• 今年伯明翰阿斯顿大学举行英国科学节上,这两个研究组呈述了他们调查结果。

    Both groups presented their findings at the British Science Festival, held this year at the University of Aston in Birmingham.


  • 英国伯明翰阿斯顿大学罗伯特·马修利用了天文数据再结合数论完成了这项创举。

    Robert Matthews of the University of Aston in Birmingham, UK, combined astronomical data with number theory to do just that.


  • 慕尼黑(德国)伯明翰(英国)毒理学实验室发现患者血液样本中的溴化物含量非常

    Toxicology laboratories in Munich (Germany) and Birmingham (UK) have detected very high levels of bromide in blood samples of patients.


  • 一位英国工程领域教授听说这位未受过正规教育天才后破格录取加入自己伯明翰大学研究生项目

    A British engineering professor heard of this untutored genius and, despite his lack of formal schooling, recruited him into his graduate program at the University of Birmingham.


  • 尽管衰退平均而言,英国无论财富还是物质上都处于历史上最好的水平,”伯明翰会议上说道。

    "Despite the recession, on average, Britons are financially and materially better off than at any other point in history," he told the conference in Birmingham.


  • 这个早些时候伯明翰一位选民要求卡梅伦先生发誓一旦英国实现收支平衡,便取消一些开支的削减。

    Earlier this month, a voter in Birmingham asked Mr Cameron to pledge that some cuts might be reversed once Britain's books were balanced.


  • 做出警告英国伯明翰华威大学科学家认为冲入下水道河流消毒剂其他产品引发抗药性微生物增长

    The warning has been made by Birmingham and Warwick university scientists, who say disinfectants and other products washed into sewers and rivers are triggering the growth of drug-resistant microbes.


  • ·戈德当地慈善机构伯明翰中介所工作认为这些工作的疏忽给英国民族党留下了空间。

    Ray Goodwin, who works for Birmingham Settlement, a local charity, says that these slip-ups leave gaps for the BNP.


  • 英国架使用环保生物燃料“地沟油”的商业航班近日伯明翰机场始发,试飞成功。

    Britain's first commercial flight, powered by sustainable biofuel, has taken off from Birmingham Airport.


  • 尔·达英国内地城市伯明翰数百巴基斯坦人民党成员发表讲话,抗议者在这里聚集,要求立即回国。

    Demonstrators calling on him to go home gathered in the city of Birmingham in the English midlands where Mr. Zardari made a speech to hundreds of members of his Pakistan People's Party.


  • 然而发生巴基斯坦拉希德·拉乌夫的逮捕行动(也是美国催促之下进行的)迫使英国警方提前展开行动,拉乌夫生于伯明翰郡,被控为此次阴谋活动的幕后主谋

    The arrest in Pakistan, also at the urging of the US, of the plot's alleged mastermind, Birmingham-born Rashid Rauf, led UK police to bring their own arrests forward.


  • 原本以为甘油三脂浓度上升,不过,确信它们没有升高,还需要更多数据。”英国伯明翰大学肥胖专家尼尔·托马斯(Neil Thomas)

    "I wouldhave expected the levels to go up, and would need more data to beconvinced they don't, " says Neil Thomas, an obesity expert from the University of Birmingham, UK.


  • 目前为止,这家位于堪萨斯城的公司员工数已经增加25名并且英国伯明翰市(Birmingham)设立了分公司。

    Since then, the Kansas City -based company has expanded to 25 employees and a second office in Birmingham, U.K.


  • 美国敦促下这次阴谋的主犯伯明翰出生的拉希德·劳夫(Birmingham - born Rashid Rauf)巴基斯坦被捕,从而让英国警方原定的逮捕行动提前进行。

    The arrest in Pakistan, at the urging of the US, of the plot's alleged mastermind, Birmingham-born Rashid Rauf, led UK police to bring their own arrests forward.


  • 英国牛津大学剑桥大学伦敦大学学院,伯明翰大学,利物浦大学。

    UK: Oxford, Cambridge, London (UCL), Birmingham, Liverpool.


  • 因此虽然一些参与这次伯明翰科学城市新闻调查英国对于什么真实的什么是虚构的有着离奇的想法,但他们并不一定就是完全不可理喻

    So although a number of the Britons surveyed by Birmingham Science City have fanciful beliefs about what is real and what is fiction, they aren't necessarily completely out of touch.


  • 报道称,去年英国皇家空军阿富汗赫尔曼德省进行侦察任务时,监听到浓重约克郡伯明翰口音的人在使用广播电话

    Last year it was reported that RAF spy planes in Helmand, southern Afghanistan, had detected strong Yorkshire and Birmingham accents from fighters using radios and telephones.


  • 旅馆老板英国印象中,伯明翰是个潮湿悲惨”的地方事实并非如此

    The owner of the hotel said, in the idea of Brits, Birmingham is a "wet and miserable" place, but in fact it is not the case.


  • 不久前,英国伯明翰自由撰稿人格林·威尔逊控告美国“传记大王”基·凯莉家族布什王朝真相》一书中剽窃了作品

    A freelance writer is suing biographer Kitty Kelley, claiming the author plagiarized his work in her new book about President Bush and his family.


  • 英国伯明翰仅次于伦敦大城市

    Birmingham is the largest city in Britain next to London.


  • 全国选举委员会会堂上门停车场如果选择驱动器伯明翰枢纽英国高速公路网络

    The NEC Halls have onsite car parks if you choose to drive, and Birmingham is at the hub of the UK motorway networks.


  • 值得一提的那场比赛站球门前的是伯明翰队的.福斯特。 现在,尽管卡佩罗的主要任务是合同到期前,带领英格兰打进2012年欧锦赛决赛阶段,但是参与了在合同到期后英国足球长远计划的制定。

    While Capello's objective is to qualify for the 2012 European Championship that comes at the end of his contract, he has also been involved in discussions over long-term planning.


  • 上周出院的苏格兰歌手苏珊大婶于当地时间12日伯明翰复出献唱。 这是英国选秀节目《英国达人》为决赛参赛者策划的巡回演出第一站。

    Having left the clinic last week, Scottish singer Susan Boyle will join her fellow contestants in the final at the first Britain's Got Talent tour in Birmingham Friday.


  • 2013年英国伯明翰大学经济学专业毕业后这个24姑娘就开始找起了工作

    Graduated in 2013 from University of Birmingham in the UK, the 24-year-old economics major has applied for several job vacancies.


  • 伯明翰英国中部伦敦西北城市主要工业中心交通中心人口1,022,300。

    Birmingham: a city of central England northwest of London. It is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population, 1,022,300.


  • Brian来自英国伯明翰日本生活3一直从事英语教学

    Brian, who is originally from Birmingham, has lived in Japan for three years and teaches English in schools.


  • 警方证实英国第二大城市伯明翰年轻人也砸碎了购物中心窗户

    Police are also confirming that the UK's second city of Birmingham is being targeted with youths smashing shopping centre Windows there.


  • 警方证实英国第二大城市伯明翰年轻人也砸碎了购物中心窗户

    Police are also confirming that the UK's second city of Birmingham is being targeted with youths smashing shopping centre Windows there.


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