• 大卫·爱登堡:严格说来,像是博物学家,而非科学家

    DA: I am a naturalist rather than a scientist.


  • 茨洛伊计划驾驶“贝格尔号”海船环球航行,想要位博物学家加盟有人推荐了达尔文。

    FitzRoy was planning to make a voyage around the world on a ship called the Beagle. He wanted a naturalist to join the ship, and Darwin was recommended8.


  • 这个博物馆里陈列每一美国总统蜡像

    The museum displays wax likenesses of every U.S. president.


  • 时,父亲昆士兰海岸开设爬行动物公园博物学家,夜间跟踪鳄鱼它们水面

    At nine, his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water.


  • 粉丝说:“《国家宝藏》将博物馆和文物以一种现代而有趣的方式带给人们。”

    One of the fans said, "National Treasure really brings museums and cultural relics to people in a modern and interesting way."


  • 大千被誉为“中国的毕加索”,而吴冠中是第一其作品在大英博物馆展出的中国画家。

    Zhang Daqian is regarded as "the Picasso of China" and Wu Guanzhong was the first Chinese painter whose works were shown at the British Museum.


  • 收藏艺术品一定的方式陈列,充满着温馨个性化所以这里,你觉得客人而不是在一巨大的非个人博物中的游客。

    The art collection is organized in a way that is warm and personal. So you feel like you are a guest in a home instead of a visitor in a huge, impersonal museum.


  • 武士繁荣”,一当地博物馆长

    "It's like a samurai boom," says a curator at the local museum.


  • 其他有趣地方,滑冰场,要么成为一伟大的博物看了看那晚最后礼品纪念活动

    Go somewhere fun like an ice skating rink or a great museum and then at the end of the night give a gift to commemorate the event.


  • 成为纽约第一现代艺术博物中的摄影导演并且1955年制作著名的“人类一家展览

    He became the first director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and created the famous "Family of Man" exhibition in 1955.


  • 这个按比例缩小了的复制品名为斯坦弗雷泽航海爱好者建造四月作为海洋博物休闲馆一部分公众见面,纪念“泰坦尼克号”事件100周年

    The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.


  • 张图片来自费城博物收藏展示无肢畸形的小姑娘,这一种疾病的特点四肢未充分发育

    This image, from a collection at Philadelphia's Mutter Museum, shows a young girl with amelia, a condition marked by undeveloped limbs.


  • 大英博物工作人员不完整棺材前面,棺材的内部有铭文

    A member of British Museum staff stands in front of an incomplete coffin, with painted inscriptions inside


  • 客户把个人财产一整座建筑作为私人博物”。

    One client has an entire building on his property used as a "private museum."


  • 博物创立者个名为“中之”的组织。 该组织表示只罕见的4腿鸡由于身体状况急剧恶化不久去世,人们会对它实施安乐死,然后再由当地药剂师将其身体填充制成标本。

    The founder of the museum, known as the Cave of Caves, said the unlikely quadruped is already dying because of its condition and it will be euthanised and stuffed by a local pharmacist.


  • 1990年3月,劫匪化装成警察进入到这座博物馆,偷走了十三件艺术品,这些劫匪所偷是这座博物收藏重要一些收藏品,包括布兰特的三件作品另一荷兰油画大师约翰尼斯.维米尔的作品。

    They stole some of the most valuable works in the collection. They included three paintings by Rembrandt and another by the Dutch master Johannes Vermeer.


  • 星期五妇女大都会艺术博物上课时候拌倒在“演员幅画上,那是毕加索1904年1905年的作品。

    On Friday, a woman taking a class at the Metropolitan Museum of Art stumbled into "the Actor," a work by Picasso dating to 1904 or 1905.


  • 竞标者只有一家博物馆,其余私人收藏家

    Only one museum featured among the seven; the rest were all private collectors.


  • 贾科梅蒂的《行走人》有六个版本并且有四艺术家选用过这个题材。它们如今都博物或是私人永久地收藏

    The sculpture was cast in an edition of six and four artist proofs, most of which are in museums or private collections, where they are considered likely to stay.


  • 现在这里有了礼品店一家可爱的博物里面可以看到这些艺术装饰房子内部是怎样的,博物馆里还有穿着传统服装职员

    There are now souvenir shops and a charming little museum in which you can see what the interior of an Art Nouveau house would have looked like (complete with staff dressed in period costume).


  • 看来数以百计其他学生一样可能成为乡村牧师工作同时,还可以兼顾自己博物乡村生活的兴趣

    He seemed likely to become a country priest like hundreds of others, sharing his time between his work and his interest in natural history and country life.


  • 为此我们采访了八前沿作家为了纪念他们逝去爱情他们将会捐献一些物品博物

    We asked eight leading writers what items they would donate to the museum in honour of their own lost loves.


  • 基于理由是人类历史上杰出艺术家,即便如此,围绕这样去世已久的博物学家所产生新闻数目之多仍然令人瞠目。

    For a very good reason: he is the greatest artist who ever lived. Still, the amount of news that can be generated about a long-dead polymath is startling.


  • 博物请来了一专家对于目前发生的情况向讲解员进行简要介绍

    The museum hosted a specialist to brief docents on what's going on.


  • 不过来自华盛顿国家自然历史博物the National Museumof Natural History)的古生物学家,汉斯·苏伊士(HansSues一封电子邮件中提醒说,现在断定颅骨世界上最大的一具还为时过早

    Yet Hans Sues, a paleontologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., cautioned in an email that it's too early to say if the skull is indeed the largest.


  • 克罗地亚首都萨格勒布心碎博物展品退伍军人义肢自己的复健师相恋。

    A lower-leg prosthesis is belonged to a Croatia war invalid who had an affair with a social worker. This item is displayed at the opening of the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb.


  • 克罗地亚首都萨格勒布心碎博物展品退伍军人义肢自己的复健师相恋。

    A lower-leg prosthesis is belonged to a Croatia war invalid who had an affair with a social worker. This item is displayed at the opening of the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb.


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