• 与繁荣无关:不管不信,冰岛——仍然处于世界较为富有国家之列——但是排除在外了越南包含在内

    It is not about prosperity: Iceland--which, believe it or not, is still one of the richer countries in the world--is out, whereas Vietnam is in.


  • 但是我们其他各种各样东西将车库的满满的,车库原本不是这样设计的。

    But we fill them up with all kinds of other stuff that they were never designed to hold.


  • 但是能源食物消费者可以有所选择可以天然气取代石油或者些鸡肉吃些牛肉甚至可口可乐无可替代。

    But with energy, or food, customers have options: they can switch from oil to natural gas, or eat more chicken and less beef. There is no substitute for water, not even Coca-Cola.


  • 全世界范围内,CMMI得到广泛有利地利用,但是一些组织因为它的框架规模表面的复杂度感到畏缩。

    Widely and beneficially adopted around the world, the CMMI has nonetheless been daunting to some organizations for its size and apparent complexity of the framework.


  • 但是考虑可能产生的影响可能侃侃行动

    But given the potential consequences, there may be far more talk than action.


  • 也许事实但是冬季为了暖气油箱加满每月要花费的600美元他们省掉了。

    That might be true, but they're also not paying $600 dollars a month in winter to keep their heating oil tanks full.


  • 没有足够的材料信息常常人们拖延决策原因但是人们通常没有意识到由此产生的结果就是决策拖延

    This is often the reason people put off decisions, but they don’t always realize it. As a result, they sit on a decision for awhile.


  • 因为着装虽然不会决定案子判决但是法官陪审团决定命运杰克逊着装使他显得依然是个艳光四射的明星。

    Wardrobes do not make or break cases, they said, but Mr. Jackson's choices are an important piece of the image projected to the judge and jury who will decide his fate.


  • 孟菲斯因不用缴纳州级所得税得了一些分数但是该州营业税高达9.3%,负担够重的了,这个税率也是美国最高的城市之一

    Memphis scores points for not having a state income tax, but the sales tax is an onerous 9.3%, one of the highest in the country.


  • 但是很多获得保险的人一直寻找初级保健医生努力医生办公室常规检查等待时间增加

    But many who gained coverage have been struggling to find primary care doctors, and the average waiting time for routine office visits has increased.


  • 欧洲西部美国东部也许当时正在经历严峻寒冷冬季但是其它地区——其中包括亚洲和美国西部——体验着出乎意料炎热天气

    Western Europe and eastern America may then have been going through a grim, cold winter but other areas - including Asia and western America - were experiencing unexpectedly hot weather.


  • 存在问题:选用精细突出字体但是圈圈钩十分复杂真正有价值的信息丢掉了。

    The Problem: You've picked an elaborate font to stand out, but the swirls and loops are so complicated that the actual message gets lost.


  • 尽管展现出自信和专业精神但是为人谦逊低调,时常自嘲。

    He exuded confidence and professionalism but was self-effacing and modest, always ready to make fun of himself.


  • 但是赫德选择了甲骨文。甲骨文的创始人,同时也是惠普战略合作者,拉里·埃里森曾经公开强烈建议惠普解雇

    But no - Hurd chose to go to Oracle, a former strategic partner to HP whose founder, Larry Ellison, had very publicly lambasted HP's board for firing him.


  • 苹果公司把乔布斯的情况归咎于一个普通的疾病”,但是苹果公司的股价随着各种谣言波动。

    The firm blamed acommon bug”, but Apple’s shares moved on various rumours.


  • Petrov刚开始因为冷静头脑表扬但是过了些时候变成了这次警报事件的替罪羊批评

    Petrov was initially praised for his cool head but later came under criticism and was, for a while, made the scapegoat for the false alarm.


  • Faraway绰号“黑人”,班加西许多拉普说唱乐歌手一样,绰号知名Madaniaka MadaniLion组成了“音乐大师核心班底,但是表演组合的人员随着时间流逝不断变化

    Faraway, who like many rappers in Benghazi is known by his nickname, "Dark man," and Madani, aka "Madani Lion," form the core of Music Masters, but the composition of the group has changed over time.


  • 对于此,Heras笑着,“人们不是能通过课题研究记住但是总能通过闪动的动画来记住你”。

    "People don't always remember what you are doing in terms of your research, but they do seem to remember you as the guy with the flashy animation," he says, laughing.


  • 奔迈导航手机今天智能手机先驱者但是市场他的需求随着新的手机模型的推出减少。

    Palm’s Pilot mobile device was a forerunner of today’s smart-phones, but demand has been weak for its newer models and Palm now has only 1.5% of the global smart-phone market.


  • 准确性一个译者最好的美德。但是我们往往追求名词动词方面的准确性,准确性往往是在于形容词和副词。

    Precision is a great translatorial virtue, but we often look for precision in nouns and verbs, whereas as often as not, precision lies in adjectives and adverbs.


  • 但是开支大户诸如美国英国已经将要达到支出极限一些财政鹰派国家例如德国坚持其做的已经够了

    But big spenders such as America and Britain are up against their limits and fiscal hawks such as Germany are stubbornly convinced they have done enough.


  • 今天天赐我们足够的理由为今天兴奋但是常常被我们

    Today is a gift. We have all the reasons to be excited about today, but too often we forget about it.


  • 美国国际集团坚称只是没有流动资金已,不是破产,但是贷款规模暗示着它的问题超过短期现金短缺

    The company insists that it is illiquid, not insolvent, but the size of the loan suggests that its problems go beyond a short-term cash crunch.


  • 有些善于展现成果,或因拥有较强技术能力崭露头角,但是他们往往没有必要的与人交际的能力

    People get ahead because they show results or have the right technical capabilities, but they often don't have the requisite people skills.


  • 但是这种经济理论很难解释市场高度分割费用居高不下奇特基金管理世界

    But economic theory struggles to explain the bizarre world of fund management, where the market is fragmented but fees stay stubbornly high.


  • 但是欧元对外平衡掩盖了一些国家与国家之间巨大内部差距。比如德国拥有多余储蓄西班牙希腊负担着庞大经常项目赤字。

    Yet the euro's external balance concealed a huge internal divide between places like Germany, with excess savings, and countries such as Spain and Greece, with huge current-account deficits.


  • 所有都会自己变的更减少水分流失受益但是自然选择驱使它们向上生长和其他植物竞争获得更多阳光

    All trees would benefit from sticking to a pact to stay small, but natural selection drives them ever upward in search of the light that their competitors also seek.


  • 如果一个歌手唱到一定音高那么频率相对应的酒杯共振,有时杯子吸收太多能量掉,但是其他的杯子安然无恙。

    If a singer hits a pitch that matches the frequency of one glass, the glass might absorb so much acoustic energy that it will shatter; the other glasses remain unaffected.


  • 如果一个歌手唱到一定音高那么频率相对应的酒杯共振,有时杯子吸收太多能量掉,但是其他的杯子安然无恙。

    If a singer hits a pitch that matches the frequency of one glass, the glass might absorb so much acoustic energy that it will shatter; the other glasses remain unaffected.


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