• 哈克等了似乎很长时间什么事也没发生

    Huck waited what seemed a weary long time, but nothing happened.


  • 不是已经实现,什么事可能。

    I don't see it happening, but anything is possible.


  • 我们来等去,什么事也没发生

    We waited and waited, but nothing happened.


  • 打电话给但什么事也没有

    So, you called me for nothing?


  • 这不容易什么事又容易?

    It's not easy, but what is?


  • 什么事也没有发生

    But nothing happened.


  • 狱警知道出了什么扭过头去装作没看见。

    Prison officers know what's going on, but look the other way.


  • :“还有什么上面工作危险的呢——什么事。”

    Joe said: "What's any more dangerous than that job up yonder--but nothing's come of it."


  • 写日记——天来什么事也没发生所以他放弃了。

    He attempted a diarybut nothing happened during three days, and so he abandoned it.


  • 别人受害者造成痛苦时,回答时,“什么?我又不是”,从逻辑上说没错一点人性都没有

    And when asked about the pain he caused his victims he responded, "What do I care? I'm not her," which is logically correct but, in a sense, inhuman.


  • 夫人,这法院秘密假如巴黎什么要办,一位朋友今晚那儿

    That, madame, is an official secret; but if you have any commissions for Paris, a friend of mine is going there to-night, and will with pleasure undertake them.


  • 家庭并不富裕母亲灌输工作观念,总喜欢引用谚语例如:“如果什么事看上去好的令人难以置信,那么你最好别信。”

    The family was not well off but his mother gave him a work ethic and was prone to sayings such as: “If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.”


  • 我们冒险时,我们无法预知发生什么如果我们尽力而为不论结果,我们必定可以这次的经验中获得一些积极的启示。

    When we take a risk we cannot know beforehand what will happen, but if we try our best we are certain to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.


  • 现在律师们挽回损失努力毕竟意大利,多少有点另一个星球而且,待什么事解决了,可能化作枯骨尘埃了。

    The lawyers are still trying to undo the damage, but this is Italy after all, which is sort of like another planet, and I will likely be bones and dust before anything is resolved.


  • 是个思维容易兴奋的人,倘若得用这些思维做些什么事的话无异于狂风大作时把气球座小棚子里

    My thoughts were a great excitement, but when I tried to do anything with them, it was like trying to pack a balloon into a shed in a high wind.


  • 这样处理对乔安娜来说显然有点困难因为除了自己感到懊悔外,总是感到恐惧担忧希望不要开车撞上发生别的什么事

    This of course made things even harder for JoAnn, because in addition to her own woes she would feel frightened and concerned for me - hoping I wouldn't drive the car into a tree or whatever.


  • 古巴很多都会改变这些改变,通过我们自己努力实现,根本不关美国什么事

    Many things will change in Cuba, but they will change through our efforts and in spite of the United States.


  • 不会掩盖任何一糙米实际是精白米更费时煮熟想想那多出来2025分钟解脱出来别的什么事了。

    I won't gloss over the fact that brown rice of any variety takes longer to cook than white rice, but consider the extra 20 to 25 minutes as free time for you to do something else.


  • 假期结束意味着生活重回正轨假如沈丽音译)一样做拖沓,什么事要等到最后一分钟才肯做,生活就会步入正轨来得痛苦。

    The end of the holiday means that life returns to normal – or worse than normalif you are a rocrastinator like Shen Li and have been putting work off to the last minute.


  • 伊朗多年来一直隐瞒着自己的核计划没出过什么并不意味着世界并没有就此遭到威胁

    The Israelis have been crying wolf over Iran’s nuclear plans for years, and nothing has happened. But that does not mean that the threat of war can be ignored.


  • 伊朗多年来一直隐瞒着自己的核计划没出过什么并不意味着世界并没有就此遭到威胁

    The Israelis have been crying wolf over Iran's nuclear plans for years, and nothing has happened. But that does not mean that the threat of war can be ignored.


  • 没法时时刻刻关注一旦行为任何变化我会留心是否发生什么事导致她如此。

    I do NOT HAVE TIME to be looking at her stuff, but that if there is a behavior change in her I WILL look to see if there is anything going on that is causing it.


  • 建立品牌可以得很棒什么都做得很迅速扩展全球业务时,一些最初造就品牌东西就很难保持了。

    You can do a world class job of building brands and do everything right but when you rapidly expand your global footprint it is hard to maintain what made the brand great in the first place.


  • 不管发生什么没有什么害怕-糟糕的不会发生的。

    Regardless of what happens, you have nothing to fear - but the worst is not going to happen.


  • 一百分作两要求其中一只是等待什么事都不而另一相同长短时间内被要求等待,段时间内可以电视

    So 50 people in one group were asked to wait, with absolutely nothing to do. Another 50 were also asked to wait the same length of timebut they could watch TV.


  • 尝试得更快时将会发生什么

    But what will happen when you try to go faster?


  • 尝试得更快时将会发生什么

    But what will happen when you try to go faster?


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