• 一个冒险举动得到回报。

    It was a risky move, but it paid off.


  • 看起来是一小步得到回报很大

    It seems like a small step, but it reaps huge rewards.


  • 推销员真的没什么得到几个设计奖大家很喜欢颜色

    Salesman: Well, nothing really. But it has won several design awards and people love the color.


  • 虽然IBM个人计算机不如市场其他一些计算机那么先进得到计算领域富负盛名的品牌的支持。

    IBM's PC was less advanced than some other machines on the market. But it was backed by the most reputable name in computing.


  • 虽然填鸭式喂养”可以得到非常考试成绩但它并不总是伴随着同样令人印象深刻的人生成功

    Although "spoon-feeding" can produce extremely high examination results, these are not always followed by equally impressive life successes.


  • 这个通道直径只有厘米宽度足以电子闪电这样得到形式随着通道到达地面

    The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter, but that is wide enough for electrons to follow the channel to the ground in the visible form of a flash of lightning.


  • 一个巨大的差异应该得到证实,没有。

    That's a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed, but it was not.


  • 干旱往往没有其他自然灾害一样得到人们很大重视可以也是一个杀手

    Drought often doesn't get as much attention as other natural disasters, but it can be a killer.


  • 想不出来为什么因为兄弟担心现在得到了一些绝对”不到的信息一定是从什么地方来的。

    I have no reason to think she'd be worried about my brother; now I'm starting to get some information that I would never have "guessed" at, but which must be coming from somewhere.


  • 尽管已经成立30了,但它从未得到税收待遇优惠资格,原因申请的过程繁琐不透明,吉冈达也(TatsuyaYoshioka),这个组织的总监说到

    Though founded almost 30 years ago, it never got special tax status because the process is so cumbersome and opaque, says its director, Tatsuya Yoshioka.


  • 尽管这个属性得到广泛的使用,但它不是标准属性。

    Although this attribute is used widely, it is not a standard attribute.


  • 这样一个空间可能有用不是我们这里想要得到的。

    Such a dimensional summary can be useful, but it is not what we want in this case.


  • 决策者现在讨论迅速重启测试使用他们已经得到数据们除去了主权重组影响。

    Regulators are now talking about quickly rerunning the tests using the data they already have but factoring in the impact of sovereign restructurings.


  • 这些工具不能检查测试是否包括所有适当数据模式至少可以确信在测试期间所有代码得到了执行。

    They can't check that your tests include all the appropriate data patterns, but they can let you at least make sure that all your code is being executed during the tests.


  • 最终得到包装器函数由于而不作为内联代码例子显示,能够出色地执行。

    The resulting wrapper function is too long to present inline as a code example, but it seems to work pretty well.


  • 可以说数据就是事实但它事实不同之处可以计算分析一种抽象方式得到使用

    You could that say data are facts, with the difference that they can be computed, analyzed, and made use of in a more abstract way, especially by a computer.


  • 尽管这些测试结果不能保证所有升级都能得到这样的性能改进确实证明更多内存是有帮助的。

    While the test results don't guarantee that all upgrades will experience the same performance boost, they do validate the claim that more memory does help.


  • 发出警报,让病人去看医生,从而得到可用的治疗方案风险好处以及费用等信息。

    But it can raise a red flag calling for a doctor-patient dialogue on medical options, risks, benefits and costs.


  • 虽然这份工作可以得到相对不菲报酬带来一系列花销时髦服饰频繁美发一个接一个的电话以及客户准备的情人礼物

    Although the job can pay relatively well, it comes with a range of costs, from a stylish wardrobe and frequent hairdresser appointments to cellphone calls and Valentine's Day gifts for clients.


  • 死亡数并非表示某个国家遭遇自然灾难时受损程度唯一指标却是目前可得到精确记录方式

    Mortality figures aren't necessarily the most telling indicator of a country's vulnerability to natural disaster, but they're the most accurate type of record available.


  • 虽然生命环境之间不断变化相互作用尚未得到完全理解构成地球的基础,并且支配我们子孙继承世界

    The dynamic interactions between life and environment are imperfectly understood, but they underpin Earth's history and will determine the world our grandchildren inherit.


  • 或许是有用思路,有助于解决如何管理互联网知识产权和国际污染问题政策制定者处理这些问题上则需要得到他们能够得到一切帮助

    But it may yet prove a useful way of thinking about problems, such as managing the Internet, intellectual property or international pollution, on which policymakers need all the help they can get.


  • 尽管淀粉提纯,耗费较高比其他任何植物为原料的方法高效,并且原理得到证明

    Though starch is arefined and relatively expensive starting point, his method is more efficientthan any of the alternatives that begin with plant matter. It is also a proofof principle.


  • 通常这些好处不会直接施以善行得到宇宙某个地方回报你。

    Often the good turn won't come back from the one you did it for - but it will come back from somewhere in this amazing universe that we live in.


  • 近来JAXB得到一些支持仍然一个非常封闭环境,并实现中留下许多很深的隐患。

    In more recent days, JAXB has picked up some support, but it still remains a very closed environment, with plenty of bugginess in the darker corners of the implementation.


  • 不是最好办法确实有用,可以得到类型然后,一个真的浮点数的类型比比,他们是不是一样

    Now, this is not the nicest way to do it but it'll work. I can look at the type of the value of base and compare it to the type of an actual float and see, are they the same?


  • 不是最好办法确实有用,可以得到类型然后,一个真的浮点数的类型比比,他们是不是一样

    Now, this is not the nicest way to do it but it'll work. I can look at the type of the value of base and compare it to the type of an actual float and see, are they the same?


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进来说说原因吧 确定