• 便说一下,我在选择住宿地时一贯标准很高。

    I am used to having high standards when I choose where to stay, by the way.


  • 我们联系周边一些便宜住宿地如果需要安排住宿提前告知我们。

    We are currently seeking other hotels in the area, and yes, we are looking for as cheap as possible. Please let us know if you do NOT need accommodations to be arranged.


  • 大多数法利经营商的报价包括最先住宿地开始直到各个公园门票全部食宿交通费用还有观看野生动物所需的汽油司机费用。

    Most safari operator price quotes include park entrance fees, full room and board, transport costs from the starting base to the various parks, and the costs of fuel plus a guide for wildlife drives.


  • 天快的时候,妇人回到主人住宿房门前,就仆倒地,直到天亮

    At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.


  • 他们安排住宿时收到一封邮件:我家庭所在地的居民正在被强制撤离

    While they were arranging for my stay I received an email that my hometown was under a mandatory evacuation.


  • 消费者们特定目的地目的地体验范围搜索有关住宿的信息。

    Consumers search for lodging within the context of a particular destination or a destination experience.


  • 赫特福德郡韦林花园,一家每日住宿费为1519英镑豪华猫咪旅店猫咪主人更好地享受假期成为可能

    In Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, a luxurious feline hotel, which costs between 15 pounds and 19 pounds a night, make it possible that cats could have a better holiday than owners.


  • 举止使这个农民感到大伤脸面,接着房间开价情况,小姐不耐烦说:“这个问题干嘛,我看你半晚上的住宿费都付不起。”

    He continually asked her about the cost of the room. The receptionist replied,“Why do you ask this question, as clearly you can not afford even a fraction of the nightly tariff”.


  • 举例来说,60%法国受访者表示他们一直经常通过互联网比较不同的旅游产品价格56%的搜索是关于住宿资讯,有54%的受访者则运用互联网选择旅游目的地

    For example, 60% of survey respondents in France said they went onlinealwaysoroftento compare travel prices, while 56% researched accommodation and 54% used the Web to choose a destination.


  • 但是如果居民消费价格指数(CPI)明显能准确地反应通货膨胀情况,那么斯本先生的决定似乎是有道理的,居民消费价格指数(CPI)当然应该业主居住者住宿成本计算在内

    But if the CPI does in fact broadly represent inflation more accurately, then Mr Osborne’s decision seems justifiable, certainly once the index starts to take account of owner-occupier housing costs.


  • 时候,妇人回到主人住宿房门前,就仆倒在地,直到天亮。

    Then came the woman in the dawning of the day, and fell down at the door of the man's house where her lord was, till it was light.


  • 第二如果Hot wire客人自己住宿满意——如果他们不断地安排入住劣质客房的话肯定如此——我们入住后调查中得到客人反馈

    Second, if Hotwire guests are unsatisfied with their stays - and they would be if they were consistently put in lower quality rooms - we get that feedback through our post-stay surveys.


  • 滑雪胜地15个圆顶帐篷组成巧妙地融入周边冰天雪地之中,旅客们带来舒适的住宿环境

    ski resort consists of 15 dome shaped tents that blend in with the surrounding environment and provide comfortable accommodations.


  • 最后一预定这个方法现在已经开始显得越来越重要。为了节省机票住宿费,最好时刻注意哪些打折或是让利的信息(基本上,不论如何,他们总是很有规则出现)。

    Last minutes deals are indeed becoming more and more rare. Better to watch out for sales and promotions (which regularly comes up anyway) to save on airfares and hotel bookings.


  • 长官水手住宿位置会不时地发生变化。

    The position of accommodation for officers and crew has varied from time to time.


  • 航空公司瓦格纳晚上住宿安排酒店并给牙膏牙刷免费盥洗用品袋,以及价值250美元的优惠券这样可以到达最终目的地

    The airline put Mr Wagner up in a hotel room for the night, gave him a free washbag containing toothpaste and a toothbrush, and a $250 voucher so he could reach his final destination.


  • 现代经典墨西哥蒙特雷一个五星级住宿美食难忘的豪华酒店墨西哥事件目的地婚礼空间

    Modern yet classic, Quinta Real Monterrey is an unforgettable luxury hotel with five-star accommodations, fine dining, and ample space for events and destination weddings in Mexico.


  • 到达目的地当地餐馆吃饭旅馆便宜旅店住宿,在农业市场购物

    When you reach your destination, eat at the small local dives, stay in hostels or cheap hotels, and shop at the farmers' food markets.


  • 酒店位于博斯普鲁斯海峡允许方便地访问当地几个景点加拉塔少女住宿索菲亚

    The hotel is centrally located in Bosphorus, allowing easy access to several local attractions such as Galata, Maiden's Tower, Sultanahmet, and Hagia Sophia.


  • 搜索结果定制旅游线路,推荐一个目的地的住宿供应商餐馆活动信息。

    The search result is a tailormade itinerary, featuring providers of accommodation, restaurants and activities for each town.


  • 假如注册网站取得更新,你有时机博得免费机票住宿参与为期一周年夜会

    If you sign-up on the website for updates, you will be entered to win free airfare and accommodations for the week of the Convention.


  • 总是孩子排队住宿安排可以轻松地出席

    Always have your kids line up and stay organized so you can take attendance easily.


  • 我们旅游住宿全球领导者,提供我们特色的优质服务欢迎客人来到全球各地标志性的目的地。

    We are the global leader in travel accommodations welcoming our guests to iconic locations globally through our signature service.


  • 住宿来说真的很困难诚挚地希望公司能够帮助解决这个大难题特此向老板申请宿舍

    It is definitely difficult for me to get accommodations. I sincerely hope that the company could help solve my big problem. I hereby apply for a dormitory.


  • 享受宽敞住宿优雅地设计大堂区域四个精致餐厅为名古屋东急饭店服务

    Enjoy spacious accommodations, elegantly designed lobby areas, four fine dining Venus, and tailored service at Nagoya Tokyu Hotel.


  • 沙发漫游者”一般会加入专门网站尽可能多地提供个人信息使其他会员愿意他们提供住宿跟他们换房旅游。

    Couch surfers join dedicated websites and provide as much information about themselves as possible in order to make others feel comfortable hosting them or using them as a host.


  • 如果这样做,你享受优雅住宿环境美味的食物目的地

    If you do, you would enjoy the classy accommodations and great food at your destination.


  • 如果这样做,你享受优雅住宿环境美味的食物目的地

    If you do, you would enjoy the classy accommodations and great food at your destination.


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