• 抓住似水年华抓住,抓住!

    Grasp the time. Hold it. Hold it tightly.


  • 一个忧伤声音筑巢似水年华

    One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years.


  • 追忆似水年华法国现代伟大小说家马塞尔·普鲁斯特代表作

    Rememberance of Things past is the representative works of French modern novelist Marcel Proust.


  • 原来我们应该期待垂垂老矣的欢乐时光,而不是去追忆年轻似水年华

    It turns out that rather than reminisce about the "golden age" of youth, we should look forward to turning our grandparents' age to be happy.


  • 一个忧郁声音筑巢似水年华夜里歌唱曾那么爱”。

    One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years. It sings to me in the night "I loved you. ""


  • 就这样怀着这种有时厚实山峦、有时轻盈细若游丝感觉度过似水年华

    So with this sometimes thick such as mountains, sometimes the feeling of light thin so weak I spent the past two years.


  • 只有发明书写之后,才有可能写出普鲁斯特的《追忆似水年华那样出于自发记忆杰作

    Only after the invention of writing was it possible to write such a masterpiece of spontaneous memory as Proust's A la Recherche du Temps Perdu .


  • 因此《追忆似水年华时间问题探讨乃是接近理解这位大师艺术和思想的一个重要路径

    Therefore, to discuss the question of time in a la recherche du temps perdu is a very important path to closing to and understanding Proust's arts and thoughts.


  • 《拥抱似水年华作者哲人阿兰·德·波顿泰特现代美术馆馆长索菲·豪沃思这个学校的教职人员。

    The philosopher Alain DE Botton, author of How Proust Can Change Your Life, and Sophie Howarth, a former curator at the Tate Modern Gallery, are among the faculty members.


  • 追忆似水年华描述师生情深,青涩的年代老师郑重嘱托我们纠正偏离航向,是老师坚实双手我们灿烂的明天

    Remembrance of things past, and so in the description, young age, is the teacher solemnly entrusted to us to correct deviation from the course, teacher solid hands Tuoqi our bright future.


  • 追忆似水年华描述师生情深,青涩的年代老师郑重嘱托我们纠正偏离航向,是老师坚实双手我们灿烂的明天

    Remembrance eof things past, and so in the description, young age, is the teacher solemnly entrusted to us to correct deviation from the course, teacher solid hands Tuoqi our bright future.


  • 十年似水年华辞旧迎新时刻即将来临之际,网上出现了段带有病毒视频(视频已经被删除了,译者注),内容是一位娜塔莉(Natalie)的女孩出生10岁时的影像,从视频中我们可以看到一份父亲对女儿浓浓的

    A time-lapse decade: Just in time for Old Man Time to make way for Baby New Year, a viral video surfaced of a girl named Natalie from birth to age 10, testimony to a dedicated father's love.


  • 关键在于,年华似水,有时候忘记你曾经是怎么样的,或者为何眼前人在一起,日记能帮助你、提醒你。

    The point is that sometimes Life moves so fast, you forget who you were or why you are with the person. A journal acts as a reminder.


  • 年华似水,洛克终于把自己塑造成为了一真正优秀演员——凭借《摔角王》中的惊艳一瞥几乎摘得2009年奥斯卡最佳主角奖(洛克凭借这个角色成为金球奖影帝——译注)。

    Over the years, Rourke has established himself as a pretty decent actor -- with occasional glimpses of extraordinary talent -- and almost won a Best Actor Oscar in 2009 for his role in The Wrestler.


  • 人生如梦年华似水转身便是一个光阴的故事,一眼回眸便是一处风景走过红尘岁月不过淡然最美尽人世繁华,不过是平淡最真。

    Life is but a dream. , terrace, a turn is a story, a review is a scenic spot, through years of red dust, but the most beautiful is indifferent, see the prosperous world, but is really plain.


  • 人生如梦年华似水转身便是一个光阴的故事,一眼回眸便是一处风景走过红尘岁月不过淡然最美尽人世繁华,不过是平淡最真。

    Life is but a dream. , terrace, a turn is a story, a review is a scenic spot, through years of red dust, but the most beautiful is indifferent, see the prosperous world, but is really plain.


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