• 希望这个周末来说特别

    I want it to be a special weekend for you.


  • 虽然看起来有点单板希望这个建筑能够展现强大的态度,”补充道,“虽然它看起来相当简洁但我希望可以精巧。”

    "Even if it seems somewhat expressionless, I wanted this building to compose strong expression, " he added. "Even if it looks rather simple, I wanted for it to seem refined. "


  • 一系列文章详细希望BBCDT例子能够激励学习这个工具足够动力继续学习

    This series of articles has been very detailed, but I hope my example, the BBCDT, has provided an incentive to learn the tool and sufficient motivation to continue learning.


  • 到目前为止这个项目得到任何帮助还是非常困难希望很快好转

    Thus far, it has been hard to get any help on the project, though I hope this is going to change soon!


  • 无法证实你所说的这个消息的准确性,希望准确的。

    A: I could not verify this news, but I do hope it is true.


  • 要想严肃对待新技术确实克服许多技术恐惧希望主流媒体正在这个方向努力。

    It takes a whole lot of technophobia to spin that into a serious issue. But we expect the mainstream media is just warming up.


  • 参议员汤姆·达施勒宣布了这个一致意见支持;迪克·格普哈特没有支持,希望一旦机会重新审阅这个预算,回心转意。

    Senator Tom Daschle also announced his support for the agreement; Dick Gephardt did not, but I was hoping he would come around once he had a chance to review it.


  • 这个沙发大量地阅读思考做工作沙发居然让感到舒服,我希望永远也不要再睡在上面了。

    I got a lot of reading, thinking, and work done, and the couch was pretty comfortable, but I hoped I wouldn't be on it forever.


  • 即使别人打扫了十六房子后,希望自己认为这个世界正在慢慢变好但我知道的。

    Even after sixteen years of cleaning people's houses, I want to think the world is getting better and better, but really I know it 'snot.


  • 上周检查邮件接收情况,我希望今天这个列为首要事情,所以如果等待邮件回复的话,保证马上来了。

    I'm still going through emails received last week but I hope to get on top of those today, so if you're waiting on a reply it's coming, I promise.


  • 希望再也别碰见这个裁判了,人们谈论公平竞赛,保护优秀球员什么没有得到,对此,不能理解

    I hope we never have this referee again. People talk of fair-play, of protecting good players, but I never get any of that. I don't understand a thing.


  • 希望这个广告作用,没有把握。

    I hoped it would make a difference, but I wasn't sure.


  • 不是有意冒犯希望不要告诉找到这个秘密必须审视类似那样的东西。

    I don't mean to be rude, but I hope you're not going to tell me that to find the secret I have to look within myself or something like that.


  • 知道未来怎样希望他们可以按照自己方式参与这个多元世界

    I don't know how things will play out, but one can only hope they find their way to join the rest of us intact.


  • 知道现在这个年纪去大学还是坏,希望将来份好工作

    I`m not sure whether it`s good for him being a university student at this age. But I hope he can get a good job in the future, " she said.


  • 准备拓展一部分,毕竟节课不是概率论希望你们记住这个公式并且学会应用

    I'm not going to expand on this because I can't get into — this is not a course in probability theory but I'm hopeful that you can see the formula and you can apply it.


  • 坦白地说,没有开始Jython3k的开发工作希望一旦2.6发布后认真考虑这个问题。

    We have not started working on Jython3k in earnest, but I expect that we will get very serious about it once we release 2.6.


  • 打印支持这个功能可能跟iPad紧密相关同时也希望iPhoneOS4能够提供一些打印机驱动程序支持,这大大方便一些文件或者单据打印

    Printer support: This is a little more relevant to the iPad, but we also wished iPhone OS 4 would provide some printer driver support, which would be very helpful for printing out documents and notes.


  • 希望继续国内生产,”丰田财务总监SatoshiOzawa这个叹息道,“们的竞争力正在很快地下降。”

    We want to keep domestic production,” sighed Satoshi Ozawa, Toyota’s chief financial officer, this month. “But we are quickly losing competitiveness.”


  • 现在还不能利物浦其他球队作比较,经验希望这个赛季做出什么。

    I cannot compare Liverpool with the other teams yet but we have a lot of experience and I hope we can do something special.


  • 希望70岁之前时,做记者知道能不能有这个机会

    I would like to work as a journalist into my mid - or late 60s, but I can't be sure I will have that opportunity.


  • 希礼父亲一样希望北方不要这个国家陷入战乱

    ASHLEY: But like my father I hope that the Yankees let us leave the Union in peace.


  • 希望这个领域可以与后Instant时代相适应。(看看GoogleInstant如何影响公司搜索引擎优化?)

    But we're betting that the field is going to have to adapt to post-Instant world (see How Will Google Instant Affect Your Company's SEO?)


  • 虽然这些听上去有点陈词滥调,非常同意这种论调,希望通过自己的故事身边发生的故事来证明这个观点是对的。

    Although these words sound a bit cliche, I couldn't agree more with this concept and hope that I can validate those words in my own life.


  • 无法证实你所说的这个消息的准确性,希望准确的

    I could not verify this news, but I do hope it is true.


  • 奥尔罗说,不管之间什么过去,他还是希望这个周末一起出去。 其他要做所以拒绝了,很快就会再次一起出去。

    I had other stuff going on, so I declined, but I think we'll hang out again soon.


  • 奥尔罗说,不管之间什么过去,他还是希望这个周末一起出去。 其他要做所以拒绝了,很快就会再次一起出去。

    I had other stuff going on, so I declined, but I think we'll hang out again soon.


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