• 虽然晋级路上显得相当无力,葡萄牙视为早早抢占第二机会

    Despite looking rather impotent at times in qualifying, Portugal will see this as a chance to stake an early claim on second place.


  • 葡萄牙希腊相似之处财政方面葡萄牙所处的困境并不那么极端

    The resemblance to Greece is fiscal, though again Portugal’s plight is less extreme.


  • 葡萄牙希腊相似之处财政方面葡萄牙所处困境并不那么极端

    The resemblance to Greece is fiscal, though again Portugal's plight is less extreme.


  • 例如虽然英镑疲弱,葡萄牙阿尔加维的度假价格骤降目前年前了3.5%。

    For example, prices have plummeted in Portugal's Algarve and are now 3.5 per cent less than a year ago, despite the weaker pound.


  • 虽然对经济多大帮助但葡萄牙已经疲软经济增长使得全球经济危机中显得不那么脆弱

    Though it doesn't help much, Portugal's already slow growth also made it less vulnerable to the global recession.


  • 法国表示尽管葡萄牙西班牙意大利债券拍卖表明他们正在采取进一步行动但葡萄牙局势并不爱尔兰希腊那样严重

    The French said that Portugal is not in a serious situation as Ireland and Greece were although Portugal, Spain and Italy's bond auctions could see further actions being taken.


  • 即使今天债券拍卖令人振奋,葡萄牙西班牙申请紧急救援风险依然很高这两个国家一季度余下时间里将拍卖大量的债券。

    Even though today's auction is encouraging, the risk of a bailout for Portugal and Spain is still strong, and both nations have a hefty debt schedule for the rest of the quarter.


  • 互联网目前很多国家尚未成为一种广为流行的交友平台,葡萄牙是个例外。在接受调查的该国男女有一半选择通过网络寻找意中人。

    The Internet was not a popular hunting ground except in Portugal, where about half the surveyed men and women opted to find people online.


  • 虽然“Eventual英语葡萄牙语中具有不同含义葡萄牙文的“notavel”一词却往往英文“notable”一词的理想的译文

    Eventual has different meanings in English and Portuguese, but notavel often is the optimal translation for notable.


  • 只有大约13%土地协议的约束,仍然西班牙葡萄牙面积

    Only about 13% of that land is subject to the new agreement, but that is still an area greater than that of Spain and Portugal.


  • 它们误认为水母事实上葡萄牙僧帽水母是有一工作有机物质组成的。

    Often mistaken for a jellyfish, the Portuguese man-of-war is actually made up of a colony of organisms working together.


  • 如此一来生活伦敦冲浪者可以选择周末葡萄牙还是康沃尔郡冲浪,增加其他人去哪儿的几率

    This allows a surfer living in London to decide whether to head to Portugal or to Cornwall for the weekend, though it also increases the chances that many others will be there too.


  • 还有其它危机出现西班牙葡萄牙甚至意大利

    But others are appearing in Spain, Portugal and even Italy.


  • 葡萄牙西班牙,工资上涨幅度略远远高于欧元区正常水平

    In Portugal and Spain inflation was a little lower but still well above the euro-area norm.


  • 希腊葡萄牙经常赤字超过GDP10%,尽管美国赤字绝对项上数字庞大”占GDP的5%。

    The current account deficits of Greece and Portugal exceed 10% of GDP, while the US deficit, despite being gigantic in absolute terms, amounts to "only" 5% of GDP.


  • 尽管加入欧元区时是最贫穷成员国1999年欧元启动以来,葡萄牙却常常俱乐部里增长最慢经济体

    Since the start of the euro in 1999 Portugal has been on average the slowest growing economy in the club, despite being its poorest member when it joined.


  • 这预示着这位德国人更好的保护装备。糟糕天气打断了他们意大利葡萄牙西班牙冬季测试

    An umbrella may have been better for the German, however, as poor weather interrupts the winter tests in Italy, Portugal and Spain.


  • 经济学家危机使葡萄牙在几天接受欧盟援助机会大大增加

    But economists say the crisis increases the chances that Portugal will need European Union funds within days.


  • 虽然葡萄牙来说必然的确令人感伤:这个欧洲古老的民族衰落了。

    It MAY have been inevitable, but it was a sad moment for Portugal: Europe's oldest nation state brought low.


  • 希腊爱尔兰纷纷缩减财政预算,行为可真为大胆,希腊尽力从低迷经济走出来,葡萄牙迟迟没有废除窒息规则财政紧缩相当大胆。

    Greece and Ireland have made heroic budget cuts. Greece is trying hard to free up its rigid economy. Portugal has lagged in scrapping stifling rules, but its fiscal tightening is bold.


  • 在国家队,从未像在俱乐部那样发挥的淋漓尽致,如果葡萄牙能够死亡小组出现,那么有可能是依赖罗纳尔多

    He's never quite transformed his club form to international level but if Portugal progress from the 'group of death' it'll probably be because of Ronaldo.


  • 尽管葡萄牙纾困协议条款严苛程度低一些该国最终必然遭遇同样命运

    Notwithstanding the slightly less draconian terms of Portugal's agreement, it will surely suffer a similar fate.


  • 维托里葡萄牙没有加入欧元区功课。

    Yet Portugal did not do its homework to prepare for euro entry, says Mr Vitorino.


  • 展览馆主任葛兰·萨迪卡瑞欧介绍,亚历山大时期开始,犹太人就在前南斯拉夫定居自1492年西班牙葡萄牙犹太人遭到驱赶这里犹太人的历史也渐被改变

    Jews lived here since the time of Alexander, says the museum's director, Goran Sadikarijo, but their history changed radically following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492.


  • 如果葡萄牙一个可以让人接受利率水平下对已有债务进行再融资那么它就需要降低公共借贷成本

    But if Portugal is to refinance its existing debts at tolerable interest rates, it needs a lower cost of public borrowing.


  • 西班牙葡萄牙它们能够减少财务预算,问题这些缩减吗?

    Spain and Portugal have said that they will be able to reduce their budgets, but the question is: will the cuts be enough?


  • 鉴于葡萄牙公共部门效率低下,人浮于事裁员或许更好选择成效来得太慢。

    Given Portugal's inefficient and overstaffed public administration, sackings might have been a better option, but they would not produce results soon enough.


  • 5个月国米主帅穆里尼奥意甲赛季最高转会费签下葡萄牙边锋雷斯马,名25岁的球星并未意大利站住脚。

    Portugal winger Ricardo Quaresma, who was initially traded as the league's most expensive player, failed to settle in the Serie a after being signed by Inter boss Mourinho 5 months ago.


  • 日前,欧洲央行买进爱尔兰葡萄牙国债投资者财富》(Fortune)杂志表示,未来几天,这一机构还将会大笔买进意大利和西班牙的国债

    The ECB was seen buying up only Irish and Portuguese bonds yesterday, but traders tell Fortune that they were looking into buying large blocks of Italian and Spanish debt in the coming days.


  • 日前,欧洲央行买进爱尔兰葡萄牙国债投资者财富》(Fortune)杂志表示,未来几天,这一机构还将会大笔买进意大利和西班牙的国债

    The ECB was seen buying up only Irish and Portuguese bonds yesterday, but traders tell Fortune that they were looking into buying large blocks of Italian and Spanish debt in the coming days.


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