• 另外,宋代小报相比较而言,二者传播内容和读者对象、新闻时效性大多相同性质小报属于民间报纸。

    Dibao in Song Dynasty was a small newspaper with the characteristics of official newspaper but different from official newspapers in many aspects.


  • 一个特定元素同位素具有相同化学特征物理性质上有一些细微差异

    The isotopes of a given element have the same chemical properties but slightly different physical properties.


  • 地壳深处岩石粘上了矿物质性质一切屈从高温高压了。

    But deep in the crust, rocks have all their voids filled with mineral solutions and are subjected to high temperatures and pressures.


  • 那时人们没有取名他们只是ok第四个量子,这是电子性质

    But at the time, they didn't have a well-formed name for it, they were just saying OK, there's this fourth quantum number, there's this intrinsic property in the electron.


  • 展示了平均回复性质1999年却是极大的。

    It displays mean reverting properties but is unbounded as of 1999.


  • 总的说来聚合物低密度聚乙烯性质相似薄膜中的强度性质要好一些,因此就是主要应用领域

    Overall the polymer has similar properties to LDPE, but has somewhat better strength properties in films, and hence this is its major area of use.


  • 指引我们一切行动意识具有意见的性质不再质疑反思中却是可质疑的。

    The awareness of the good which guides all our actions, has the character of opinion: it is no longer questioned but, on reflection, it proves to be questionable.


  • 实验结果光学方法所得结果一致,判明位错性质方面,X射线形貌术独特优点

    Some experimental results are consistent with the results obtained by optical methods, however, X-ray method has its special advantage in discriminating the properties of dislocations.


  • 物理性质球墨铸铁类似,延伸率等较多方面于球墨铸铁管,灰口铸铁管价格适中。

    Its physical property is similar to that of spheroidal graphite iron tubes, but some aspects such as elongation percentage are inferior to the spheroidal graphite iron tubes.


  • 通过KW系统说明有限典范模型模型证明系统有限模型性质两种不同方法技术许多共性

    From the example of the system KW, the paper shows that finite canonical model and filtration are two different ways to prove finite model property, but they have something in common on techniques.


  • 裂缝胶结不良缺陷性质尺寸精确判断方面检测精度较低

    However, its detection precision is lower at accurate judgment about the characteristics and size of disfigurement, such as split and harmful cementing.


  • 尽管研究一致性必要的,但在研究项目长期性质情况下财政保障重要条件之一

    One of the most important requirements, given the intended long-term nature of the project, was financial security although consistent quality of research was also required.


  • 即使得到了保险赔付但在一定情况下公司赔付可能不是性质一个级别,难以提供足额赔付

    However, even if insurance is taken out, in certain circumstances, the Company's insurance may not be of a nature or level to provide adequate insurance cover.


  • 已有的研究中,因为没有考虑年龄作用考虑老化机制网络演化过程中的作用,使得模型一些性质真实网络的不一致

    In previous studies, some properties of most models weren't consistent with that of the real-world networks because the impact of age was neglected or only the aging mechanism was considered.


  • 虽然tce一定缺陷但在椭圆分布,其性质更易表达

    The characters of TCE under elliptical distribution are easily expressed though TCE has some limitations, too.


  • 癫痫发生阶段,目前很少关于NMDA受体电生理学性质变化研究无直接测试突触外nmda受体的报告。

    However, so far, there are few studies focusing on electrophysiological properties of NMDA receptors during epileptogenesis, even less is related to extrasynaptic NMDA receptor.


  • 我国《合同法》背景下,其性质已经不同于传统规定。不过,我们将债权人代位性质归结变动权。

    Although the right is different in nature from that of traditional debt law, it can still be considered a variation right.


  • 只需留心一下我们这个时代独特性质我们几乎只能看到一些雅俗不分、龙混杂的大杂烩严格意义上,都一些没有道德原则的东西

    If we look then only at what is peculiar to our age or characteristic of our age, we see hardly more than the interplay of mass taste with high-grade but strictly speaking unprincipled efficiency.


  • 两者概念界定特征目标方面较大差别形式内容性质方面具有相近性。

    There exist considerable differences in the definition of concepts. features and aims ect. , while they also show similarities in forms, contents and features etc.


  • 两者概念界定特征目标方面较大差别形式内容性质方面具有相近性。

    There exist considerable differences in the definition of concepts. features and aims ect. , while they also show similarities in forms, contents and features etc.


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