• 虽然辛苦,很努力工作。

    It's hard work and I try to keep up.


  • 着,孩子,尽管努力但我什么也教不了

    Hark you, my son, try as I will I can get nothing into your head.


  • 虽然从不会轻言他们危险性但我很失望真的失望,作为一个国家尼采所说的,本身已经变成那个们想要努力抗击怪物

    While I don’t in any way minimize their danger, I despair. I despair that we as a country, as Nietzsche understood, have become the monster that we are attempting to fight.


  • 虽然不会轻言他们危险性但我很失望真的失望,作为一个国家尼采所说的,本身已经变成那个们想要努力抗击怪物

    While I don't in any way minimize their danger, I despair. I despair that we as a country, as Nietzsche understood, have become the monster that we are attempting to fight.


  • 它们之间存在的对立似乎也相当多容易克服这些,通过努力最终使它们相互协作,共创沃土

    Their opposition appears considerable, but we can overcome it easily, and, in the end, efforts to make them cooperate form a fertile field.


  • 他们答案都是相同的:害羞,努力克服。

    The uniform answer: I'm shy but I work at it.


  • 失望因为想然英格兰主教练谈到知道如果继续努力穿上国家队战袍的时刻到来的,”这位21岁的球员

    "I was disappointed because obviously the England manager had talked about me but I know if I keep working hard my time will come," said the 21-year-old.


  • 在为解决缺陷苦苦努力乐观未来应用可以利用

    We're still struggling with defects, but I'm optimistic that there are a lot of applications that we can use in the future.


  • 真的已经努力段感情付出知道地方得不够好真的很努力地去尝试改变自己

    I really already very hard to pay for this relationship, I know I have a lot of places do well, but I really hard to try to change myself.


  • 努力踢球,享受爸爸每一分钟

    It can be hard work, but I'm loving every minute of being a dad.


  • 他们来说这并不容易训练努力

    It's not easy for them but we're working hard in training.


  • 伤心所以努力学习找到一个好的学习方法测试虽然不好不会放弃

    I am very sad, so I want to study more hard, find a good method of study, although the test is bad but I won't give up.


  • 虽然努力但我们还是失败了。

    We failed, although we worked hard.


  • 英文不是流畅正在努力学习英语

    My English is not very well, but I am always studying English hard.


  • 可能渺小努力……追求这些都重要的东西。

    I may be small , but I am fighting……for something bigger than all off it.


  • 已经努力了,仍然觉得不能胜任这份工作,辞职信

    I've been trying hard, but I don't think I'm up to the job. So here is my resignation.


  • 对于今天赛果真的失望必须继续努力训练,应对挑战。

    We're really disappointed with the result today. But we just have to get back into training and get on with it.


  • 努力一原则下尝试,这个转会复杂努力

    We're trying to make something happen along these lines. It's complicated as we have always known, but I'm still trying.


  • 幸运一个祖父提醒不要这些理所当然的,里面找到真的喜欢努力,并一样

    But I'm lucky to have had a grandfather who reminded me not to take these things for granted, to find something I really enjoyed, and to pursue it as hard and as fast as I could.


  • 一起信念行动引领中国英语最新潮流清楚,中国繁荣富强必定要依靠们每个中国人努力奋斗!

    Let's go forth to lead the newest trend of English practicing of China with our faith and action, but knowing that here on earth, China's prosperity must depend on our own efforts!


  • 喜欢谈论自己太多,古怪有点自己置于聚光灯下,总是努力做到最好并且尽可能多的帮助球队”,承认

    'I don't like to talk about myself, it feels odd and I am a bit shy about putting myself under the microscope, but I always try to give my best and do as much as I can to help the team,' he conceded.


  • 随后迁移海豚家乡通过朋友引荐成为名设计师虽然不是已经努力了。

    Later, I moved to Dolphin Bay, my home, through a friend's referral to become a designer, although not doing very well, but I've been very hard work.


  • 为此自豪不会骄傲自满,继续努力练习

    Therefore, I am very proud of, but I will not be big with pride, I will continue to work hard to practice.


  • 什么伟大的理想,觉得迷茫暂时理想就是英语学好所以努力努力学习

    What, I have great ideals, but I feel very confused is ideal for the time being to learn English, so I have to work very hard efforts to learn.


  • 的英语水平其实一般,特别是听力口语,努力学习永不放弃

    However I will spare no efforts to study and never give it up. when it comes to studying, my cousin is so greater than me.


  • 一再的往前赶,想你知道工作很努力担心关于甲部分这些项目耗时题目上存在不合

    I believe in pushing myself and I think you know I work hard, but I'm concerned that we're on a different page from Department X about how long these projects take.


  • 一再的往前赶,想你知道工作很努力担心关于甲部分这些项目耗时题目上存在不合

    I believe in pushing myself and I think you know I work hard, but I'm concerned that we're on a different page from Department X about how long these projects take.


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