• 意志坚定教条

    He is firm but not doctrinaire.


  • 偶尔会犯错误但不怎么严重

    He makes the odd mistakenothing too serious.


  • 这人错,特喜欢那种人

    He's nice enough but not really my cup of tea.


  • 的话情况吻合怀疑吻合完全相信。

    They cast doubt on his words when it suited their case, but swallowed them whole when it did not.


  • 非常喜欢声音喜欢们的歌词,”很圆滑地

    "I really like their sound, although I'm not crazy about their lyrics," he says, diplomatically.


  • 想象一个体重正常有营养食物感觉良好只是偶尔锻炼每天上班

    Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day.


  • 一端轻轻画出一个圆圈,靠近的车灯。

    Use the pointy end to lightly draw circles around, but not quite touching his headlights.


  • 拼命地跑着停地回头看,发现在稳步逼进

    On he ran desperately, but kept looking back, and saw that they still gained steadily.


  • 这时了一下,轻柔的那种。

    Here he got a pinch, but not a loving one.


  • 起初觉得很可怕久就得出正确的结论:已经了。

    At first he thought this eerie, but soon concluded rightly that the clock had run down.


  • 可以使用天赋滥用它们

    He can use his gifts, and not abuse them.


  • 爸爸要出门我们一起因为巴黎

    Papa is leaving, too, but not with us, for he has to go to Paris first.


  • 喜欢绵羊喜欢河马

    He likes sheep but he doesn't like hippos.


  • 几天哥哥打电话来说一切愿意在哪儿

    Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but wouldn't say where he was.


  • 的工作很有趣,但不容易,因为同的人对同一个人的描述同,有时候很多人的记忆力并好,尤其是老年人。

    His job is interesting but not easy, because different people describe the same person differently and sometimes many people don't have good memories, especially the old.


  • 们试着和司机交流,但不太成功,因为会说法语。

    We tried communicating with the driver but with little success because he couldn't speak French.


  • 但不事情,反而努力往好的方面

    Instead of giving way to thoughts of the worst he actually found he was trying to believe in better things.


  • 涛,一名初一的学生,寒假里非常忙,但不仅仅是因为要做作业。

    Li Tao, a Junior 1 student, was quite busy over the past winter vacation but not just with homework.


  • 鲁伊特当然是在提供服务,但不仅是自行车,还是社区中的关系。这是能对人们产生的影响。

    Pruitt is certainly providing a service, but it's not just the bikes. It's the relationships in the community. It's the impact that he can make on people.


  • 但不,还埋怨好歹

    You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.


  • 虽然聪明,成功因为缺乏进取心。

    He's clever but won't succeed because he lacks drive.


  • 但不认错,还倒打一耙。

    So far from admitting his own mistake, he falsely accused his critic.


  • 朋友高,的朋友敏捷

    He is taller than his friend, but not as quick.


  • 可能仅莎士比亚画像写真因为那个时代画像惯例经常主题理想化”,继续

    "It might be a portrait of Shakespeare, but not a likeness, because the conventions of portraiture at the time were often to idealize the subject," he said.


  • 如何明显一个律师

    But whatever you think of him, he was obviously not a lawyer.


  • 诋毁库克何种形式形状或者形式那里

    He will not undermine Cook, in any way, shape or form, but he will be there.


  • 当时只是爱德华八世有好感

    She was fond of Edward VIII but was not in love with him.


  • 通常边防警察都会认为一个精神病有些人允许过去允许摩托车过去

    Often, border police thought he must be insane. Some said they would permit him to cross, but not his motorcycle.


  • ,“共和党人预算想起政客故事一个农场主投票支持情愿院子因为一条吠叫的狗那里。”

    I said the Republicans budget reminded me of the story of a politician who wanted to ask a farmer to vote for him but was reluctant to come into his yard because a barking dog was there.


  • ,“共和党人预算想起政客故事一个农场主投票支持情愿院子因为一条吠叫的狗那里。”

    I said the Republicans budget reminded me of the story of a politician who wanted to ask a farmer to vote for him but was reluctant to come into his yard because a barking dog was there.


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