• 周二这起诉讼让HTC可能继续保持低调。

    But any chance of HTC remaining out of the limelight all but disappeared with Tuesday's lawsuit.


  • 周二我会得到新的黑色060,开始资料袋因为程序下跌

    But Tuesday I will get the new black 060 and start making your kits since I have the procedure down pat!


  • 周二联赛却令人失望输给西汉姆结束了曼联29场不败的旅程。这让每个人天上回到地上

    But Tuesday's disappointing Carling Cup defeat to West Ham, which ended a 29-game unbeaten run, brought everyone in the camp back down to earth.


  • 虽然剩下什么完好无损、未被打开的瓶子罐子,周二依然有人散落于酒厂附近被打开容器一堆堆酒瓶周围转悠。

    While there are almost no intact, full bottles or cans left, a few people were still mulling around the opened containers and piles of bottles scattered around the brewery on Tuesday.


  • 联邦上诉法院周二再次介入,并未提供急需解决方案只是延长了该斗争

    A federal appeals court weighed in again Tuesday, but instead of providing a badly needed resolution, it only prolonged the fight.


  • 真希望参加周二姐姐婚礼那时我正在纽约出差

    I wish I had been at my sister's wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.


  • 周二承认美军正在使用沙姆西基地,仅限于后勤

    He admitted on Tuesday that us forces were using Shamsi, but only for logistics.


  • 图片周二起开始网络传播微软警觉图片修改过之后,马上了图片,并设法查找责任人

    The image began circulating online on Tuesday and after being alerted to the switch, Microsoft took down the image and said it was trying to discover who was responsible.


  • 韩国周二该国首次太空发射发射枚多级运载火箭所携带卫星与火箭的分离时间计划秒钟,卫星未能进入预定轨道。

    South Korea launched a multi-stage rocket Tuesday in the country's first space shot, but the satellite it was carrying separated a few seconds later than planned and didn't reach the proper orbit.


  • 周二飞机停留在地面上时,航空公司进行自己调查,据航空公司发言人莱丽讲。

    But the airplane remained grounded Tuesday while US Airways performed its own investigation, said company spokeswoman Valerie Wunder.


  • 周二尽管一些人预期银行在年末调高利率以刺激买家按揭利率上升出手,加拿大银行仍保持基准利率为1%。

    On Tuesday, the bank of Canada kept its benchmark rate at 1%, though some expect the bank to raise rates by the end of the year, spurring some buyers to act before mortgage rates go up.


  • 也许有趣不能告诉人们关于死亡本质深刻道理如果人们就简简单单都死周二

    It might be sort of interesting, but it wouldn't tell us something deep about the nature of death, if people could just as easily die on Tuesday.


  • 周二收盘戴尔公布第二季度利润同比劲增63%,营收同比微弱增长1%。

    Dell reported a 63% jump in second-quarter profits after the bell Tuesday, but only a slim 1% increase in revenue.


  • 周前该国收益率曲线出现倒挂此次不同是,欧洲央行周二买进意大利国债行动未能使曲线恢复正常。

    The inversion of its yield curve last happened two weeks ago but, unlike then, purchases of Rome's bond by the European Central Bank on Tuesday failed to undo the damage.


  • 作为应急措施周二国家卫生大臣将限制提高250希弗。

    But as an emergency measure, the ministry of health on Tuesday raised that to an accumulated 250 millisieverts.


  • 周二公布项调查显示基金经理对市场前景趋于悲观并不认为经济会陷入长期衰退

    Money managers' market outlook is getting gloomier, but they're not positioning themselves for a prolonged recession, according to a survey set to be released Tuesday.


  • 雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc .)周二虽然收入下滑了12%,第三财季公司利润增长了两倍以上

    And Yahoo Inc. said Tuesday its profit more than tripled in the third quarter, despite a 12% fall in revenue.


  • 亚马逊(Amazon)周二收盘公布第二季度业绩,营收利润均超出外界预期。尽管净利润下滑受整体业绩提振,盘后交易大幅上扬。

    Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday, sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income.


  • 周二只是第一站,这场季赛将万众期待。

    Tuesday is just Round 1, but it has the ingredients to be a tantalizing open stanza.


  • 周二印度央行(ReserveBank of India)维持利率不变出人意外地要求银行增加债券作为储备,从而开启了非常规刺激措施的回收之路。

    On Tuesday, India's central bank held interest rates steady but — in a surprise move — began unwinding extraordinary stimulus measures, by requiring Banks to set aside more bonds as reserves.


  • 媒体投资者博客SiliconAlleyReporter周二曾经援引匿名消息来源新闻集团雅虎仍然在讨论可能的交易并未透露细节

    The media investor blog Silicon Alley Reporter quoted unnamed sources Tuesday saying that News Corp. and Yahoo are still discussing a possible transaction, but provided no details.


  • 美国皮尤研究中心周二公布份最新调查报告显示,有多达90%美国人认为他们大部分同胞超重只有40%的人承认自己

    According to a study published on Tuesday, ninety percent of Americans know that most of their compatriots are overweight, but just 40 percent believe themselves to be too fat.


  • 商务部发言人姚坚周二,[gm66nd]在中国注册公司迄今商务部尚未接到家公司有意退出报告

    On Tuesday, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Yao Jian said [gm99nd] has two companies registered, but so far the ministry hasn't received any reports regarding an exit of either company.


  • 仅仅如此不能达到所期望年内财政赤字减半目标- - -即使加上周二所讨论其他成本削减措施

    But that alone will not get him to his goal of halving the budget deficit in four years, nor will the other cost cutting he discussed Tuesday night.


  • 英国王位继承人查尔斯王储周二还清了英国王室350多年笔旧债好几万英镑高额利息一笔勾销。

    Heir to the throne Prince Charles on Tuesday paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years agobut was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.


  • 英国王位继承人查尔斯王储周二还清了英国王室350多年笔旧债好几万英镑高额利息一笔勾销。

    Heir to the throne Prince Charles on Tuesday paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years agobut was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.


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