• 但是农业进步导致了饮食

    But advances in agriculture led to a diet low in salt.


  • 医护人员要求饮食

    Your health care provider will also put you on a low-salt (low-sodium) diet.


  • 但是发现饮食副作用并非研究的首创。

    Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets.


  • 改用饮食的同时,不要忘了加工食品中的分。

    And while you're de-salting your diet, don't forget the salt in processed foods.


  • 一旦适应饮食,你就会喜欢低盐食物

    You will much prefer the food with less salt once you've gotten used to it.


  • 切记保持饮食远离腌渍食品罐头食物干燥海菜

    Remember to maintain a low-salt diet. Stay away from preserved and canned foods and dried seaweed.


  • 饮食可以减少心脏病风险同时高血压体重

    Lower sodium diets are linked to decreased risk of heart disease, but are also associated with lower hypertension and weight management.


  • 我们强调治疗方式的改变例如:使所有超重儿童体重下降饮食

    We stress therapeutic lifestyle changes such as weight loss in all overweight kids and a low-salt diet.


  • 研究对象长年遵循饮食,又预制食物添加那么,这不可能。

    It would be impossible to keep people on a low-sodium diet for years with so much sodium added to prepared foods.


  • 倡导者们不同意这些假说他们认为只要措施得当,人们完全可以保持饮食,避免遇到其他问题

    The salt reformers dismiss these speculations, arguing that with the right help, people can maintain low-salt diets without gaining weight or suffering other problems.


  • 那些可以拯救数万生命看法不过推测,其根据不过是盐饮食理论上可以有降血压好处罢了。

    The estimates about all the lives to be saved are just extrapolations based on the presumed benefits of lower blood pressure.


  • 随着临床试验数据积累饮食好处越来越不明显,那些倡导者们对低盐运动似乎越来越充满自信。

    As more data have accumulated, it's less and less supportive of the case for salt reduction, but the advocates seem more determined than ever to change policy.


  • 坚持几天饮食但是食物如何烹煮以及由谁来烹煮的可变性很难严格减少用量规则来控制。

    You can do it for a few days but with the variations in how food is prepared and who prepares it it is difficult to adhere to a strict regimen of salt reduction.


  • 目的通过对原发性高血压病患者摄入控制了解饮食敏感高血压抵抗高血压病患者血中内皮浓度影响

    Objective To study the effects of low sodium diet on the concentration of endothelin in patients with salt sensitive hypertension and salt resistive hypertension.


  • 发表于GeneralInternalMedicine》杂志网络版上研究没有证实低盐饮食本身心脏有害

    The study, published online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, doesn't confirm that a low-salt diet itself is bad for the heart.


  • 比如,如果病变侵犯的是心脏肾脏,医生可能要求低盐饮食控制水钠储溜,或许医生还会要求你服用利尿剂其他药品,有些情况,医生还会一些要止痛药。

    Or your doctor may prescribe diuretics and other medications. In some cases, your doctor might prescribe medication for pain control.


  • 一封信中,家乐氏指南美味饮食相矛盾的。”

    In a letter, Kellogg said that lower salt guidelines were "incompatible with a palatable diet."


  • 通过烹饪饮食以及餐馆食物购买食物的方法,您的饮食减少分摄取以及其他来源

    Limit salt and other sources of sodium in your diet by not adding salt to foods when cooking or eating, ordering unsalted foods at restaurants, and buying low-sodium foods.


  • 如果一定确保饱和脂肪酸胆固醇饮食吃水果蔬菜谷物健康的脂肪。

    If so, be sure to follow a diet that's low in salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.


  • 食品公司然后委员会散布他们对于观点一封信中,家乐氏指南美味饮食相矛盾的。”

    Food companies then peppered the committee with their perspective on salt. In a letter, Kellogg said that lower salt guidelines were "incompatible with a palatable diet."


  • 以前的研究提示饮食有助于控制哮喘但是现在研究人员应该一点

    Previous studies had suggested that following a low-sodium diet may help improve asthma control, but researchers now say that advice should be taken with a grain of salt.


  • 饮食遵循“三一无”原则脂肪无酒精

    Diet should follow "three low and one without" principle, namely, low sugar, low salt, low fat, no alcohol.


  • 花了一个星期医院接受生理激素饮食蛋白质水分

    She spent a week in the hospital receiving saline and antidiuretic hormones and following a diet high in protein and salt and low in water.


  • 同时他们建议,不论是否糖尿病所有应该饮食健康均衡低盐、多吃蔬果

    In the meantime, they recommend that all people, with or without diabetes, should have a healthy balanced diet, low in fat, salt and sugar with plenty of fruit and vegetables.


  • 他们报告说,饮食鱼油抗氧化剂可能减轻EIA

    They report that a diet high in fish oil and antioxidants and low in salt has the potential to reduce the severity of EIA.


  • 儿童肾病综合症护理初期饮食需要这种严格饮食限制患儿很难接受

    Early nursing children with Nephrotic Syndrome should eating low salt or no salt food, such a strict dietary restriction is so difficult to acceptable from the children.


  • 必须使人们缓慢戒掉高饮食他们习惯于食用食物。

    It is necessary to wean people off of it slowly and get them to eat less salt.


  • 最好防止该病的方法还是坚持运动健康均衡饮食蔬菜水果

    The best way to prevent Type 2 diabetes remains keeping active and eating a healthy balanced diet that is low in fat, salt and sugar with plenty of fruit and vegetables.


  • 最好防止该病的方法还是坚持运动健康均衡饮食蔬菜水果

    The best way to prevent Type 2 diabetes remains keeping active and eating a healthy balanced diet that is low in fat, salt and sugar with plenty of fruit and vegetables.


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