• 如果可以住住,它的。

    If you can catch it, it's catchable.


  • 潮流住住发端果断的行动

    Trends begin with resolute action somewhere.


  • 要是伦敦来一定要我们这里住住

    If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us.


  • 什么抓住左手不能住住的右手

    What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand?


  • 住住重点那个方法也许可以省钱不过大幅度降低品质

    You're missing the point. That method may save money, but it'll lower the quality too much.


  • 除了知道什么时候住住机会之外,生活重要就是知道什么时候放弃利益

    Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forgo an advantage.


  • 从前一座山顶住着智慧老人(知道为什么智者总是喜欢住住山顶上)。

    There was once an old wise man who live on top of a mountain. (I don't know why the wise men always like to stay on top of mountains.)


  • 为此不得不推迟巴特勒夫妇来访日程。我跟他们:“要不是儿子他们来,我们高兴你们七月四号的时候过来住住。”

    I had to put off the Butlers, saying, "If my son weren't visiting, we'd be glad to have you on the Fourth of July."


  • 出租的房间旅馆便宜

    It was cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.


  • 选择去哪多久的问题上,居民有没有感觉自己参与了决策的过程,也是重要的。

    Whether residents felt involved in the decision to move and how long they had lived there also proved significant.


  • 我们可以在这里半年在那里住半年。

    We could live six months here and six months there.


  • 约翰门口他的宿舍没有住满事实上已经住满了。

    John met me at the door and said that his dormitory wasn't full, but in fact it was.


  • 一方面个人个房子所以或许应该间公寓来住

    On the one hand, a house will be too big for just one person, so maybe I should rent an apartment.


  • 大家普遍认为没有信用卡便不能住宾馆或租车.错了.住宾馆相当容易,如果现金存款的话.你只需要打电话找到合适的宾馆.租车也一样(更多相关内容此文).如果你找只接受现金租车的公司,点此列表.

    The same goes with car rentals (see this article for more evidence of this). And if you want to find a cash-only car rental company, see this listing.


  • 还有,你听著,可以从这边一刹那就天堂,到天使地方去,可以飞到地方去,你是不是觉得我很了不起?

    I can fly to Heaven, the abode of the angels, in an instant. I can also fly to the abode of the ghosts.


  • 如果喜欢陌生人在一起,或者陌生人住家里,你还可以安排交换住宅他们来的时候你家,你去的时候他们家。

    If you'd rather not stay with a stranger, or have one in your home, arrange an apartment or house swap so they're in your place while you crash at theirs.


  • 如果青年旅店住(好比数量)可以节省90%花销比起酒店(质量),这样可以在亚洲更长的时间但是这不值得那么做。

    I could certainly stay longer (QUANTITY) in Asia if I saved 90% of the cost of a hotel just by staying in a hostel (QUALITY), but it isn't worth it to me.


  • 过去一学年里,专门为新生准备标准双人间,这间屋子足有过去我们一家三口外加奶奶间屋子大小

    This past year at school, I lived in a standard freshman double. The room was about the size of the place where my whole family of three plus my grandmother used to live.


  • 这个敏感性信息能够反过来帮助人们睡眠期间,使自己潜在噪音干扰隔离开来——比如,可以通过耳塞或者住宾馆要求住的房间远离吵人制冰机。

    That information can in turn help people insulate themselves from potential disturbances during sleep - by wearing earplugs, for example, or requesting a room far away from the ice machine in a hotel.


  • 成龙妻子座;儿子房祖名也是演员音乐人,住一座。

    Jackie lives in one with his wife; his son, Jaycee Chan, also an actor and musician, lives in the other.


  • 发现一些极度简约主义者没有很多这样东西是因为他们父母一起、住学生宿舍、朋友沙发或是旅行途中的酒店里。

    I realize that some extreme minimalists don't own many of these things because they live with their parents, in a dorm room, on their friend's couch, or in a series of hotels as they travel.


  • 选择这儿他们选择住那儿

    I chose to live here and they chose to live there.


  • 不知为什么世界每个人都这样那样地被住,那些钓住人也逐渐地被钓住。

    Everyone in the world was caught, somehow, one way or another, and those that weren't were always on the way to it.


  • 要是饿着肚子、得要死、地方住、穿也没衣服穿,谁还上学呢?

    Who can go to school when you’re starving, when you’re dying of diseases, when you have no shelter or clothing?


  • 大家一次性说话为了单位安置已婚夫妇但是难道你们不能,自己找地方因为要,未婚者住一起?

    ALL TALK at ONCE OK that was for the units to accommodate married couples, but couldn't you also have access to them because you wanted to live with someone you are not married to?


  • 之地是歹, 所住之地是营盘是坚城?

    What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad?


  • 哥哥我的父母房间姐妹房间因为房间只有两张,所以她们俩中间架了个行军床

    My brother was to sleep in the bedroom with my parents and my two sisters and I had the other bedroom, as there were only two beds in the room, I was to sleep on a camp bed between the two.


  • 没有地方因为夏末之前根本没有想过回来而且只有第一学年学院才会保证我们房住

    I didn't have a place to stay, because until the end of summer I hadn't thought I was coming back, and we got guaranteed rooms in college only the first year.


  • 没有地方因为夏末之前根本没有想过回来而且只有第一学年学院才会保证我们房住

    I didn't have a place to stay, because until the end of summer I hadn't thought I was coming back, and we got guaranteed rooms in college only the first year.


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