• 如果从来不打电话打给她的时候看起来高兴呢?

    What if she never calls you, but seems happy enough to hear from you when you call?


  • DM还是一个新兴项目的时候(大概以前),API一直不断变化最近的6到12个月,API已经趋于稳定我们对此感到非常高兴

    When DM was new (just over 2 years ago), the API was in constant flux, but over the last 6-12 months things have settled down and we are really happy with how the API works now.


  • :有需求往往受到援助而感到高兴某些情况下援助效率而且不恰当

    A: People in need are usually happy to receive assistance, but in some cases it is not effective and quite inappropriate.


  • 不论是哪种情况都会给恋情带来压力束缚——男友女友高兴认为对的事情上你又愿意妥协

    Whatever the situation, it can place stress and strain on a relationship - you want to keep your boyfriend or girlfriend happy, but you don't want to compromise what you think is right.


  • 可以确定这些成员国并非滥发的美元感到高兴此刻,他们对此加以干涉并不得到太多成果

    To be sure, that's not to say member nations were necessarily happy about it, but at this point intervention would only have limited results. (See "G7 Abandons The Dollar.")


  • 虽然并不真的高兴宴会中她一直保持笑容

    Although she was not really happy, she kept smiling in the party.


  • 实际上泰德解救出来,并且收到咖啡烤饼作为报答感到高兴第二遇到暴风雪后,扎尔金德没那么幸运了

    In fact, he freed her car and appeared to be happy as a reward with coffee and scones. After a second storm, she was less lucky.


  • 好吧进了三个所以我高兴冠军联赛重要获得客场胜利。

    Okay, I scored three goals and I am very happy but the most important thing in the Champions League is to win away.


  • 迪迪尔德罗巴帽子戏法高兴切尔西3 - 1索非亚列夫斯基后他却对自己的成绩很低调。

    Didier Drogba was delighted with his hat-trick but played down the achievement following Chelsea's 3-1 win over Levski Sofia.


  • 克隆德看来,现在高兴为时过早,男女出生率差距减小并不意味着不再重男轻女

    But it is still too early to celebrate, in Eklund's view: the narrowing of the gap does not necessarily mean that girls are valued more highly.


  • 这些挑战高兴巅峰之间单调绝望

    But between such peaks of challenge and elation there is monotony and despair.


  • 寻找这么这样一个交流着,我会高兴为什么呢?

    Looking forward to for so long but in exchange for such a word, I will be glad Why?


  • 不管是意甲冠军还是冠军联赛冠军,夺冠了就理由高兴意大利尽管不是很入流,这项比赛中也不能犯错

    Winning either the league title or the Champions league is a reason to be happy. The Italian Cup is a bit unusual in that you can't make a mistake because you can't makeup for it.


  • 知道未来是怎样的,你不能把话说死,这里确实很高兴,我不想去其他任何地方

    Anywhere after this would be a step down. You don't know what the future holds - you can never say never – but as long as I'm happy and playing regularly at United, there's nowhere else I'd rather be.


  • 当然期望可以获得更多不同类型的角色目前,我非常高兴可以担演同志这个角色。

    I would welcome any roles that come my way, but right now I'm A-OK with having a gay path.


  • 我们得到了点球的机会时,接过了重担并且当打进我很高兴压力总会有的,但在错失一个后我希望多一些压力。

    "When we got it, I took responsibility and was pleased when it went in. "There's always pressure and I suppose there's more pressure when you've missed the last one.


  • 非常高兴得到此奖金,虽然练习的时候已经打出过多次147,正式比赛中还是第一次

    I'm really happy to get that monkey off my back because I've made so many in practice over the years but have never been able to produce one in tournament play.


  • 美国人可能认为这个表示心烦不高兴英国这个喝醉意思。

    Pissed - Americans may think this means upset. But in the UK it is the equivalent of being drunk.


  • 美国人可能认为这个表示心烦不高兴英国这个喝醉意思。

    Pissed - Americans may think this means upset. But in the UK it is the equivalent of being drunk.


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