• 能耗设计实例

    The low energy design's living example.


  • 目前麻省理工学院教授拉胡尔·萨派斯卡正利用这些能效细胞构造原则设计低能耗高度并行模数混合电路

    MIT's Rahul Sarpeshkar is now applying architectural principles from these ultra-energy-efficient cells to the design of low-power, highly parallel, hybrid analog-digital electronic circuits.


  • 找到能耗水资源此次规划变重要方法。 找到节约用电,用水的方法成为设计至关重要部分

    Finding ways of using less energy and water has been a crucial part of the planning.


  • 目标采取一个能够控制通风能耗施工方法教室进行通风),包括自然二次通风系统设计

    The object was implemented in a low energy construction method with controlled ventilation (displacement ventilation in the classrooms) including the design for a natural secondary ventilation system.


  • 感谢对于这个版本创新性设计蓝牙能耗无线技术仅仅消耗一小部分景点蓝牙射频能量

    Thanks to its innovative design, Bluetooth low energy wireless technology consumes only afraction of the power of ClassicBluetooth radios.


  • 建筑商受到技术专家的指导:如何设计建立保持能耗建筑以便可以减少能源使用能源开销通过建立他们档案

    Building owners receive technical expertise on how to design, build and maintain low-energy buildings that can reduce energy use and lower energy bills across their building portfolios.


  • 实验验证方案可行的,设计能耗提出了一些具体建议

    The scheme prove to be workable by the experiments and some specific Suggestions has been made for the design of low power consumption bottle blowing machines.


  • 手镯使用能耗电子墨水设计,该手镯充电次可使用一

    The bracelet uses a low-power e-ink screen and the designers claim the device will last a year on a single charge.


  • 因此轧制功率目标,优化设计道次压下以取得降能耗的目的,有着积极的作用和意义。

    So it is very meaningful to optimize the assign of reduction, as to reduce power consuming index.


  • 设计合理空气动力学能耗净化效率

    Three face into the wind design, reasonable space Gas dynamics, low energy efficiency.


  • 宾馆主要能耗来源于宾馆客房空调系统,设计合理的空调控制器低能耗提高、改善能源使用率极其重要

    The energy consumption in a hotel is mainly caused by air condition. Thus, it is very important to design a rational air condition control system to improve the utility of energy.


  • 设计支持低能耗精心设计建筑物过分煞费苦心设计环境系统

    The scheme favours passive, well designed buildings rather than overly elaborate environmental systems.


  • 能耗延长网络生存时间无线传感器网络设计中的一个重要挑战

    Reducing power consumption to extend network lifetime is one of the most important challenges in designing wireless sensor networks.


  • 本文介绍了能耗污染铝合金熔炼炉设计指导思想设计方案及主要设计技术参数。

    The design idea and plan of smelting aluminium-alloy furnace of low energy consumption and low environment pollution are introduced in this paper.


  • 喷加热铝材退火炉设计研究对于提高铝材的退火速度能耗重要意义。

    The design and research of side-blown aluminum annealing furnace is very important for increasing annealing efficiency and decreasing energy consumption.


  • 能耗延长网络生存时间无线传感器网络设计重要目标

    Reducing power consumption and prolonging the network lifetime were important targets of wireless sensor networks.


  • 结合生产实际研究动态规划法、线材孔型设计中的优化方法高速线、棒材生产提供了一套以低能耗为目标的计算机优化软件。

    To unite with manufacture practice, the optimization method of the dynamic programming law in the groove design of bar and wire stock was investigated.


  • STM公司解决工业磨粉耗能技术难题,组织一流技术专家,经过多年潜心设计研制而开发出高效率能耗粉碎机

    STM Vertical Mill is a high efficiency and low consumption mill, designed by our numbers engineers, for solving the problem of high energy consumption in mill industry.


  • 根据动态化理论,通过计算机进行优化设计的新型能耗塑化动态挤出复合专用螺杆。具有良好混炼效果均匀高热焓的树脂温度,涂层着强度高。

    Low energy consumption high plasticity dynamic coextruding machine screw optimally designed with computer, with good mixing effect, even high enthalpy resin temperature and high viscosity of coating.


  • 机身根据声音(蜂鸣器)操作为了使用其他设备设计能耗、基于控制器的控制

    Chromium body, follow operation with sound (buzzer), design for no need to extra device, low energy consumption, microcontroller based control.


  • 多功能反应器可按不同目的进行设计诸如产品副反应、能耗减少环境污染等。

    Multifunctional reactors are designed for various objectives such as high volumetric yield, minimum by product production, less energy consumption and minimal impact on the environment.


  • 目标创造一个能耗建筑,且其设计要求所有学科最前沿技术之间非常严格密切合作

    The goal to create a low-energy-need building and to design a building at the cutting edge of state-of-the-art technology required a very strict and close cooperation between all disciplines.


  • 但两种改进方案都存在左右分层现象,同样设计温度下,方案可以提高送风温度,进而可以减少空调负荷,降能耗

    In the same designed temperature, the second program can raise the supply air temperature, and then, reduce air conditioning's cooling load and energy consumption.


  • 为此,笔者设计新型柔性滗水器,重点解决了推杆滗水器现有技术不足,达到了能耗、减少机械故障、延长使用寿命的目的。

    Therefore, a new flexible decanter was designed to reduce energy consumption and mechanical failures, as well as to prolong service life of the product.


  • 论文的研究设计激光功率测量技术仪器小型化、智能化、成本、低能耗等方面提供一定的科学指导

    The research and design of the laser power measurement techniques and instrumentation methods are available in some scientific guidance in this paper.


  • 该房设计不仅符合能耗要求符合其他设计要求(例如可能一楼作为二楼平台)。

    The design of the house was optimized for the lowest energy demand while keeping other design demands (e. g. possibility to use the first floor as a second flat).


  • 节点主要能耗网络通信开销因此设计能耗的网络协议成为无线传感器网络研究核心问题之一

    Most part of the energy is consumed by network communications, so designing low energy consumption protocols become one of the key questions in researches of WSN.


  • 这个具有二氧化碳中性的特点,通过设计认真努力能耗

    The tree house is CO2 neutral, and makes conscientious efforts to reduce energy use through its design.


  • 本机人性化设计噪音操作容易维护间隔低能耗节省运行成本

    Personalization designs this machine, low noise, handles energy consumption easy to defend a gap long, low, economizes working cost.


  • 精心专业设计世界名牌组件完美结合使设备具有速度噪音低能耗特点

    The careful specialized design and the world-famous brand module's perfect union, enables the equipment to have characteristics and so on high velocity, low noise, low energy consumption.


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