• 伦敦大学学院下属英国病毒研究中心西蒙·米表示,抗库鲁病基因发现人类不断进化最有说服力证据

    Simon Mead of the British prion research centre at University College London says the discovery of an "anti-kuru" gene is the most clear-cut evidence yet of human evolution in action.


  • 伦敦大学学院英国文学时候,洛肯•帕立特同班同学

    While I was attending lectures on English literature at the University College, Loken Palit was my class fellow.


  • 英国伦敦大学学院马克·哈医生说,早先的研究发现吸烟者患精神疾病比率较高特别是抑郁症

    Dr. Mark Hamer of University College London says previous research found that smokers have a higher rate of mental illness, specifically depression.


  • 英国曼切·斯特、卡迪、兰彼得、诺丁汉谢菲尔德爱丁堡伦敦大学设有孔子学院通常都是在校园里。

    In the UK, there are Confucius Institutes at universities in Manchester, Cardiff, Lampeter, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh and London, usually on campus.


  • 精神分析也是各知名机构部门英国伦敦大学学院精神分析科,内部进行严肃学术讨论主题

    Psychoanalysis is also the subject of serious academic discussions within well-known departments such as the Psychoanalysis Unit at University College London.


  • 英国伦敦大学学院研究者直接测验了假设

    It is this hypothesis that the researchers at University College London tested directly.


  • 《柳叶刀》委托英国伦敦大学学院制作了篇报告

    The Lancet commissioned the report from a panel of specialists at University College London.


  • 所谓的被动吸烟相当普遍,来自于英国伦敦大学学院的MarkHamer同事普通精神病学档案中这样写道。

    So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr.Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.


  • 所谓的被动吸烟相当普遍,来自于英国伦敦大学学院Mark Hamer他的同事普通精神病学档案中这样写道。

    So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr. Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.


  • 根据即将发表研究(来自英国赫尔大学MajellaKilkey来自伦敦经济学院DianePerrons合作)显示:这一传统正在改变

    That is changing, according to a forthcoming study by Majella Kilkey of the University of Hull and Diane Perrons of the London School of Economics.


  • 组研究数字并不是草草得出的结论,据悉,英国伦敦大学学院的研究团队7000名白厅英国)”工作的“英国公务员”进行了长达11的跟踪观察,专家们研究他们平均每日工作需要多少时间,从而他们的健康状况做出相应的联系,专家们还对他们心脏状况做了相应的记录。

    The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day.


  • 英国牛津大学剑桥大学伦敦大学学院伯明翰大学利物浦大学

    UK: Oxford, Cambridge, London (UCL), Birmingham, Liverpool.


  • 这项研究英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛韦学院伦敦大学学院牛津大学研究人员发现的,发表进化杂志上。

    The study, which was conducted by researchers at Royal Holloway, the University of London, University College London and Oxford University, is published in the journal Evolution.


  • 英国华威大学伦敦大学学院之前进行一项研究表明睡眠不足可能导致女性心脏问题

    A previous study, conducted by Warwick University and University College London, concluded that lack of sleep could be linked to heart problems in women.


  • 来自英国莱斯特大学伦敦国王学院研究人员这项发现可以帮助人们检查出哪些人更易患上老年性疾病

    Researchers from the University of Leicester and Kings College London say the finding could help spot people at higher risk of age-related illnesses.


  • 英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院项研究表明小学儿童不能准确判断行驶速度大于每小时20英里车辆速度

    A study by researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London reveals that primary school children cannot accurately judge the speed of vehicles travelling faster than 20 MPH.


  • 目前英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立第7个孔子课堂。

    This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.


  • 通过英国伦敦大学学院居住英国男人的Y染色体研究来看,英吉利威尔士不同城市中部英格兰明显不同于威尔士人。

    In a UCL study of Y-chromosomes of men living in Britain, from east Anglia to Wales, those from towns in central and eastern England differ significantly from those in Wales.


  • 让我们再次回到伦敦国王大学会议厅,“大学生创业挑战赛”冠军马上就要揭晓。来自英国理工学院小组夺取冠军。

    Back in the lecture hall at King's College, the winner of the London Apprentice Challenge has just been announced.


  • 英国伦敦大学学院去年调查2万名英国上班族了解他们办公环境的满意程度。

    Last year, University College London surveyed 20, 000 UK professionals about their happiness with their office environment.


  • 这个将历时三年项目预计十月二十五日建立,英国伦敦国王学院牛津大学图书馆大英图书馆将参与其中

    The three-year project - in which King's College London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the British Library in London were involved - is due to be launched on 25 October.


  • 乐队一支英国摇滚乐队,于1996年主唱克里斯·马丁主音吉他手约翰尼·巴克伦敦大学学院成立。

    Coldplay are a British rock band formed in 1996 by lead vocalist Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny Buckland at University College London.


  • 来自密苏里大学英国伦敦帝国学院研究者找到证据显示为什么针对造成艾滋病多种癌症病毒疫苗是无效的。

    Researchers from the University of Missouri and Imperial College London have found evidence suggesting why vaccines directed against the virus that causes AIDS and many cancers do not work.


  • 英国伦敦大学学院伊然·艾尔达:“不同回报来源相互间都有联系拥有潜在动力这种情绪效应很有用。”

    Eran Eldar, of University College London said: 'This effect of mood should be useful whenever different sources of reward are interconnected or possess an underlying momentum.


  • 正在积极帮助管理压力注意研究人员,当中包括马克·哈博士英国伦敦大学学院流行病学系的公众健康

    Being active can help manage stress, note the researchers, who included Mark Hamer, PhD, of University College London's department of epidemiology and public health.


  • 这项英国伦敦大学学院发布报告每天少量的阿司匹林摄入预防癌症唯一的也是有效的方法。

    The research by University College London was published as experts said that a daily low-dose aspirin is the single most effective action to protect against cancer.


  • 这项英国伦敦大学学院发布报告每天少量的阿司匹林摄入预防癌症唯一的也是有效的方法。

    The research by University College London was published as experts said that a daily low-dose aspirin is the single most effective action to protect against cancer.


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