• 研究目的:对武汉南湖景观存在周边住宅价值影响作用进行定量化分析

    The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the impacts of Nanhu Lake on the prices of peripheral houses.


  • 另一管理机构联邦住宅管理局投入额达到房产价值的97%,同时还得填补次级贷款者留下资金空洞。

    The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), another agency that will lend up to 97% of a property's value, has meanwhile been filling the vacuum left by subprime lenders.


  • 预防房地产泡沫他们必须适时地调整商业住宅抵押贷款贷款价值

    They must also vary the loan-to-value ratio on commercial and residential mortgages to forestall real estate bubbles.


  • 这些崭新住宅动辄价值几十万美元很多成了亮丽颜色高高的围墙保护着它们。

    These new houses cost several hundred thousand dollars. Many are painted in garish colors and protected by high walls.


  • 同时妨碍了23%资产购房者实施的援助,这些购房者需要偿还的贷款额超过了所住宅价值

    The GSEs also hamper help for the 23% of homeowners in negative equity, with loans worth more than their homes.


  • 因此,越来越贷款自购住宅,使房地产价格不断攀升,从而推动了银行资产负债表抵押物价值激增,这种增长鼓励了银行把更多的钱借出去。

    More people bought houses, increasing their prices. This boosted the value of the collateral on banksbalance sheets, encouraging them to lend more.


  • 现代银行贷款决策蜕变成冷冰冰无人情的、以信贷评分资产价值为基础的公式, 是银行更偏向一同质的贷款比如住宅按揭

    modern banks reduced loan decisions to arm’s-length algorithms based on credit scores and asset values, biasing them towards homogeneous loans such as residential mortgages.


  • 开始于20世纪90年代房地产繁荣期持续年,此期间商业住宅用地价值陡增

    Commercial and residential properties saw their values increase precipitously in a real estate boom that began in the 1990s and increased uninterrupted for nearly a decade.


  • 住宅地产价值家庭持有股票价值4至4.5

    The value of residential properties is 4-4.5 times that of the shares that households own.


  • 尽管身边环绕着财富象征——宽敞豪华住宅、成群仆人以及价值不菲轿车——但这种被安排好的孩提时代不能使年轻泰德快乐

    Although surrounded by the trappings of wealthstately houses, servants and expensive carsyoung Teddy did not enjoy a settled childhood.


  • 项目一开始作为不断变化城市环境回应尝试保护住宅现有价值

    The project began as a reaction to the changing urban environment, trying to conserve the existing values of the house.


  • 这家人旧家价值50万美元的住宅所取代

    The old farmhouse the family lived in was to be replaced by a new $500,000 home.


  • 经验证,模型对于合理规划城市住宅市场分析期内各年供给库存,从而达到市场重要应用价值

    Through verifications, this model has important application values in reasonable planning annual supply and storage of urban residential market in analytic period and getting the optimum results.


  • 住宅物业不同的商业物业所能产生的现金流决定物业价值的重要因素。

    Unlike with a residential property, the income that can be generated from commercial property is what determines its value.


  • 恢复作为釜山市中心最靠近海滩原始价值探索作为环境良好的住宅小区的可能性

    It is recovering the original value of closest beach from the old downtown of Busan and also exploring the possibility as new residential area with the good environment.


  • 居住者获得更多价值,这不仅是作为一个现代住宅而且生活有着卓越设计的、时尚现代感兼具的立面建筑内创造了条件。

    The dwellers are getting more value, not only trough a modern home, but also having a chance to live in stylish and modern building with exceptional architectural design with copper facade.


  • 当前我国青年群体存在住宅过度消费现象这种过度消费价值迷失青年社会都带来了很多危害。

    There is the phenomenon of excessive expense on house by young people, the value maze of which has brought many kinds of harms.


  • 表示街区,每一处房产被收回,街区所有住宅价值会下降1.5个百分点。

    For each foreclosure on a street block, it reduces the value of all homes on that block by almost 1.5 percent, he said.


  • 仅仅用了秒钟时间,花费1.1人民币杭州大学生杨江明就成为四川成都价值80万元住宅主人了。

    Within seconds, and for just RMB1.1, Yang Jiangming, a university student from Hangzhou, became the owner of an RMB800,000 apartment in Chengdu, Sichuan.


  • 尽可能避让基地南侧住宅最大限度利用西个沿街面在商业价值交通便利两方面优势。

    It not only gives enough space for the south residential area, but also maximally makes use of the traffic and commercial advantages of the east, west and north streets.


  • 定制雕塑提高了在景观住宅方面价值

    Custom made sculptures add value to the landscaping and treatment of this residence.


  • 设计师们如今知道他们价值要求优厚的待遇他们飞机轿车,都会有一级的待遇。他们拥有华丽住宅艺术品收藏

    Designers now know their worth and demand to be paid handsomely. They get first-class treatment from airplanes to limousines. They own fine homes and art collections.


  • 本文研究结果对于进一步研究其它城市住宅价格与其影响因素之间关系具有一定参考价值存在许多不足遗憾。

    The results of this paper have a certain reference value for other city studying the relation between the house prices and their influence factors, but there are many shortage and regrets too.


  • 尽管居住单元类型变小了,但是住宅可能会成为几乎没有社会价值临时过夜庇护所。

    As unit types get smaller however, microhousing has the danger of becoming a provisional housing type with little social value.


  • 接着价值规律基本要求出发,运用成本城市商品住宅进行生产成本分析。

    Then, from the principle request of value law, the manufacture cost of urban commercial dwelling is analyzed by means of cost methods.


  • 主题公园要为亚特兰蒂斯黄金时代住宅酒店商业项目聚集人气提升项目地块市场价值

    Theme park for Atlantis- the golden age of residential and commercial projects and hotels popular gathering to enhance the market value of the project land.


  • 方式不仅使社区商铺价值提升,又可社区服务完善使住宅售价提高。

    This method not only can make the community shops, but because value service and make residential communities to improve price.


  • 方式不仅使社区商铺价值提升,又可社区服务完善使住宅售价提高。

    This method not only can make the community shops, but because value service and make residential communities to improve price.


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