押关系变动抵押行使问题

    Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed.


  • 分析住房抵押贷款债务关系变动引起抵押关系变动抵押行使问题

    Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed.


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