• 国内大部分地方干燥天气局部地区可能雨。

    Most of the country will be dry, but there may be some rain locally.


  • 添加虽然降低腐蚀局部腐蚀敏感性显著增大。

    The addition of chromium also decreases its corrosion rate, but the sensitivity to local corrosion is increased notably.


  • 尺寸效应原因局部化,局部并非总引起尺寸效应。

    The reason for the size effect is shear localization, but the case that localization can not cause the size effect is not also impossible.


  • 静脉滴注法药浓度维持时间较长,局部全身血药浓度显著差异

    There was no significant difference shown between the concentrations in systemic and local circulations.


  • 文摘建立数字地模时,三角一定规则组成局部出现错误

    Abstract: Establishing DTM, triangulation net is made of some rules, but some mistakes can take place in the part of the net.


  • 高程一个垂直于这个表面测度虽然重力总是将物体地心方向拉,局部总会有一些变化

    Height is a measurement at right angles to this surface, and though gravity pulls mainly toward the centre of the earth, the geocentre , there are local variations.


  • 文中BASIC语言编制程序适用梯形箱壁虽局部区域较多热量输入情况。

    The program compiled with BASIC language is also applicable to trapezoid wall or that without hole, but with more heat transfer into local portion of the wall.


  • 结果发现干旱区LUCC热点区域主要集中绿洲-荒漠交错带,具有整体变化不大局部变化剧烈特点

    As the result, we find: the most distinct features of LUCC in arid area mainly appeared in the oasis-desert interlocked belt, and the whole change is not obvious, but the partial variation is sharp.


  • 针对成分分析2DPCA)提取人脸全局特征但局部特征对人脸识别的作用非常大,提出了一基于局部特征的自适应加权2DPCA。

    From researching on the universal principle of feature fusion of image, a new algorithm was proposed which based on the 2 dimension principal component analyses(for short 2DPCA).


  • Cobe设计只是为了观测最大结构天文学家们希望看到小的热点,即星系团超星系团局部天体种子

    Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies.


  • 可能发生了一些局部传播情况没有发生任何进一步持续性传播。

    In some situations, however, local transmission may have occurred, but without any further onward or ongoing transmission.


  • 包含了局部变量真正线程不同的无法执行

    It includes stack frames and local variables, but unlike a true thread it is not executable.


  • 尽管在此之前,移植手术不乏成功先例,均为局部移植奥斯卡才是脸移植成功首例。

    While Oscar is the first full transplant patient, there have been many successful partial transplants in the past.


  • 面对更多信息我们寻找简单局部处理方法时,不能寄望大自然给与我们同样恩赐。

    We cannot expect Nature to do the same when the simpler process of looking locally for information is more direct.


  • 现在pi演算已经可以很直接用于局部”(VM内的)地方,好用于实现分布式的地方,因为pi演算中,通道两端都是可活动的。

    Now, the PI calculus is good to use directly for "local" (intra-VM) things, but it is not so good for implementing distributed ones because in the PI calculus both ends of a channel are mobile.


  • 正如篇文章所述如果服务一些局部的、向后兼容的改变,时刻注意改变其行为那么客户端可以您的服务进行通信。

    But if you make minor, backward-compatible changes to your service as described in this paper, being careful not to change behavior, then old clients can still talk with your new service.


  • 冲突根源根除局部动荡时有发生热点问题此起彼伏。

    However, old disputes are far from eradication, regional turbulences happen occasionally and hotspot issues fall and rise.


  • 如今我们不难理解债务危机对希腊的影响多么严重,为什么这场局部危机惊动了全世界乃至各国人人自危”?

    Now you can understand why it matters there, but why does it clatter so loudly around the rest of the world?


  • 为了解释作用重载相互作用,我们违反上述规则使用局部函数声明

    To explain how scope interacts with overloading we will violate this practice and use a local function declaration.


  • 虽然局部改变改变后的服务必须向后兼容的。就是说客户端可以继续创建的Web服务通信。

    To be minor, a change must be backward compatible, meaning that old clients can still talk with your new web service.


  • 尽管我们普查早期诊断外科手术治疗方面取得了很大进展,其术后局部复发远处转移临床医师面临的难题

    We have made progress in some aspects such as general investigation, early diagnosis, and surgical operation treatment, but there are difficulties for surgeon in local relapse and distant metastasis.


  • 热带气旋集结本港东南700至1000公里时,本港天气通常晴朗酷热黄昏时却可能有局部地区性雷暴。

    When a tropical cyclone is about 700 to 1 000 kilometres south-east of Hong Kong, the weather is usually fine and exceptionally hot, but isolated thunderstorms sometimes occur in the evenings.


  • 热带气旋集结本港东南700至1000公里时,本港天气通常晴朗酷热黄昏时却可能有局部地区性雷暴。

    When a tropical cyclone is about 700 to 1 000 kilometres south-east of Hong Kong, the weather is usually fine and exceptionally hot, but isolated thunderstorms sometimes occur in the evenings.


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