• 新城住宅政策新的时代背景依然留待进一步解决的一个关键议题

    The residence policy of new cities will still be a key issue waiting to be solved under the new background of times.


  • 住宅政策金融机构管理成本、监管成本政策成本和机构效率研究也是本文重点内容。

    There is a focus on analysis of transaction costs and efficiency of housing policy-based financial system.


  • 模型不仅可以用来确定住户满意度指数,还在估计住宅市场潜在需求评价住宅金融住宅政策上有很大用途。

    The model can be used to determine the household satisfaction index, to estimate the potential capacity of the housing market, and to evaluate housing finances and housing policies.


  • 作为解决我国住房问题金融手段本文政策金融一般理论出发,对比我国其他产业政策金融的经验提出构建我国住宅政策性金融体系的必要性可行性。

    As a means for housing, the establishment of housing policy-based financial system is put forward based on the elementary theory of policy finance and the experience of CDB, ADBC, and China Eximbank.


  • 2008年诺贝尔经济学得主保罗·克鲁格曼Paul Krugman)写道鉴于美国政策相较租赁倾向于支持自有住宅可以看到这样的事实:美国自有住房者泛滥。”

    Given the way US policy favours owning over renting,” writes Paul Krugman, 2008’s Nobel laureate in economics, “you can make a good case that America already has too many homeowners.”


  • 最后借鉴了美国、英国日本新加坡住房政策住宅市场存在问题政策调控不足地方提出相关意见

    Finally it lessons from the housing policy of UK, Japan, England, Singapore, puts forward relevant advice on existing problems in the housing market and policy controlling insufficient place.


  • 这个结果令人不安的,因为强调的是那些以新建较高收入业主自有郊区住宅目标政策低收入承租人来说怎样产生非故意性的负面的结果。

    This result is disturbing because it highlights how policies targeted toward new higher income owner-occupied suburban housing can have unintended negative consequences for lower income renters.


  • 加之,近些年来,得益于一系列利好政策包括长期利率刺激,激发旺盛的住宅需求

    Moreover, benefited from a series of policies which including long term of low interest rate these years, a strong housing demand is being excited.


  • 研究相关部门企业了解居民住宅行为影响因素制定相关政策提供依据

    This paper can help related departments and companies to realize the affecting factors of residents' housing tenure choice, and also can provide them some references to constitute related policies.


  • 基于本文前面研究第五部分对南京市住宅房地产市场存在的问题发展前景提出相应政策和建议

    On the basis of the research what had made, part five argued the development prospect of Nanjing residential market and put forward some corresponding policy proposals.


  • 本文遵循基础理论出发实证分析思路采用定性定量分析相结合方法北京市商品住宅市场政策进行了分析、研究

    This paper follows the idea from basic theory to empirical analysis, studies on Beijing commodity residential market policies with the combining of qualitative and quantitative analysis method.


  • 我国初步建立起政策金融商业性金融并存住宅金融体系

    But our country has initially established the housing financial system, in which the policy finance and the commercial finance have coexisted.


  • 其中利用税收优惠政策法中又分别普通标准住宅税收优惠、建房方式的税收优惠两个方面进行了分析

    Among them, utilizing tax on favorable terms is discussed respectively from ordinary-normal dwelling houses and the mode of construction.


  • 中国政策迫使住宅购房者足够的现金在手(30%第一个住宅50%第二个),尽量减少杠杆的作用和风险

    China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand (30% for your first home and 50% for your second) to minimize leverage and risk.


  • 结果表明,市场信息对称住房金融税收保险政策影响我国节能住宅供求决策的主要因素

    The results indicate that asymmetric information, housing finance policy, tax policy and insurance policy are the major effective factors.


  • 根本原因住宅市场供需结构性矛盾突出住房政策不完善

    The basic reason is the outstanding contradiction of the supply and demand structure in the residence market, and the imperfect housing policy.


  • 住宅房地产市场具有多元性,每一类型住宅都有市场特性政策因素

    The real estate market of the house is pluralistic and every kind of house has its market characteristic and factor of the policy.


  • 本文中的节点实现了多层钢结构住宅各构件现场全装配达到连接通用化、标准化、模数化的概念直接体现出住宅产业化政策

    The joint storehouse in this thesis realizes spot assembly and achieve general and standard notions, and it directly reflects the policies of residence industry;


  • 首先,论文从理论层面介绍了经济适用住房政策,它有着自身诸如价格产权运行模式等等方面特殊性,在住宅市场中占据着重要的地位并发挥着积极的作用。

    At first, the policy of affordable housing was introduced at aspect of theory. The affordable housing has many particularities such as price, property right and running mode.


  • 介绍了国外住宅建设发展趋势及政策走向从物质功能需求情感精神需求论证居民参与的必要性及其积极意义

    It demonstrates the necessity and positive significance of users' participation in need of function, users' emotion and mentality.


  • 其中廉租房租房经济适用限价定向安置房等政策住宅用地占到1250公顷,占住宅总供应量的50%。

    Out of the 2500 hectares, 1250 will be used for low-rent housing, public rental housing, affordable housing, capped-price housing and orientation placement housing.


  • 进入美国住宅与城市发展部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥林肯土地政策研究所工作

    Prior to joining HUD, he was research fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr.


  • 进入美国住宅与城市发展部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥林肯土地政策研究所工作

    Prior to joining HUD, he was research fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr.


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