• 来说,似乎并不算什么?

    But this for you, doesn't seem?


  • 重要吧?因为认为是个好人

    But doesn't matter to you, right? 'Cause you think she's good people.


  • 科研角度无疑好的职业前景什么影响呢?

    This is good for science, but how does it impact your career prospects?Think of it this way.


  • 确实也可以通过重用文件客户服务器业务原则创建不同程序集的布署机制来说成为一个复杂的问题。

    Sure, you could reuse the source code and create different assemblies for the client and server-side business rules, but that would complicate your delivery mechanism.


  • 即使他们已经知道是否知道如果自己告诉他们他们而言意味着什么?

    Even if they have an idea, do you know how much it will mean to them if you tell them?


  • 某些人来说其他人要容易些需要不能事先弄清事情情况下立刻变得坦然

    This is easier for some people than others, but you need to become comfortable right away with not being able to figure things out ahead of time.


  • 如果仍在期望卡梅隆安吉丽娜·朱莉合作拍摄《埃及后》的话这对你来说就是个坏消息好消息是至少世界2012年不会结束了。

    This is bad news if you were one of the unicorn breeders still hoping that Cameron would make Cleopatra with Angelina Jolie, and good news just as long as the world doesn't end in 2012.


  • 那些工作日起来很早周末熬夜的人有些艰难,最大努力在工作日和周末之间规划出一个折中方案

    This can be tough for those who have to get up early during the week but like to stay up later on weekends, but do your best to craft a compromise between your work week and weekend habits.


  • 简历来说信息量应该集中火力

    But that's too big of a message for your resume. You should narrow your view significantly.


  • 用户相当有帮助的,自从购买软件就会希望很好的售后服务——可能享受不到。

    Now, the users are fairly helpful, but since you paid a company for the software, you might expect good support — but you won't get it.


  • 不必非要文字证明多么意义,需要某种程度上感觉的确如此。

    You don’t even have to be able to put it into words, but you’ll want it to make sense to you on some level.


  • 肌肉四肢(手臂腿部)所起的副作用痛苦跟它心脏危害起来,是微不足道的。

    The painful side effects this has on your muscles and extremities (arms, legs, hands, feet, head) are nothing compared to the heart hazards.


  • 如果重要的话,我也很重要,因为

    But if it's important to you then it's important to me, because I love you.


  • 高音量酒吧音乐会使酒吧里更快酒吧老板来说不是什么秘密最近的一个法国研究证实了一点。

    It's probably no secret to bar owners, but a French study shows that turning up the volume on the music can speed up the drinking at the bar.


  • 来说好消息”,:“因为还有哈佛研究生机会也许唯一经历一个真正文科教育的机会。”

    "Well, this is good news for you," she said, "because you can always go to Harvard for graduate school, but this is probably the only chance for you to experience a truly liberal arts education."


  • 毕业已经工作经验了。主修商业管理学生来说,实在宝贵。

    But you've got work experience even before you graduate. That's precious for a student majoring in business administration.


  • 本笔记一支笔会使感觉仿佛回到学校害羞或者害怕提出一些尴尬问题的病人来说,一种极大鼓舞。

    A notebook and pen may feel like being back at school but is a great confidence booster and helps avoid being shy or frightened to ask awkward questions.


  • 接下来流程没有影响有助于潜在求职者决定是否他们真正需要工作。

    It doesn't affect the procedure you follow, but it helps potential applicants to decide if it's a job they really want.


  • 知道刚开始有图案滑板后来意识意识到板面不是重要。

    I know when you start skating you want pictures but later you will realize it's not a big factor of buying a deck.


  • 感到有人快要咬脚后跟时某种原始本能被会被激发出来,没有坏处

    But there is a prim instinct about somebody snapping at your heels, and it doesn't hurt.


  • 此刻来说重要因为此还一无所知

    But it won't matter to you now, because you don't know it yet.


  • 冠军杯他们不远老妇人来说困难永远不知道会发生什么。

    The Champions League isn't beyond them but it will be difficult for the Old Lady but you never know.


  • 不可否认,生活总是不能预测的,灾难随时都会降临,遭遇不行的时候如何人格一个极大的考验

    It is true that life is unpredictable5. Disasters can strike at any time. How you handle misfortune when confronted with it, is the true test of your character.


  • 听见了,了搔痒,抬起啧啧地:“老鼠先生看得出消息而言关乎生死存亡,没有任何影响。”

    The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me."


  • 听见了,了搔痒,抬起啧啧地:“老鼠先生看得出消息而言关乎生死存亡,没有任何影响。”

    The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me."


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