• 1906年,戴尔还是沃尔斯堡州立师范学院的一大三学生。[2013·江苏卷】

    In 1906 young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg.


  • 就读于斯勒理工学院在那里参加IBM一个项目,1963年他获得了电子工程理学学士学位。

    He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1963 he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.


  • 其他历史学家一样剑桥大学国王学院人类学教授·麦克法兰花了数十年时间,试图解开工业革命谜团

    Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King's College, Cambridge has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution.


  • 斯坦福大学学院·加伯教授哈佛大学任命一任教务长,包括他的个人介绍,斯坦福大学校长及同事的感想,以及哈佛大学的公告。

    Harvard names Stanford Medical School Professor Alan M. Garber as its next provost


  • 并未参与这项研究的斯勒理工学院的化学工程教授Shekhar Garde说:“分子角度看,这些都是非常长的距离

    From a molecular perspective, these are exceptionally long distances.


  • 学院班上第一名。

    Sharon was first in her class at law school.


  • 妈妈误诊压垮了,是躁郁症我们明白的一种病。”她在古彻学院受训过的艺术治疗师

    "She succumbed to a misdiagnosed bi-polar illness, an illness we did not understand," said her mother, Sharon Strouse, an art therapist who was trained at Goucher College.


  • 约翰·阿·医生对那些骨科医生营养专家怀疑态度并不感到惊讶。 他是这项研究的合作者之一,现为达特茅斯学院的主任医师。

    The doubt expressed by some bone doctors and nutrition experts doesn't surprise Dr. John A. Baron, a co-author of the study and professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School.


  • 纽约州特洛伊·斯勒理工学院科学家玛丽安娜·菲戈罗如是说,如果早起户外去,那么你身体时钟就会被拨快

    If you wake early and get outside, the body's master clock tends to shift earlier, says Mariana Figueiro, a scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, n.y..


  • 他家田纳西州的罗斯堡镇上,是这个养育小镇最有影响力家庭之一。 在家庭的资助下,汤普森读完了大学,学院,随后加入了他叔叔律师事务所。

    Her family, one of the most influential in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, the small town where he grew up, helped him through college and law school, and he joined her uncle's law practice.


  • 斯勒理工学院同意了,于是几周内踏上德黑兰新泽西特洛伊的旅程。

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute said yes, and within weeks, he was en route to Troy, n. Y., from Tehran.


  • 芝加哥登上西风号快车前往旧金山我们几个小时空余时间,所以我们就赶到芝加哥艺术学院由建筑大师佐·皮亚诺设计的新楼

    We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing.


  • ·安格尔曼,国家学院资深项目总监早晨会上指出这个公开计划目的不是为了达成某个结论,而是为了广泛的收集意见

    Alan Angleman, the Academy's senior program director, noted during the morning session that the goal of the public program is not to come to a consensus, but to collect a broad range of input.


  • 华盛顿早就已经挤满了这样,像克拉·托马斯,就是佣人农场儿子耶鲁学院毕业生,和最高法院法官

    Not that Washington wasn't stuffed with such people already. Think of Clarence Thomas, son of a domestic servant and a farm worker, graduate of Yale Law School, and Supreme Court justice.


  • 大脑睡眠产生‘睡眠形波’越多越有可能一直保持睡眠状态,就算被噪音包围一样。”波士顿哈佛学院的杰夫•伯格

    The more sleep spindles your brain produces, the more likely you'll stay asleep, even when confronted with noise, " said Jeffrey Ellenbogen of Harvard Medical School in Boston.


  • 约翰印第安纳大学卢明顿分校信息计算机学院复合网络系统研究中心副教授

    Johan Bollen is associate professor in the School of Informatics and Computing at the Center for Complex Networks and System Research at Indiana University in Bloomington.


  • 不曾起她曾填写一个表格,自己上过联合学院斯勒理工学院

    Nor does she recall the moment she wrote down on a form that she had attended Union College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


  • 法案波及位名叫·贝克的,艾·贝克认为加州大学学院拒绝入学申请是因为他是一名白人

    It involved Allan Bakke, who believed he had been refused admission to a University of California medical school because he was white.


  • 接着斯勒理工学院获得学士硕士博士学位。

    He went on to earn a bachelor's, a master's and a doctorate from Rensselaer.


  • 模特乔希学院娜当了老师

    Lauren became a model, Josh went to law school, Dina was a teacher.


  • 迈克尔·卡里克——这样个和·霍德尔相似的中场放在了中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half. He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 迈克尔·卡里克——这样个和·霍德尔相似的中场被放在了准中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half.He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • ·维尔纳是马萨诸塞州大学蒙特赫里约克学院地质学教授,他指出可能还有其它诱因促使硫酸盐还原细菌数量越来越多

    Alan Werner, a professor of geology at Mount Holyoke College, points out that other culprits may contribute to increasing Numbers of sulfate-reducing bacteria.


  • 麻省理工学院的马克·艾在介绍该成果时说:“如果把这种电池衣物,它们就能为一系列高科技设备手提收音机GPS装置以及个人数字设备提供电源。”

    The batteries, once woven into clothing, could provide power for a range of high-tech devices, including handheld radios, GPS devices and personal digital assistants.


  • 学院院长罗伯·迪克逊认为,商业学校必须适应新的经济现实

    Rob Dixon, dean of Durham business school, says that business schools must adapt to the new economic realities.


  • 麻省理工学院·埃利森(GlennEllison)普遍视为的一代的出色的理论家。

    Glenn Ellison of MIT is widely regarded as one of the brightest theorists of his generation.


  • 早二十世纪七十年代,梦境研究者霍普逊哈弗学院同行们提出人在做梦大脑同时也在产生电脉冲。

    In the mid-1970s dream researcher J. Allan Hobson and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School proposed that the brain spontaneously generates electrical pulses while dreaming.


  • 教育学院·威廉(DylanWiliam,也许可以根据学生成绩进步把教师分类不好”。

    Teachers could be classified asgoodorbadaccording to the academic progress of their pupils, says Dylan Wiliam of the Institute of Education.


  • 教育学院·威廉(DylanWiliam,也许可以根据学生成绩进步把教师分类不好”。

    Teachers could be classified asgoodorbadaccording to the academic progress of their pupils, says Dylan Wiliam of the Institute of Education.


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