• 公共区域位于较高位置得到最好景观

    The social area is located in an elevated level to get the best views of the landscape.


  • 可能需要重新调整生物位置填入更多的生物。

    You might have to rearrange some of your creatures in order to fill more available squares.


  • 确定重要元件散热器尺寸安放位置确保有足够的空间

    Sized and placed critical component heat sinks to ensure that adequate volume is available.


  • 强制的。形状是否会阻止节点移动到特定的位置维持形状?

    Constrained. Does a shape stop a node being moved to certain places to maintain the shape?


  • 速度计,转速,行程表,燃油其他指标最佳位置保持视野清晰

    The speedometer, tachometer, trip meter, fuel gauge and other indicators are set in optimum position to keep the field of vision clear.


  • 切割机吊装时防止冲击碰撞运行机架适当位置保持平衡

    Had the cutting machine in hoisting impact, prevent collisions. And let's move to cut the proper place to keep the balance.


  • 调查发现一些商店试图通过变动收银台位置以等待结帐队伍看起来短一些

    The research founded that some shops try to make the queue looks shorter by changing the situation of check-out stand.


  • arraylet叶子不由其他对象引用,并且可能中的任何位置任意顺序分布。

    The arraylet leaves are not referenced by other heap objects and can be scattered throughout the heap in any position and order.


  • 常规监控实例应该报告问题其他实例快速放置到适当的位置以进一步分离问题测试排列

    Should the regular monitoring instance report problems, additional instances can be dropped into place quickly to further isolate the issue and test permutations.


  • 打开对话框中,键入已有工作空间位置或者键入其他位置以在其中创建工作空间。

    In the dialog box that opens, you can type the location of an existing workspace or type a different location to create a new workspace there.


  • 猜到范佩西会庆祝疯狂一刻于是将机位到了更好位置能够看见接近中线的地方)。

    So knowing that Van Persie was likely to enjoy the moment of victory I moved to a better position to see him (in this case it was nearer the halfway line).


  • 先前ETL部分我们已经阐明数据仓库将数据合并中央位置确保更好进行决策跨部门报告数据挖掘

    As we illustrated in the previous ETL section, data warehouses consolidate data into a central location to enable better decision-making, cross-departmental reporting, and data mining.


  • 这些服务器作为DB 2快速缓存,它们使用RDMA技术替换原本需要物理磁盘操作位置提高性能

    The servers also act as a fast cache for DB2 pages, leveraging RDMA technology to provide increased performance in situations where a physical disk operation might otherwise have been required.


  • 利用相同方法创建花朵。我制作一个一体化花朵贴图然后使用贴图扩展工具移动位置适应几何体

    I made the flowers in exactly the same way. I made an all-in-one flower texture, and used ThruPaint to move the position to fit the geometry.


  • 如果断定飞进来皮球一个外来干扰物”的话,你应该中断比赛在中断时皮球所在的位置“坠”的方式重新开始比赛。

    If you consider the ball to be an 'outside interference', play should be stopped and the game restarted with a drop ball.


  • 配置mapper文件元素被更新包括新的DocumentTypeDefinition (DTD)声明并且这些元素中的一些移动了位置提供更好组织性

    The configuration and mapper files' root elements are updated to include new Document Type Definition (DTD) declarations, and some of the elements have been moved to provide better organization.


  • 正如我们所学古典芭蕾形式化动作手臂身体特定位置基础。

    As we have been studying, the classical ballet is based on formalized movements, specific positioning of the arms, feet and the body.


  • 莎伦·王尔德风驰电掣般的速度居于领先位置

    Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.


  • 这些乐队经常相互耍手段谋取榜首位置

    The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot.


  • 几近完美的表现跨入领先位置

    He swept into the lead with an almost perfect performance.


  • 工程师格伦·达什说,团队使用一种新的测量方法包括寻找任何幸存下来外壳残余物确认金字塔最初边界位置

    Engineer Glen Dash says his team used a new measuring approach that involved finding any surviving remnants of the casing in order to determine where the original edge was.


  • 向左向右拖动任何图标更改位置

    You can drag any icons left or right to change its position.


  • 1994年来,贝尔团队800进行了核磁共振测试,绘制出脂肪分布图”,显示人们储存脂肪的位置

    Since 1994, Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create "fat maps" showing where people store fat.


  • 此外这些会根据太阳位置谨慎调整自己的方向,轻轻拍打翅膀增加对流降温效果

    Furthermore, the birds orient themselves carefully with regard to the Sun and gently flap their wings to increase convection cooling.


  • 如果事务可用性正在使用,则必须提供恢复日志位置确保服务器恢复日志能被中的所有应用服务器访问

    If transactional high availability is in use, the recovery log location must be provided to ensure that the recovery logs for a server are visible to all application servers in the cluster.


  • 雷达放在合适的位置保护航空飞机免受损害

    It was put in place to help protect the space shuttle from bird strike damage.


  • 研究者有时会亲自治疗过程中检查针刺位置确定针灸疗法看上去真的一模一样。

    Although researchers sometimes stepped into treatment sessions to check on the location of the needles, it's possible that some of the sham treatments were similar to real acupuncture.


  • 评估组必须小心识别正确角色,给出客观位置保证分析评估发现考虑所有观点

    The assessment team must take care to identify the right coverage of roles and take an objective position and ensure that all views are visibly considered in the analysis of the assessment findings.


  • 最近的比赛乔科尔安排主力前锋身后位置巅峰时创造力来说,这个位置是很容易出彩的,一直找到感觉。

    Cole has recently been used in the position behind a central striker that ought to show him at his best as creator, but he has still not made his presence tell.


  • 对话框中指定收集类型位置创建可移植收集器文件

    You can specify the type of collection and the location in a dialog to create a portable collector file.


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