• 伦敦大街到处都无家可归乞丐

    London is full of homeless people begging in the streets.


  • 随着时间一分一分地流逝,伦敦大街挤满了围观祝福人们,其中许多昨晚就在外面搭折叠床过夜,他们忧虑渐渐滋长

    As the hours ticked by and the streets of London began to fill with crowds of well-wishers, many of whom had slept out on camp beds, both men's sense of apprehension grew.


  • AndyAtkins还说道修地下水管工人出现伦敦大街时,人们争论大街上扔大便权利人人平等

    This was, he said, the equivalent of people arguing for the ‘right to throw a bucket of shit out on the street’ when sewers were introduced in London.


  • 科技使摄影图像成为伦敦摄政皮卡迪利大街巴黎商业大道商店橱窗中的一道常见风景

    Technology made photographic images a common sight in the shop windows of Regent Street and Piccadilly in London and the commercial boulevards of Paris.


  • 伦敦金融区大街上,很多人他们对这场金融危机感到吃惊不小,然而他们只能耐心等待,看看接下来发生什么

    On the streets of London's financial sector, many say they have been left in shock and are simply waiting to see what will happen next.


  • 重步行走伦敦异常喧嚣的牛津大街这种活动描写得有滋有味,令人不由兴致盎然

    He tramps the full length of London’s ghastly Oxford Street six times in a day, and makes it sound enjoyable and interesting.


  • 跟风承受不起离开电脑屏幕、伦敦或是曼哈顿大街代价,哪怕一小会儿都不行。

    Fellow travellers, however, cannot afford to be away from their screens, or the streets of London or Manhattan, for even a short time.


  • 如果享受特别伦敦风情,可下午的四点半左右皮卡·迪利大街的里兹饭店享用下午

    If you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four.


  • 1899年8月,阿尔弗雷德·约瑟夫·希区柯克伦敦市郊莱顿·斯顿出生威廉·希区柯克夫妇三个小孩中的幺子。他们大街上开了一间小店

    Born in August 1899 above the family's high-street shop in the London suburb of Leytonstone, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was the youngest of the three children of Emma and William Hitchcock.


  • 国外呆了很段时间回到伦敦,一个让人高兴不起来惊喜发现,花13打造的无用设施摆满伦敦大街小巷

    One of the less happy surprises of returning to London after a long stint abroad has been the discovery, street by street, of 13 years' worth of duff installations.


  • 伦敦大部分剧院集中一个区域皮卡迪利大街莱斯特广场地铁之间。

    Most of the old London theatres are concentrated in a very small area, within a stone's throw of the Piccadilly and Leicester Square tube stations.


  • 伦敦交通部水陆运输部门官员彼得·亨迪:“由于大理石拱门存在,人们现在牛津大街海德公园变成了一件危险的事情。”现在,乞丐们常常会住拱门下面。

    Peter Hendy, TfL's director of surface transport, said: "The present layout at Marble Arch is brutal for anyone trying to walk from Oxford Street to Hyde Park."


  • 切斯特广场位于伦敦贝尔格莱维亚区前任首相玛格丽特撒切尔。 现在排名下降第三,第二是伦敦北部汉普斯特德的英格拉姆大街

    The square, in London's Belgravia, which is home to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, drops to third place behind Ingram Avenue in Hampstead, north London.


  • 大约有150个人苹果位于Regent大街伦敦(London)旗舰守候,等待今天早上08:02分开始的营业

    About 150 people were outside Apple's flagship store in London's Regent Street waiting for it to open at 08:02 GMT.


  • 的最爱是双重玛奇朵!”John一丝犹豫骄傲地,而这时的他正坐在伦敦中心区Regent大街一家繁忙Costa咖啡吧内周围坐着那些忙碌的圣诞购物中小歇一下的人们。

    "I'm a double macchiato drinker," he says proudly and without hesitation as he sits in a busy Costa on Regent Street in central London, among those taking a break from their early Christmas shopping.


  • 伦敦著名街道之一,皮卡迪利大街名字来源于一种皮卡迪(picadil)的硬

    One of the world's most famous streets gets its name from a stiff collar called a "picadil."


  • 如果一切顺利明年夏天6000辆有内置照明系统的深蓝色折叠式自行车呼啸伦敦大街小巷。

    If all goes well, 6, 000 navy blue, three-speed, sit-up-and-beg bikes with an inbuilt lighting system will be whizzing around the capital's streets next summer.


  • 美食实验”的“精彩表演”于本周六伦敦时尚大街Brickhouse超级俱乐部举行。

    The Experimental Food Society Spectacular is at The Brickhouse, London E1, on Saturday.


  • 伦敦·布鲁克大街韩德尔故居博物馆——人生最后36居住地方——在下个推出一个关于展览

    The Handel House Museum in London's Brook Street, where he lived for the last 36 years of his life, is putting on an exhibition about him next month.


  • 卓别林男孩伦敦大街着。

    One day a small boy called Charles Chaplin was walking along the street in London.


  • 千年伊始,伦敦东部那些时尚大街兴起引人瞩目新玩意莫过于莫霍克发型,这种发型因为大卫·贝克·汉姆而风靡一时。

    At the turn of the millennium the most notable innovation emanating from the modishly gritty streets of east London was the Hoxton Fin, a hairstyle popularised by David Beckham.


  • 狂欢客聚集伦敦诺丁山庆欧洲狂欢节

    Revellers gather in London’s Notting Hill for Europe’s biggest street carnival.


  • 一个有着绿色刺猬头东西伦敦大街小巷穿梭会让你想起什么呢?

    What has a bright green hair cut in the shape of a spike and roams the streets of London looking out of place?


  • 印有荷兰铁路徽标公交车穿梭于伦敦大街小巷。

    The Dutch railways logo is emblazoned on buses across London.


  • 每天GlenMcNeil 要七个小时,带着修剪贴车把手上地图骑着摩托车伦敦大街跑来跑去。

    Every day, Glen McNeil spends six or seven hours buzzing about the streets of London on his motorbike with a map clipped to the handlebars.


  • 独特之处:23英里长,2英尺直径沿道线“MailRail” 邮政铁路运行伦敦喧嚣都市的大街小巷70英尺的地下。

    Why It's Unique: About 23 miles worth of 2-foot-gaugetrack run along the MailRail, which is 70 feet below the hustle andbustle of London's streets.


  • 耶路撒冷目前在伦敦·沙夫茨伯里大街阿波罗剧场热演,直至4月24日下档。

    "Jerusalem" runs at the Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London until April 24th.


  • 伦敦皮卡·迪利大街纽约时代广场一样。

    Like Piccadilly Circus in London or Times Square in New York.


  • 伦敦皮卡·迪利大街纽约时代广场一样。

    Like Piccadilly Circus in London or Times Square in New York.


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