• 至于克鲁姆,可能头脑简单,卡卡·洛夫不是

    As for Krum, his head may be filled with sawdust but Karkaroff's is not.


  • 卡卡情况一点值得惊讶,因为每个人都要为这么一直伟大球队效力。

    But everyone wishes to play in a prestigious team such as ours and Kaka's case is not any different.


  • 的确他们使用了名而防守型中场卡卡罗比尼奥精巧至极、漫无目的躲闪腾挪发挥余地

    True, they employ not one but two defensive midfielders but they still have room for the creativity of Kaká and Robinho's pointlessly overelaborate jinking.


  • 再次重复一遍,一赛季我们不会改变战术,也不会换教练。另外我重复最后一遍,尽管我不知道小罗不能但卡卡一定会留下。

    I reiterate that next year we will not change our tactics or our coach, and I would like to repeat for the last time that while I don't know if Ronaldinho will ever come, kaka will certainly stay.


  • 目标词汇虽然详细的目标卡非常不错,或许不想全世界的人都知道渴望10年内当上行政总裁。

    Goal Word CARDS: While specific goal CARDS are great, you may not want the whole world knowing that you are hankering for the CEO position in 10 years.


  • 也许这些球员具备梅西卡卡那样不可思议才华能具备?

    They may not have the magical flair of a Lionel Messi or a Kaka, but who does?


  • 很难界定卡梅伦到底是祈求者还是评论者卡梅伦却展现了灵活的一面。

    It is hard to be both a supplicant and a critic, but Mr Cameron did his gymnastic best.


  • 普通模式下,选项活动时会高亮显示,如果系统设置对比模式,则无法确定哪个选项卡页活动的。

    In normal mode, the TAB will be highlighted when active, but if the system is set to high contrast mode, there is no way to identify which TAB page is active.


  • 确实很值得关注大型信用卡公司近期都没有美国发行芯片卡的计划虽然它们在国外会发行。

    Despite that concern, the major credit card companies do not have imminent plans to offer chip and PIN CARDS to their American customers, even though they provide them to cardholders abroad.


  • 罗纳尔多卡卡,本马,哈维·阿隆索,拉萨纳·迪亚拉,卡西利亚斯.…..也许还要段时间磨合,进球肯定不会少。

    Ronaldo, Kaká, Benzema, Xabi Alonso, Lass, CasillasIt might take a while to get it really right but they will score plenty of goals.


  • 利比亚反对派已攻占的黎波里卡扎菲大本营,并未搜捕到卡扎菲

    Libyan rebels overran Tripoli and occupied the compound of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, who was notably absent.


  • 卡扎菲同她们打招呼,巴林斯卡娅并没有发现遴选过程中有什么特别之处

    Gadhafi greeted them but Balinskaya found nothing special in the selection process.


  • 一点点卡夫卡作品,而且知道是什么造就卡夫卡,可以自己成为,一个更大胆的作家?”

    She says that she has read a little bit of Kafka and "doesn't know what to make of him, but it makes you a bolder writer."


  • 有些青少年网上付费消费(如像ebay这样的网站),只是少数一部分人,因为这些通常需要信用卡而青少年并不拥用信用卡。

    Some teenagers make purchases on the Internet (on sites like eBay) but this is only used by a small percentage, as a credit card is required and most teenagers do not have credit CARDS.


  • 美国银行约翰萨奇奈克(John Suchane)指出,虽然美国600万家运营场所接受信用卡贷记卡接受非接触只有100万。

    John Suchanec, of Bank of America, says that whereas debit and credit cards are accepted at 6m locations in America today, only 1m sites accept contactless cards.


  • 传递tabs方法选项使用了与 第 3部分相同视觉效果额外的一个参数可用禁用第一选项卡之外的所有选项卡。

    The options bundle that you're passing to the tabs method employs the same visual effect you used in Part 3, but an additional parameter allows you to disable all but the first tab.


  • 卡卡偷猎活动为了获取骨头皮毛虽然很多猫科动物因此而深受威胁,Jeypore - Dehing当地的居民自己没有捕杀这种动物。

    Although many cat species are at risk due to poaching for their bones and pelts, people in Jeypore-Dehing don't hunt the cats themselves, Kakati said.


  • 拜仁慕尼黑后卫安菲尔德队长放在首选如果可以选择名本国球员的话,他承认选择卡卡

    The Bayern Munich defender has put the Anfield skipper top of his list - but admits he would vote for Kaka if he could pick one of his countrymen.


  • 测试对象翻过笑脸的得分时便可以他们翻过画着皱眉失分卡时会输掉很多

    They earn money by turning over a winning card with a smiley face, but they lose a lot of money if they turn over a losing card with a frowning face.


  • 感应式支付卡也是常见的银行卡内部植入的芯片天线

    Well, tap-and-go cards are regular bankcards but with a built-in chip and antenna.


  • 被拍摄脑部影像婴儿17名母亲在怀孕期间确认感染卡病毒,另有28名缺乏化验证明具备感染兹卡病毒的所有症状

    The images studied came from 17 babies whose mothers had a confirmed Zika infection during pregnancy and from 28 without laboratory proof but with all indications of Zika.


  • 尽管信用卡正在成为金融业能接受付款方式,许多仍然心存疑虑,把信用卡看成是“今日享受明日付款”的一种主要表现。

    Although credit CARDS are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the "live now, pay later" syndrome.


  • 病毒:奥运会期间,里约冬季因此蚊虫较少寨卡病毒仍是威胁强劲的杀虫剂降低风险孕妇多加小心

    Zika virus: it's winter in Rio so there are fewer mosquitos but Zika is still a threat. Strong repellent will minimise risk. Pregnant women should take extra care.


  • 虽然外国银行允许申请银行卡业务截止此刻尚无欧洲银行获得授权可以发行信用卡

    Although foreign Banks have been allowed to apply for the bank card business, no European bank has received authorisation to issue credit CARDS at the time of writing.


  • 耶斯科要求波卡自己孙女交出来,波卡涅拉解释婴儿不知所踪

    Fiesco demands that he first be given his granddaughter, but Boccanegra explains that the infant has disappeared.


  • 卡梅伦观看卡文迪什的比赛卡文迪什众人希望那样为英国队摘得本届奥运会第一枚金牌

    The prime minister was present at the trackside when Cavendish failed to win Team GB's first Gold of the Games as expected.


  • 同时更说明一点出行时最好几张卡,以防一张卡不能

    But it also reinforces an important point about traveling with plastic: carry more than one card, in case one is declined.


  • 同时更说明一点出行时最好几张卡,以防一张卡不能

    But it also reinforces an important point about traveling with plastic: carry more than one card, in case one is declined.


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