• 这种设计理念共振(失真)光圈扩展低音响应

    This design concept lowers the frequency resonance (distortion) of the diaphragm and extends bass response.


  • 大众决心遵守暂停记住这样理想的低频共振实现

    The diaphragm mass is determined with the compliance of the suspension in mind so that the desired low frequency resonance is achieved.


  • 共振相互作用低频振荡周期初始扰动振幅很强相关关系

    The low-frequency fluctuation periods and the initial amplitudes have close relationship in the resonance interaction.


  • 研究中,窗户结构共振频率造成了道路两侧住宅室内低频噪声污染

    In this studies, window structure's resonance frequency resulted in indoor low frequency noise pollution which come from traffic noise.


  • CP脉冲低频时,相绕组平均电压平均电流低,电动机磁场储能较少,一定程度上克服了共振现象。

    When the frequency of CP pulses is lower, average voltages and currents of windings will decrease and magnetic field energy of motor is very little so as not to produce resonance.


  • 通过饱和多孔岩石低频共振试验,得到了饱和多孔岩石内耗典型弛豫峰的结论。

    From the experiments of low frequency sub resonance vibration for different fluid saturated rocks, the internal friction peak was found to be a typical relaxation peak.


  • 随着孔隙率、孔径减小,多孔铝的共振声系数有所下降,吸频谱曲线低频方向移动,且频带宽度展宽。

    When the porosity and pore diameter reduced, the sound absorption curve moved to the low frequency zone and the frequency bandwidth increased at the same time.


  • 全液压调速系统油压容易产生脉动如果油压脉动的频率电力系统固有频率接近时也可能引发电力系统共振机理低频振荡

    If the frequency of oil-pressure pulsation is near to power system natural oscillations frequency, power system low frequency oscillations of resonance mechanism can be induced.


  • 现有随机共振系统只能应用信号检测待测信号频率已知高频率信号检测,束缚系统的实用范围。

    Stochastic resonance can only be applied to low-frequency signal or the known high-frequency signal detection. So the applications of the system are severely constrained.


  • 由于共振消声器具有结构简单、良好的消除低频噪声性能流动损失等优点,因此发动机进气噪声的控制中得到了广泛的应用。

    Due to its inherent characteristics in reducing low frequency, small pressure loss and simple geometry, the resonant silencer is being extensively used in engine induction noise reduction.


  • 给出一类标准振动非线性运动方程近似解析——非共振解法共振解法。

    This paper presents two kinds of approximate analytical solution, non-resonance solution and resonance solution, of non-linear dynamic equation based on a type of ultra-low frequency vibrator.


  • 负载侧输出低频方波电流,有效克服了MH共振现象

    The output current is operated at low-frequency square to prevent the acoustic resonance for MH lamps.


  • 研究能否通过中耳共振频率改变推测有无传导性低频听力损失

    Study whether we can deduce low conductive hearing loss from the change of resonant frequency.


  • 输入信号频率只有位于噪声能量集中的低频区域才有可能使输入信号适量的噪声选择产生随机共振现象

    Only the frequency of the input signal locates in the low frequency region, can the signal be selected by a proper noise level to produce SR phenomenon.


  • 本文局部投影降噪算法结合共振解调技术低频轴承进行故障诊断

    The local projective noise reduction and demodulated resonance method for fault diagnosis of low speed rolling bearing are presented in this paper.


  • 提出了一种新型宽频共振结构结构基于赫姆霍兹共振吸声机理充分利用软管长度上的优势易于实现低频噪声控制

    Based on the sound absorption mechanism of Helmholtz Resonator, the advantage of soft tube length is fully used in the new structure, and thus the low-frequency noise can be controled easily.


  • 共振解调技术低频冲击高频共振波形进行包络检波可以有效地提取低频冲击特征

    By envelope demodulation of the resonance in a range of high frequency caused by the shock of low frequency, the resonance demodulation technique can effectively extract the shock features.


  • 通过仿真分析共振低频振荡算例 ,认为安保线振荡共振机理相当符合

    Farther simulations analyze the possible disturbance to system, and a conclusion has been made that the An Bao line oscillations quite fit the resonance case. At last the possible…


  • 老年共振低频谐波规则声能强,男女声之间差异减少

    The low frequency harmonics are regulation and the intensity is strong in the formant of the aged. Thedifference reduces in voice between male and female.


  • 老年共振低频谐波规则声能强,男女声之间差异减少

    The low frequency harmonics are regulation and the intensity is strong in the formant of the aged. Thedifference reduces in voice between male and female.


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