• 查克·洛告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。关于听说过吗?

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother. Have you heard anything on that?


  • 托马斯·认为每个阿森后卫必须学会如何不同的搭档踢出好球

    Thomas Vermaelen believes that he and every other central defender at Arsenal must learn how to play more successfully with each other in various combinations.


  • 鉴于.拉姆塞杰克.潜力,温格考虑萨米.斯里离开阿森

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 一个特别球员一直球场上为球队巨大的贡献我们期待成为阿森俱乐部未来一部分

    Thomas is a special player, who has always made a huge contribution on the pitch and we are looking forward to him being a part of our future at Arsenal Football Club.


  • 仅这点就已经我们兴奋了,更不用说其他演员了——包括拉塞·布兰德弗雷德·莫里·卡明。

    That alone has us all a-tingle, let alone the rest of the castwhich includes Russell Brand, Alfred Molina and Alan Cumming.


  • 本届英超联赛赛季所有22场比赛中,通过让加拉斯战友托马斯.一起首发,阿森主教练受益颇多。

    The Arsenal manager has benefited from Gallas starting in all 22 of the club's Premier League matches this season, along with his partner Thomas Vermaelen.


  • 查克·洛告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (The Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • 分析师杰伊·科普、尼·麦克劳德德拉·辛格创造富豪统治这个术语

    The analysts, Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, had coined a term for this state of affairs: plutonomy.


  • TVLINE |查克·洛告诉希望克里斯汀·斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • 发言参议员有萨姆·约翰·恰克罗伯利伯曼、约翰·布鲁杰伊·洛克·菲勒·

    Among the speakers were Senators Sam Nunn, John Glenn, Chuck Robb, Joe Lieberman, John Breaux, Jay Rockefeller, and Al Gore.


  • 场面不会漂亮的——一下阿森失去了最好的中卫如何应付的吧。

    The picture isn't prettyjust consider how Arsenal coped without its best center back, Thomas Vermaelen.


  • 影片迈克-内威执导杰克·领衔主演游戏创建者乔丹-麦其担任编剧

    The film, directed by Mike Newell and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is based on a screenplay written by the game's creator, Jordan Mechner.


  • 纳尔式到干草欢蹦乱跳的拉夫·蓝领牛仔乐团春季一种回归美国乡村生活特色的感觉。

    From Chanel's barnyard runway complete with a romp in the hay to Ralph Lauren's blue collar denim ensembles, there was a return to the rustic American lifestyle on the Spring runways.


  • ·是马萨诸塞州大学蒙特赫里约克学院地质学教授,他指出可能还有其它诱因促使硫酸盐还原细菌数量越来越多

    Alan Werner, a professor of geology at Mount Holyoke College, points out that other culprits may contribute to increasing Numbers of sulfate-reducing bacteria.


  • 四月德国埃费斯·贝格射电望远镜光纤与处于英国焦德雷·班克、意大利梅迪奇瑞典奥萨拉以及波兰等观测站的射电望远镜连接起来。

    In April, the 100-meter radio telescope Effelsberg in Germany was tied in via fiber optics to radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank in the U.K., Medicina in Italy, Onsala in Sweden and Torun in Poland.


  • 主演杰克·杰玛·阿特登,-金斯利弗雷德·莫里

    Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina


  • 两个男人坐在停在动物园汽车里广播·正在播送彼得斯堡的扬基队对卡迪纳尔队的棒球赛。

    Two men listening to the radio in a car parked outside the Zoo; Mel Allen was broadcasting the Yanks-Cardinals game from St. Petersburg.


  • 得知韦·需要进行脚踵手术治疗之后阿森开始追逐罗马后卫梅克斯

    Arsenal are preparing to make a move for Rome centre back Philippe Mexes after learning that Thomas Vermaelen requires surgery on his injured Achilles.


  • 他们布鲁克林一起度过感恩节据说是姐姐,玛姬一名女演员。后来他们斯威夫特位于什维家乡旅行

    They spent Thanksgiving together in Brooklyn, reportedly at the home of Gyllenhaal's actress sister Maggie, before travelling to Swift's hometown of Nashville.


  • 阿姆斯特朗如此描述这次进军:“德国第二步兵师穿越祖肯森林向前推进,骑兵·卡进军。”

    Armstrong describes the march in the following manner, "the German 2nd Infantry Division moved through the Zulkiner Forest, while the cavalry rode toward Pillkallen."


  • 卡罗来民间向北通过大西洋中部英格兰需要注意他们度过一周最新预测,”

    "Folks from the Carolinas northward through the Mid-Atlantic and New England need to be paying attention to Earl and the forecasts as they get updated through the week," Brennan said.


  • “科现在个有12.2%阿森股份的股东我们欢迎作为一个股东阿森,”埃德

    "Kroenke is now a 12.2% shareholder and we welcome him as a shareholder to Arsenal," said Edelman.


  • 同时登说艾米一个·更好分钱所以他们证明他是错的。

    Meanwhile, Sheldon brags that he and Amy are a better couple than Leonard and Penny, so they set out to prove he sway off base.


  • 这位阿森主帅在位15以来手下拥有过不少进攻型:西维尼奥、兹尼、克里

    The Arsenal manager has been blessed with abundant offensive options in wide defensive positions during his 15 years in charge - Silvinho, Oleg Luzhny, Lauren, Gael Clichy and Ashley Cole.


  • 同时,二十五岁后卫承认可能缺席赛季余下的比赛,相当于给了阿森另外

    Meanwhile, -defender Thomas Vermaelen, 25, dealt Arsenal a fresh -injury blow by admitting he could miss the rest of the season.


  • 一时期。杰宁、威利。纳尔约翰尼。卡西及靡乐。哈格德将现代乡村

    No one embodied the blue-collar sound of outlaw country more than Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard in this period.


  • 一时期。杰宁、威利。纳尔约翰尼。卡西及靡乐。哈格德将现代乡村

    No one embodied the blue-collar sound of outlaw country more than Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard in this period.


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